Below, all of the important information. No information may be used to discriminate or diminish other users.
Most total Elo :
Most total Elo |
Jv: 1362 |
NightBot: 1266 |
Quasar: 1194 |
Killua Zoldyck: 1157 |
KawaiiMiku: 1073 |
Wondery: 1041 |
Gracco: 1039 |
Luna: 1029 |
Books: 1020 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 1000 |
psychoturtle: 967 |
Kairi: 933 |
PenguinDisguise™: 926 |
PowerNova: 896 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 895 |
DMK: 857 |
ScottyAdams: 802 |
zactheking: 758 |
faervel: 751 |
Alex401k: 740 |
Craz56: 738 |
Blackjack: 733 |
Reiji126: 724 |
Gremlin: 705 |
traplogic: 705 |
Zombozo: 588 |
SilentKatana: 578 |
FinalD: 566 |
Fearless XI: 550 |
DuskMage: 542 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 533 |
MadManStein: 533 |
Krul: 533 |
kenpachi: 526 |
LightYagami5: 515 |
Kinglles: 510 |
Wolfxs: 504 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 503 |
Yarn Tethers: 502 |
Satheios: 497 |
Swagkage: 487 |
Mamododarky: 487 |
Dartz2000: 487 |
Complexity: 483 |
Chidori45: 483 |
Shaz1: 483 |
foxfire2102: 483 |
cyberstrings90: 483 |
Haste15: 483 |
Amy Rose: 483 |
Sichou: 483 |
Princess Yuki: 478 |
Aromage Marjoram: 478 |
Joezy is Dueling: 475 |
Subki: 475 |
badboyz35: 475 |
Uchiha: 475 |
Deisuke: 474 |
Minato Arisato: 473 |
Leo: 472 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 470 |
paymypal: 470 |
CrimsonOverlord: 467 |
TheCyberKnight: 466 |
Mr.Kandy: 466 |
Muh1: 466 |
Darc: 462 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 458 |
GoodSerTristan: 458 |
Empressofdraconia: 456 |
HoennZach: 446 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 441 |
ApexDuelist: 437 |
shoto1: 425 |
TheExpert: 424 |
Atemus: 424 |
RagadaBlaze: 331 |
DuelSupreme: 322 |
C'est la Mutation: 298 |
theot01: 198 |
Most Elo Gained :
Most Elo Gained |
NightBot: 766 |
Quasar: 444 |
ScottyAdams: 302 |
Gracco: 289 |
Books: 270 |
zactheking: 258 |
Reiji126: 224 |
traplogic: 205 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 145 |
Jv: 112 |
Zombozo: 88 |
SilentKatana: 78 |
KawaiiMiku: 73 |
FinalD: 66 |
Fearless XI: 50 |
Wondery: 41 |
MadManStein: 33 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 33 |
Krul: 33 |
Luna: 29 |
kenpachi: 26 |
LightYagami5: 15 |
Kinglles: 10 |
Wolfxs: 4 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 3 |
Yarn Tethers: 2 |
faervel: 1 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 0 |
Satheios: -3 |
Alex401k: -10 |
Craz56: -12 |
Dartz2000: -13 |
Mamododarky: -13 |
Swagkage: -13 |
Haste15: -17 |
Complexity: -17 |
Chidori45: -17 |
Shaz1: -17 |
Blackjack: -17 |
cyberstrings90: -17 |
foxfire2102: -17 |
Amy Rose: -17 |
Sichou: -17 |
Aromage Marjoram: -22 |
Princess Yuki: -22 |
Joezy is Dueling: -25 |
Uchiha: -25 |
Subki: -25 |
badboyz35: -25 |
Deisuke: -26 |
Minato Arisato: -27 |
Leo: -28 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: -30 |
paymypal: -30 |
psychoturtle: -33 |
CrimsonOverlord: -33 |
Muh1: -34 |
Mr.Kandy: -34 |
TheCyberKnight: -34 |
Darc: -38 |
GoodSerTristan: -42 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: -42 |
Empressofdraconia: -44 |
Gremlin: -45 |
HoennZach: -54 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: -59 |
ApexDuelist: -63 |
Kairi: -67 |
PenguinDisguise™: -74 |
shoto1: -75 |
Atemus: -76 |
TheExpert: -76 |
Killua Zoldyck: -93 |
PowerNova: -104 |
DMK: -143 |
RagadaBlaze: -169 |
DuelSupreme: -178 |
C'est la Mutation: -202 |
DuskMage: -208 |
theot01: -302 |
Most Games Played :
Most Games Played |
Gracco: 62 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 51 |
Books: 39 |
NightBot: 34 |
C'est la Mutation: 29 |
Jv: 29 |
Quasar: 29 |
Reiji126: 16 |
theot01: 14 |
ScottyAdams: 14 |
CrimsonOverlord: 14 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 12 |
Luna: 11 |
zactheking: 11 |
DuskMage: 10 |
DuelSupreme: 10 |
KawaiiMiku: 10 |
RagadaBlaze: 9 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 8 |
Zombozo: 7 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 7 |
traplogic: 7 |
PowerNova: 6 |
DMK: 6 |
shoto1: 5 |
SilentKatana: 4 |
HoennZach: 4 |
Killua Zoldyck: 4 |
Empressofdraconia: 4 |
TheExpert: 4 |
Atemus: 4 |
Wolfxs: 4 |
badboyz35: 3 |
Gremlin: 3 |
Minato Arisato: 3 |
ApexDuelist: 3 |
Kairi: 3 |
PenguinDisguise™: 3 |
Satheios: 3 |
faervel: 3 |
LightYagami5: 3 |
Craz56: 2 |
GoodSerTristan: 2 |
Princess Yuki: 2 |
Aromage Marjoram: 2 |
Leo: 2 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 2 |
Alex401k: 2 |
FinalD: 2 |
Deisuke: 2 |
Muh1: 2 |
Mr.Kandy: 2 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 2 |
TheCyberKnight: 2 |
Yarn Tethers: 2 |
Kinglles: 2 |
Darc: 2 |
kenpachi: 2 |
Wondery: 2 |
Fearless XI: 2 |
paymypal: 2 |
MadManStein: 1 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 1 |
Krul: 1 |
Uchiha: 1 |
Subki: 1 |
Dartz2000: 1 |
Mamododarky: 1 |
Swagkage: 1 |
Haste15: 1 |
Complexity: 1 |
Chidori45: 1 |
psychoturtle: 1 |
Shaz1: 1 |
Blackjack: 1 |
cyberstrings90: 1 |
foxfire2102: 1 |
Amy Rose: 1 |
Sichou: 1 |
Joezy is Dueling: 1 |
Most Games Played against Equal Opponents :
Most Games Played against Equal Opponents |
Gracco: 17 |
C'est la Mutation: 12 |
Books: 11 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 10 |
theot01: 8 |
Reiji126: 8 |
NightBot: 7 |
ScottyAdams: 6 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 6 |
CrimsonOverlord: 5 |
zactheking: 5 |
shoto1: 3 |
Zombozo: 3 |
LightYagami5: 3 |
DuskMage: 3 |
SilentKatana: 3 |
RagadaBlaze: 3 |
Minato Arisato: 2 |
Satheios: 2 |
traplogic: 2 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 2 |
HoennZach: 2 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 2 |
ApexDuelist: 2 |
Alex401k: 2 |
DuelSupreme: 2 |
Kinglles: 2 |
Fearless XI: 2 |
Joezy is Dueling: 1 |
PowerNova: 1 |
Luna: 1 |
faervel: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
GoodSerTristan: 1 |
TheExpert: 1 |
Atemus: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
badboyz35: 1 |
Darc: 1 |
Wondery: 1 |
Gremlin: 1 |
Uchiha: 1 |
Subki: 1 |
Princess Yuki: 0 |
Aromage Marjoram: 0 |
Leo: 0 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 0 |
Empressofdraconia: 0 |
KawaiiMiku: 0 |
Deisuke: 0 |
Muh1: 0 |
Mr.Kandy: 0 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 0 |
TheCyberKnight: 0 |
Kairi: 0 |
PenguinDisguise™: 0 |
Quasar: 0 |
kenpachi: 0 |
Wolfxs: 0 |
Jv: 0 |
paymypal: 0 |
MadManStein: 0 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 0 |
Krul: 0 |
DMK: 0 |
Killua Zoldyck: 0 |
Dartz2000: 0 |
Mamododarky: 0 |
Swagkage: 0 |
Haste15: 0 |
Complexity: 0 |
Chidori45: 0 |
psychoturtle: 0 |
Shaz1: 0 |
Blackjack: 0 |
cyberstrings90: 0 |
foxfire2102: 0 |
Amy Rose: 0 |
Sichou: 0 |
FinalD: 0 |
Most Games Played against Higher Opponents :
Most Games Played against Higher Opponents |
C'est la Mutation: 17 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 15 |
Books: 12 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 10 |
Gracco: 10 |
CrimsonOverlord: 9 |
DuelSupreme: 8 |
Reiji126: 8 |
NightBot: 6 |
zactheking: 6 |
RagadaBlaze: 6 |
theot01: 6 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 5 |
ScottyAdams: 5 |
traplogic: 5 |
Zombozo: 4 |
Empressofdraconia: 4 |
Wolfxs: 4 |
Quasar: 3 |
TheExpert: 3 |
Atemus: 3 |
HoennZach: 2 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 2 |
TheCyberKnight: 2 |
Mr.Kandy: 2 |
shoto1: 2 |
Muh1: 2 |
Deisuke: 2 |
kenpachi: 2 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 2 |
Leo: 2 |
faervel: 2 |
Aromage Marjoram: 2 |
Princess Yuki: 2 |
FinalD: 2 |
paymypal: 2 |
DuskMage: 2 |
badboyz35: 2 |
Dartz2000: 1 |
Darc: 1 |
GoodSerTristan: 1 |
PowerNova: 1 |
ApexDuelist: 1 |
Satheios: 1 |
Minato Arisato: 1 |
SilentKatana: 1 |
MadManStein: 1 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 1 |
Krul: 1 |
DMK: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
Mamododarky: 1 |
Swagkage: 1 |
Haste15: 1 |
Complexity: 1 |
Chidori45: 1 |
Shaz1: 1 |
Blackjack: 1 |
cyberstrings90: 1 |
foxfire2102: 1 |
Amy Rose: 1 |
Sichou: 1 |
Joezy is Dueling: 0 |
KawaiiMiku: 0 |
Fearless XI: 0 |
Killua Zoldyck: 0 |
Kinglles: 0 |
Alex401k: 0 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 0 |
Subki: 0 |
Kairi: 0 |
PenguinDisguise™: 0 |
psychoturtle: 0 |
Gremlin: 0 |
Craz56: 0 |
Luna: 0 |
Wondery: 0 |
LightYagami5: 0 |
Uchiha: 0 |
Jv: 0 |
Most Games Played against Lower Opponents :
Most Games Played against Lower Opponents |
Gracco: 35 |
Jv: 29 |
Quasar: 26 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 26 |
NightBot: 21 |
Books: 16 |
Luna: 10 |
KawaiiMiku: 10 |
DuskMage: 5 |
DMK: 5 |
PowerNova: 4 |
Killua Zoldyck: 4 |
ScottyAdams: 3 |
Kairi: 3 |
PenguinDisguise™: 3 |
Gremlin: 2 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 2 |
psychoturtle: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
Wondery: 1 |
Atemus: 0 |
HoennZach: 0 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 0 |
TheCyberKnight: 0 |
Mr.Kandy: 0 |
shoto1: 0 |
Muh1: 0 |
Deisuke: 0 |
kenpachi: 0 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 0 |
Leo: 0 |
faervel: 0 |
Aromage Marjoram: 0 |
Princess Yuki: 0 |
FinalD: 0 |
paymypal: 0 |
DuelSupreme: 0 |
badboyz35: 0 |
Dartz2000: 0 |
Darc: 0 |
Reiji126: 0 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 0 |
ApexDuelist: 0 |
Satheios: 0 |
Minato Arisato: 0 |
SilentKatana: 0 |
MadManStein: 0 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 0 |
Krul: 0 |
zactheking: 0 |
Yarn Tethers: 0 |
Mamododarky: 0 |
Swagkage: 0 |
Haste15: 0 |
Complexity: 0 |
Chidori45: 0 |
Shaz1: 0 |
Blackjack: 0 |
cyberstrings90: 0 |
foxfire2102: 0 |
Amy Rose: 0 |
Sichou: 0 |
Joezy is Dueling: 0 |
RagadaBlaze: 0 |
Fearless XI: 0 |
theot01: 0 |
Kinglles: 0 |
Alex401k: 0 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 0 |
Subki: 0 |
C'est la Mutation: 0 |
traplogic: 0 |
Zombozo: 0 |
Empressofdraconia: 0 |
Wolfxs: 0 |
CrimsonOverlord: 0 |
TheExpert: 0 |
LightYagami5: 0 |
Uchiha: 0 |
GoodSerTristan: 0 |
Most Wins :
Most Wins |
Gracco: 35 |
NightBot: 33 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 26 |
Books: 25 |
Quasar: 23 |
Jv: 20 |
C'est la Mutation: 11 |
ScottyAdams: 11 |
zactheking: 9 |
Reiji126: 8 |
Luna: 8 |
CrimsonOverlord: 7 |
KawaiiMiku: 7 |
traplogic: 6 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 5 |
Zombozo: 4 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 4 |
SilentKatana: 3 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 3 |
Wondery: 2 |
Fearless XI: 2 |
DuskMage: 2 |
LightYagami5: 2 |
PowerNova: 2 |
Killua Zoldyck: 2 |
FinalD: 2 |
Krul: 1 |
Kairi: 1 |
faervel: 1 |
shoto1: 1 |
badboyz35: 1 |
DMK: 1 |
Satheios: 1 |
Minato Arisato: 1 |
MadManStein: 1 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 1 |
kenpachi: 1 |
HoennZach: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
Kinglles: 1 |
Alex401k: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 1 |
Gremlin: 1 |
Wolfxs: 1 |
PenguinDisguise™: 1 |
Haste15: 0 |
paymypal: 0 |
DuelSupreme: 0 |
Leo: 0 |
Dartz2000: 0 |
Mamododarky: 0 |
Swagkage: 0 |
Deisuke: 0 |
Complexity: 0 |
Chidori45: 0 |
Shaz1: 0 |
Blackjack: 0 |
cyberstrings90: 0 |
foxfire2102: 0 |
Amy Rose: 0 |
Sichou: 0 |
Joezy is Dueling: 0 |
RagadaBlaze: 0 |
Atemus: 0 |
theot01: 0 |
Darc: 0 |
Muh1: 0 |
Mr.Kandy: 0 |
Subki: 0 |
psychoturtle: 0 |
ApexDuelist: 0 |
Aromage Marjoram: 0 |
Empressofdraconia: 0 |
Princess Yuki: 0 |
TheCyberKnight: 0 |
TheExpert: 0 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 0 |
Uchiha: 0 |
GoodSerTristan: 0 |
Most Losses :
Most Losses |
Gracco: 27 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 25 |
C'est la Mutation: 18 |
Books: 14 |
theot01: 14 |
DuelSupreme: 10 |
RagadaBlaze: 9 |
Jv: 9 |
DuskMage: 8 |
Reiji126: 8 |
CrimsonOverlord: 7 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 7 |
Quasar: 6 |
DMK: 5 |
Empressofdraconia: 4 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 4 |
Atemus: 4 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 4 |
PowerNova: 4 |
TheExpert: 4 |
shoto1: 4 |
ApexDuelist: 3 |
HoennZach: 3 |
Zombozo: 3 |
KawaiiMiku: 3 |
Luna: 3 |
Wolfxs: 3 |
ScottyAdams: 3 |
faervel: 2 |
Princess Yuki: 2 |
badboyz35: 2 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 2 |
Satheios: 2 |
Minato Arisato: 2 |
Mr.Kandy: 2 |
Muh1: 2 |
Darc: 2 |
GoodSerTristan: 2 |
zactheking: 2 |
Killua Zoldyck: 2 |
Aromage Marjoram: 2 |
Deisuke: 2 |
Leo: 2 |
Gremlin: 2 |
TheCyberKnight: 2 |
PenguinDisguise™: 2 |
Kairi: 2 |
paymypal: 2 |
Kinglles: 1 |
Haste15: 1 |
Dartz2000: 1 |
Mamododarky: 1 |
Swagkage: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
Complexity: 1 |
Chidori45: 1 |
Shaz1: 1 |
Blackjack: 1 |
cyberstrings90: 1 |
foxfire2102: 1 |
Amy Rose: 1 |
Sichou: 1 |
Joezy is Dueling: 1 |
NightBot: 1 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
kenpachi: 1 |
Uchiha: 1 |
traplogic: 1 |
Subki: 1 |
psychoturtle: 1 |
SilentKatana: 1 |
LightYagami5: 1 |
Alex401k: 1 |
FinalD: 0 |
Fearless XI: 0 |
Wondery: 0 |
Krul: 0 |
MadManStein: 0 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 0 |
Highest Winratio (where more than 10 matches were played) :
Highest Winratio (where more than 10 matches were played) |
NightBot: 97.1% |
zactheking: 81.8% |
Quasar: 79.3% |
ScottyAdams: 78.6% |
Luna: 72.7% |
KawaiiMiku: 70% |
Jv: 69% |
Books: 64.1% |
Gracco: 56.5% |
CrimzonSlayerx: 51% |
CrimsonOverlord: 50% |
Reiji126: 50% |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 41.7% |
C'est la Mutation: 37.9% |
DuskMage: 20% |
DuelSupreme: 0% |
theot01: 0% |
Longest Win Streak :
Longest Win Streak |
NightBot: 32 |
Books: 10 |
Jv: 9 |
Luna: 8 |
Quasar: 8 |
ScottyAdams: 7 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 6 |
Gracco: 5 |
zactheking: 5 |
Reiji126: 5 |
Zombozo: 4 |
CrimsonOverlord: 4 |
KawaiiMiku: 3 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 3 |
traplogic: 3 |
C'est la Mutation: 3 |
FinalD: 2 |
Wondery: 2 |
Fearless XI: 2 |
LightYagami5: 2 |
SilentKatana: 2 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 2 |
PowerNova: 2 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 2 |
DuskMage: 1 |
DMK: 1 |
Wolfxs: 1 |
shoto1: 1 |
faervel: 1 |
Alex401k: 1 |
badboyz35: 1 |
kenpachi: 1 |
Satheios: 1 |
Minato Arisato: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 1 |
HoennZach: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
Kinglles: 1 |
Killua Zoldyck: 1 |
Kairi: 1 |
PenguinDisguise™: 1 |
Gremlin: 1 |
Sichou: 0 |
Leo: 0 |
Deisuke: 0 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 0 |
paymypal: 0 |
theot01: 0 |
Haste15: 0 |
Dartz2000: 0 |
Mamododarky: 0 |
Swagkage: 0 |
GoodSerTristan: 0 |
Complexity: 0 |
Chidori45: 0 |
Shaz1: 0 |
Blackjack: 0 |
cyberstrings90: 0 |
foxfire2102: 0 |
Amy Rose: 0 |
TheCyberKnight: 0 |
Joezy is Dueling: 0 |
Darc: 0 |
Muh1: 0 |
Mr.Kandy: 0 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 0 |
Uchiha: 0 |
Princess Yuki: 0 |
Subki: 0 |
psychoturtle: 0 |
DuelSupreme: 0 |
RagadaBlaze: 0 |
ApexDuelist: 0 |
TheExpert: 0 |
Atemus: 0 |
Empressofdraconia: 0 |
Krul: 0 |
MadManStein: 0 |
Aromage Marjoram: 0 |
Longest Loss Streak :
Longest Loss Streak |
theot01: 14 |
DuelSupreme: 10 |
RagadaBlaze: 9 |
C'est la Mutation: 5 |
(armageddon)cthulhu: 4 |
Empressofdraconia: 4 |
Atemus: 4 |
CrimzonSlayerx: 4 |
Reiji126: 4 |
DuskMage: 4 |
DMK: 4 |
Jv: 4 |
Gracco: 4 |
TheExpert: 4 |
Wolfxs: 3 |
shoto1: 3 |
Books: 3 |
ApexDuelist: 3 |
[TDL]DarkSoul: 3 |
Luna: 3 |
PowerNova: 3 |
faervel: 2 |
badboyz35: 2 |
Satheios: 2 |
HoennZach: 2 |
Zombozo: 2 |
CrimsonOverlord: 2 |
Leo: 2 |
Deisuke: 2 |
Quasar: 2 |
paymypal: 2 |
!!Natsu.Dragneel!!: 2 |
Aromage Marjoram: 2 |
Princess Yuki: 2 |
OmeTheChaosReaper45: 2 |
Mr.Kandy: 2 |
GoodSerTristan: 2 |
Muh1: 2 |
Darc: 2 |
TheCyberKnight: 2 |
NightBot: 1 |
PenguinDisguise™: 1 |
Gremlin: 1 |
LightYagami5: 1 |
SilentKatana: 1 |
traplogic: 1 |
Alex401k: 1 |
ScottyAdams: 1 |
kenpachi: 1 |
zactheking: 1 |
Minato Arisato: 1 |
Yarn Tethers: 1 |
Dark Duelist Soul: 1 |
KawaiiMiku: 1 |
Craz56: 1 |
Kinglles: 1 |
Killua Zoldyck: 1 |
Kairi: 1 |
Blackjack: 0 |
foxfire2102: 0 |
Amy Rose: 0 |
Shaz1: 0 |
Joezy is Dueling: 0 |
Chidori45: 0 |
Complexity: 0 |
Swagkage: 0 |
Mamododarky: 0 |
Uchiha: 0 |
cyberstrings90: 0 |
Subki: 0 |
psychoturtle: 0 |
Haste15: 0 |
~Infernoid Ruler~: 0 |
Sichou: 0 |
Fearless XI: 0 |
Wondery: 0 |
FinalD: 0 |
Krul: 0 |
MadManStein: 0 |
Dartz2000: 0 |