IRL Noble Knight deck july 2015 format OMfqrw9
Monsters in order:
Noble Knight Artorigus
Effect Veiler
Gwenhwyfar, Queen of Noble Arms
Ignoble Knight of Black Laundsallyn
Lady of The Lake
Noble Knight Bedwyr
Noble Knight Borz*3
Noble Knight Brothers
Noble Knight Drystan
Noble Knight Eachtar
Noble knight Gawayn*2
Noble Knight Gwalchavad
Noble Knight Medraut*3

Spells in order:
Foolish Burial
Forbidden lance*2
Last Chapter of the Noble Knights*2
Mystical Space Typhoon*2
Noble Arms - Arfuedutyr
Noble Arms - Caliburn*2

Noble Arms - Excaliburn*2

Noble Arms - Gallatin
Noble Arms of Destiny*2
Noble Knights of The Round Table
Reinforcement of the Army*3
Swords of revealing Light
Vylon Matter

Side deck in order(p.s. my side deck rly has no purpose some of it but if you have any really good ideas what to add to it or replace soemthing tell me Smile:

Noble Knight Gawayn
Book of moon
Dark Hole 
Release Restraint Wave
soul charge
Battleguard Howling
Call of the haunted
chain dispel
Compulsory evacuation device
DNA Surgeory
Fiendish Chain
Royal Decree

Extra Deck:
Goyo Guardian
Ignoble Knight of High Launsallyn
Artorigus King of The Noble Knigt
Blade Armor Ninja
Constellar Omega
Heroic Champion - Excalibur
Maestroke the symphony djinn
Number 19:Freezadon: (wll be replace once i get more xyzs)
Number 32: Sharkdrake
Number 61: Volcasaurus
Number 86: Rhongomyniad
Number F0:Utopic Future
Sacred Noble Knight of King artroigus
Steelswarm roach

WARNING THIS IS MY REAL LIFE DECK and some extra deck cards and side deck cards will be removed and aded with sutff so plz help me with ideas.
 Thank you for your help