Ok so ive decided to give another boss monster a try, (and if you guys remember that went "sooo" well for my red nova turbo lol) but ive had my eyes on stardust dragon/assault mode. Now the reason i like him is because hes pretty much Quasars little brother. like yes he can negate ANYTHING once per turn and bring a monster to take his place when he dies, but he does have to tribute himself, he has 3000 atk, and can only attack once. again "little brother." now ive tried the manhunder/vylon level 4 spam thing but the problem is that deck focuses too much on summoning the synchro monster and not so much the assault mode. which sucks, so ive decided to take a different route. My main levels are lv 5 and 3. and 2 and 6.

Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode ZvoJAX1

Main Deck:
Cyber Dragon X3
Risebell the star adjuster X2
Assault Beast X3
Twilight Rose knight x1
Junk Synchron X2
Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit X2
Krebons X3
Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode X3
Upstart X3
Assault Teleport X1
Instant Fusion X3
Tenki X2
Emergency Teleport X3
Assault Revival X2
Assault Mode Activate X3
Stardust Re-Spark X2

Panzer Dragon X3
Stardust Spark X1
Stardust Dragon X3
Beelze X1
Scrap Dragon X1
Colossal Fighter X1
Cyber Nova X1
Cyber Infinity X1
Shark Fortress X1
Pleides X1
Adreus X1

Now lv 5 an 3 are pretty simple, cyber or insta plus a lv 3 makes stardust, right? well the way its lv 2 and 6 is that i have a nice little card called risebell the star adjuster, who when SS'ed makes herself a lv 6. also shes a nice target for E-tele. Pair her with krebons and you know the rest, i used to run 2 arcane sorcerer because his built in search, but he was a waste of a normal summon so i removed him and added 2 tenki for Assault Beast. Now the reason i have two Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit is because shes a lv 3 psychic (good enough already) but i just love her ability, its liked a pumped up effect veiler, i mean sure youll get the monster effect off but your not attacking much this turn. I put in 3 upstart because dead draws are sadly a big thing here, and reload does not fix that problem, i put in one Assault Teleport because any more would be very clunky and its very rare to get that card and the assault monster, because i am running only 3 and no more, if i had 2 different assault monsters than i would put in more. ROTA, just to get junk and rose warrior.
instant fusion because like cyber hes a instant lv 5 which is always good in a lv 8 synchro spam deck.
I put in 2 assault revivals because call of the haunted is too slow in this deck, and suprisingly it helps with an OTK if you can make the time. Now i put in 2 stardust re-spark as literally a last ditch effort, him and stardust spark are literally my desperate move. Now for the extra, panzer is just there for insta fusion. i just explained stardust spark, 3 stardust dragons (duh.) one beelze because if your able to get a monster with 3100 atk there is literally nothing i can do, and trust me i know this, i had a mirror match and the opponent didnt know rise's eff so i was able to trick him into summoning beelze and he just quit. One Scrap in case im desperate, Warrior for stalling. now the fun part, i have pulled infinity and /Assault mode in one duel. and its pretty easy to summon him, cyber and insta=infinity. now the rest rank 5's are just the best that i could find.

Well there it is, any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated, im always looking to make stuff like this even better.

who knows maybe ill do majestic star next?