We all know some staff members (not naming anyone) like to bully regular members just because they can. Kicking from the chatbox and editing posts (as in adding P.S notes) is okay, we get it it's funny. But banning people from chabox just because they did not agree with that staff member or deleting their posts for the same reason is not.
 Now I know that in ACP admins can see whom was banned, what they cannot see is whom banned whom and for what reason. For that DA staff uses a special topic in their secret staff forums, these people whom troll-ban and delete of course won't link evidence of them banning users because they can not prove those people deserved to be banned.

 Contacting admins about things like these in most cases never end up with admin punishing those whom have abused the power given to them. And so it all gets forgotten as a simple joke. It should not end like that, bullies should be punished, here in the virtual world we have the ability to do that (unlike in real life where everyone is scared of talking about it).
 So, let's get to the point of this topic. I suggest the creation of a report center in whom only admins have right of deleting topics and editing them. But why? What is the point of publicly exposing people prone to abusive behavior? In no way can it stop them or ensure they will be punished for not being fair, right? I'm leaving that question for you USERNAME to answer.