Is there a way to link or play one another across Simulator and Yu pro 1.033.2 yet. I am trying to see if this can be done. I also need how to play computer to computer. Like I want to duel someone and need info on this.
Thank you. I thought when I downloaded YUGIOH simulator I could duel at home one computer to another. What happen is I copied on one computer and then downloaded on another. Well YUGIOH 1.033.2 or V2 happen. I don't know how. I may have found answer. My net book screen being a siz doesn't show the check box like my larger one.
When practicing with Ql _ iphort decks YGO Pro crashes out. Is there a fix. The 1.033.2 didn't crash. Crash is only when Ql decks, nothing else yet. I am trying different gane settings but not working yet. What about a different server.