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Intermediate Duel Puzzle #4 FzKv9JM

DA has 16900 LP. He controls:
Gravity Bind, Colossal Fighter and Arcana Force 0 - The Fool (with no Coin effects).

You Have 100 LP. You control SET on the field:
Raigeki Break, Mystical Space Typhoon and Book Of Moon.

The only Monster you control is Light and Darkness Dragon.

In your Extra Deck you have: Formula Synchron and Shooting Star Dragon.

In your Graveyard you have: A Non Syncho Summoned Stardust Dragon and Dragunity Arma Leyvaten.

In your Hand you have: 2 Enemy Controller, Pot of Benevolence, Book of Taiyou and Plaguespreader Zombie.

In Order in your Deck you have  5 cards: Turbo SYnchron, Junk Synchron, Effect Veiler, D.D. SPrite and Spore.

Win this Turn or fall into the
Shadow Realm.

150 DP