Deck Name: Red-Eyes Synchro Dragons
Deck image:
An intro to Synchro Dragons:
Dragons have been a fan favorite since the beginning of the Legend of Blue Eyes card set. They appeal to many, and can be very diverse in there ways. In this current form of the game, there are many different variations of dragon deck, Mystic EDragons, Blue-Eyes, Dragunity EDragons, Synchro EDragons, CDragons, Hieratics. A lot of these decks revolve around the Elemental Dragons, or can atleast function well with the Elemental Dragons. The deck I have designed is an original variation of any idea my friend had. We were interested in making a deck that uses Red-Eyes Black Dragon, because it allows for easy Synching ability into most level 8 synchros. We later found a combo with Dragon Shrine, Swing of memories, and Debris, that allows for an easy star eater play. With Red-Eyes in the grave, you can use swings, summon debris, and since Star Eater is a dragon, you can summon with ease. I plan to into more depth with this deck in the Deck Info section, if this deck seems interesting, then I suggest you stick around, try it out, it did well for me, and I hope it'll do the same for you.
Deck info/Combos
This deck has won me very many games against high tier decks, not often against tier one deck, but this deck is fairly easy and cheap to make and can perform at the level of Lightsworn, and Fire fist. This deck takes a bit of a hit when playing against decks like Shadolls.
Combo #1:
For this combo, you need mathematician, and a couple of other options, (A way to summon a Dragon ruler, Red-eyes/Flamvell in grave with swing of memories[Using dragon shrine for example], one for one)
1: Summon Mathematician and dump carboneddon
2: Use dragon shrine and dump Flamvell guard/Red-eyes(and another dragon)
3: Use carboneddon to summon the dragon you didn't dump (Either Red-Eyes, or Flamvell)
4: Enjoy your Level 8 Synchro
Bonus: You could also summon a dragon ruler and go into a Dracossack or Big Eye instead.
Combo #2: Red-Eyes on field/Way to summon it (Darkness metal,Carboneddon,swing of memories), Debris dragon/A way to get it(Banish tempest, darkness metal)
1. Get Red-Eyes on board
2. Summon debris(Go plus one into a piper or something)
3. Enjoy your star eater
This is a rather simple combo, but it's an easy way to get Star Eater
Combo #3: A way to summon flamvell(carboneddon, darkness metal, swing of memories), a dragon ruler on board or a way to summon it, xialong in grave, or a way to get it into grave, kinka-byo in hand, majestic dragon if grave(if you're making majestic star dragon)
#1 Make stardust with flamvell and DRuler
#2 Summon Xialong
#3 Summon Kinka-byo and summon majestic dragon
#4 Enjoy your Majestic Star Dragon or Shooting Star Dragon
Small Combos:
Darkness metal into Flamvell = Star Eater
Dragon Ruler, banish other D rulers, enjoy your +1/2
Debris for piper/kinka = Catastor
Kinka-Byo for piper = +1/2
This deck has been been consistent when I wasn't playing an extremely meta deck. The deck isn't too hard to master, but I suggest you learn how to play it before you judge it's full potential.
Deck image:
Decklist :
3x Carboneddon
3x Red-eyes Black Dragon
Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3x Mathematician
Debris Dragon
Stardust xialong
3x Flamvell guard
3x Naturia cherries
2x Dragard
2x Kinka-Byo
Mystic Piper
Majestic Dragon
2x Supply Squad
2x Swing of memories
Gold sarcophagus
Foolish Burial
Burial from a different dimension
3x Dragon shrine
One for one
Solemn warning
Bottomless trap hole
Formula Synchron
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust dragon
Stardust Spark dragon
Dark end dragon
Crimson Blader
Scrap Dragon
Azure-eyes Silver dragon
Shooting star dragon
Majestic star dragon
Leo, The Keeper of the Sacred Tree
Star eater
Big Eye
3x Royal decree
3x Shadow-Imprisoning mirror
3x Light-Imprisoning mirror
2x Skill drain
Breakthrough skill
Soul drain
2x Vanity's emptiness
3x Carboneddon
3x Red-eyes Black Dragon
Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3x Mathematician
Debris Dragon
Stardust xialong
3x Flamvell guard
3x Naturia cherries
2x Dragard
2x Kinka-Byo
Mystic Piper
Majestic Dragon
2x Supply Squad
2x Swing of memories
Gold sarcophagus
Foolish Burial
Burial from a different dimension
3x Dragon shrine
One for one
Solemn warning
Bottomless trap hole
Formula Synchron
Black Rose Dragon
Stardust dragon
Stardust Spark dragon
Dark end dragon
Crimson Blader
Scrap Dragon
Azure-eyes Silver dragon
Shooting star dragon
Majestic star dragon
Leo, The Keeper of the Sacred Tree
Star eater
Big Eye
3x Royal decree
3x Shadow-Imprisoning mirror
3x Light-Imprisoning mirror
2x Skill drain
Breakthrough skill
Soul drain
2x Vanity's emptiness
An intro to Synchro Dragons:
Dragons have been a fan favorite since the beginning of the Legend of Blue Eyes card set. They appeal to many, and can be very diverse in there ways. In this current form of the game, there are many different variations of dragon deck, Mystic EDragons, Blue-Eyes, Dragunity EDragons, Synchro EDragons, CDragons, Hieratics. A lot of these decks revolve around the Elemental Dragons, or can atleast function well with the Elemental Dragons. The deck I have designed is an original variation of any idea my friend had. We were interested in making a deck that uses Red-Eyes Black Dragon, because it allows for easy Synching ability into most level 8 synchros. We later found a combo with Dragon Shrine, Swing of memories, and Debris, that allows for an easy star eater play. With Red-Eyes in the grave, you can use swings, summon debris, and since Star Eater is a dragon, you can summon with ease. I plan to into more depth with this deck in the Deck Info section, if this deck seems interesting, then I suggest you stick around, try it out, it did well for me, and I hope it'll do the same for you.
Deck info/Combos
This deck has won me very many games against high tier decks, not often against tier one deck, but this deck is fairly easy and cheap to make and can perform at the level of Lightsworn, and Fire fist. This deck takes a bit of a hit when playing against decks like Shadolls.
Combo #1:
For this combo, you need mathematician, and a couple of other options, (A way to summon a Dragon ruler, Red-eyes/Flamvell in grave with swing of memories[Using dragon shrine for example], one for one)
1: Summon Mathematician and dump carboneddon
2: Use dragon shrine and dump Flamvell guard/Red-eyes(and another dragon)
3: Use carboneddon to summon the dragon you didn't dump (Either Red-Eyes, or Flamvell)
4: Enjoy your Level 8 Synchro
Bonus: You could also summon a dragon ruler and go into a Dracossack or Big Eye instead.
Combo #2: Red-Eyes on field/Way to summon it (Darkness metal,Carboneddon,swing of memories), Debris dragon/A way to get it(Banish tempest, darkness metal)
1. Get Red-Eyes on board
2. Summon debris(Go plus one into a piper or something)
3. Enjoy your star eater
This is a rather simple combo, but it's an easy way to get Star Eater
Combo #3: A way to summon flamvell(carboneddon, darkness metal, swing of memories), a dragon ruler on board or a way to summon it, xialong in grave, or a way to get it into grave, kinka-byo in hand, majestic dragon if grave(if you're making majestic star dragon)
#1 Make stardust with flamvell and DRuler
#2 Summon Xialong
#3 Summon Kinka-byo and summon majestic dragon
#4 Enjoy your Majestic Star Dragon or Shooting Star Dragon
Small Combos:
Darkness metal into Flamvell = Star Eater
Dragon Ruler, banish other D rulers, enjoy your +1/2
Debris for piper/kinka = Catastor
Kinka-Byo for piper = +1/2
This deck has been been consistent when I wasn't playing an extremely meta deck. The deck isn't too hard to master, but I suggest you learn how to play it before you judge it's full potential.