Deck Originality 3/5
Mermails,giving it a [3] because it uses some cards other Mermail decks don't.

Deck Size 3/5
41-15, without any draw power.

Siding Skills 0/5
[1] Maxx "C" and [1] Pot of Duality

Use of cards 1/5
Felt like he's playing it for the first time.

Control of duel 0/10
He had no control of the duel,only thing he did worth mentioning is summoning Megalo.

Ruling/Misplays 2/10
-Forgot about Windas Limit
-Forgot about White Dragons Effect
-Did not know if Lindes effect will go off.

Result of duel 0/10
I've won Game 1 and Game 2.

Total score = 9/50
Welcome to Slifer Red!You need to practice more and watch some more experienced players play.Also you need to find a way to focus on what is going on.Feel free to contact me for private lessions!