Pro Decklist Creator: Train Heartnett

Pro Decklist: Frog Torment Obelisk-the-tormentor

Deck Screenshot: Pro Decklist: Frog Torment ZRlOKgN

Deck Format: Advanced TCG April 2014

Deck List:
Spoiler :

Deck Info: This is a deck focused on summoning an "unstoppable" "immortal" Obelisk the Tormentor via the consistent Frog Engine and Hardened Armed Dragon. This surprises your opponent the first time around by trolling him real bad and even if he knows what you are running in game 2 it doesn't mean he can stop you as generally decks do not have a proper side deck to counter this deck. The Frog Torment deck was made to troll and anger opponents as much as possible while they try to get rid off Obelisk The Tormentor + Light and Darkness Dragon + Jinzo field.

Deck Explanation and Combos:

To start things off we will need Swap Frog which is one of the key cards of the deck that allows us to dump the other combo pieces like Treeborn Frog and Ronintoadin into the Graveyard in order to be used as tribute fodder for our big guns such as Obelisk and LaDD. The ideal situation is if you open 2 frogs other then Swap Frog as you will be able to go into everything you want turn 2.
The deck also utilizes the Treeborn Frog + Enemy Controller combo to take advantage of your opponents monsters to be used as tribute fodder which makes Obelisk even more deadly due to the potential free direct attack the turn it is summoned. Also we have a back up plan via Photon Sanctuary and Creature Swap, gaining access to first turn LaDD or taking our opponent's strongest monster or if they somehow stole our "immortal" Obelisk.
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is another trolly card used as tribute fodder for Hardened Armed Dragon to special summon itself, SS target for LaDD and to get rid of the many XYZ monsters which cannot be destroyed by ordinary means.
Which leads to Jinzo being the final nail in the coffin in which we placed our opponent making them admit defeat or Rage Quit like the little angry immature children they are Pro Decklist: Frog Torment 610493824

Side deck choices....

I have another Jinzo if our opponent uses a trap heavy deck as I cannot use Royal Decree or many traps in general due to the frog engine of the deck. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer is there to prevent my opponent frog banishing my combo pieces from the graveyard while destroying my opponent's graveyard strategy at the same time, Maxx "C" is quite obvious as there are many decks that special summon monsters like crazy. Droll & Lock Bird is another trolly side deck choice which takes care of them new Archetypes that rely heavily on searching their decks to gain massive advantage. Twister is there as extra S/T hate due to Prohibition, Dimensional Fissure, Macro Cosmos and other S/T that will make my gaming experience a living hell. Threatening Roar is there for extra protection against the really aggressive oriented OTK decks. Dust Tornado = Twister duh... Debunk is there for those annoying Bujins and the like, kill the honest effect = gg because LaDD is not enough.