Deck Originality 3/5

Deck Size 5/5
~40-15, w/ armageddon knights and sanctuary

Siding Skills 3/5
~15 card side, very little against meta in general

Use of cards 5/5
~Didn't see anything out of place

Control of duel 4/10
~Little control overall

Ruling/Misplays 5/10
~A few big misplays, not going for backrow with hornet and hitting a several turn set ice hand etc

Result of duel 0/10
~Lost both games

Total score = 25/50

Welcome to Slifer! This is one of the cases where the deck is a bit old and just lacks the power. Also try to look up what are the tier 1-2 decks and how they are played, that'll help you avoid the more obvious misplays.