Deck Originality: 2/5
- Cyber used Heroes for the match.

Deck Size: 3/5
- Cyber's deck consisted of a 40 card Main Deck and 5 card Extra Deck

Side Deck: 0/5
- Cyber's deck did not contain a Side Deck

Use of Cards: 2/5
- Cyber was able to complete little to no combos.

Control of Duel: 2/10
- Cyber began R1 strong, bringing me down to 700LPS, but this was also partially due to me drawing no monster early. Once that changed, he lost control.

Rulings/Misplays: 4/10
Cyber had the following misplays:
- Failed to activate Elemental Hero Giant Tornado's effect when targetted by Bottomless Trap Hole.
- Miscalculation for Gladiator Beasts Laquari & Andal's attacks while Fire Formation - Tenki was active.
- Attempted to use Polymerization for a Fusion Summon without the correct monsters.

Result: 0/10
- I won the match 2-0.

Total Score: 13/50: Slifer Red
Congratulations on getting Slifer Red! Work hard to improve your deckbuilding skills as well as your awareness during play, and you'll advance to Ra Yellow in no time!