Deck Originality: 5/5
Poly HEROes

Deck Consistency: 2/5
40 Main 15 Side with only 2 Seach Cards...

Side: 1/5
Not completed and only had back-up cards.

Use of Cards: 5/5
That was okay...

Control of Duel: 3/10
Had little bit until I drew everything I needed

Misplays: 5/10
Everything he didn't knew, he asked but he attacked with Lady Heat on stronger monster.

Result: 0/10
I won 2-0

Total Result: 21/50

Welcome to Slifer, Tasdias :3
You'll need to work on your deck so you can become better player :3
If you need any help, ask someone from our Professor staff, we will gladly help :3