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Renji's Out

Omega 6
Ichigo Hollow
Kira Amadeus
11 posters

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRenji's Out

Sad to say but My online career has finally came to an end. some of you might of realized that lately i have't been online. well i took a break from "Online world" To reevaluate myself.

First reason-
the current me had started to flunk school. Before I got introduced to the online world I never got anything below a Grade B in school but recently I failed two tests they were not the real exams (thank god) but the fact of the matter is I failed I was stunted by the fact that I failed which got me thinking about my life. After reevaluting myself i came to the same conclusion as many other great duelist had which is "Online world devastates your school life" so for the time being i decided to quit the "Online world" to focus sourly on my studies.

Second reason -
I found myself a Girlfriend and she dosen't approve to me spending my free time Onilne. i don't want our relationship to break over a game. I had to give one of them up. My GF or YGO so decided to pick my GF over YGO. My realife is much more important then my online one.

I will keep visiting the forums once or twice a week like assassin but it's it

I would to thanks eveyone ho has helped me during my online career specially EJ thanks mate for all you have done for me i hope we have a chace to talk to each other in the future.

Again CYA DA. I'll miss you

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Oh come on,so much people leaving DA lately Sad((,just no comment, Sad We will miss you Renji,you was a very good person,good luck with your life.

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Gl in your life bro Cool

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Im really sad ... 1st dante now u ... oh come on -_-, Well .. Good luck with your life and school and whatever ... hope to see u'll be back someday .. we'll miss u .. Good bye.

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Sad to see you leave Renji but i wish you a happy life with your grades and your GF :D

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

i will miss you Renji you were alawys great friend to me hope there will be contact between us

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

ya made a good choice
but dont ruin ur life with a girl either xD
obsession over anything is never a good thing

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Gl man.
like omega said do not let a girl control your life until you have a ring on your finger :D
Anyways, good thing you realized that school is top priority. Gl with it. Hope you bring your grades up and come back once school is out again :D

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

You could always leave like 1 hour a day for the online world and it wouldn't harm anything but that's your choise, good luck with your life and your girl.

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

good luck in the real world. don't do drugs or do anything else under age... and enjoy life as much as possible! I'll miss ya even though I didn't know ya

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

Oh well since this will help ya in your real life...then I'm happy you made that choice. *Tho it hurts to imagine i won't be able to contact ya again*
Anyway...Good luck in your educational and social life.
Have fun !!

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

if you 'n him are best buds, then get his email and talk to him with that

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

that's offtopic but lol i already got it...xD
I just meant not to contact him as often in ygo world.

descriptionRenji's Out EmptyRe: Renji's Out

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