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descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings

Welp with my Evolsaurs i got some good comments and i managed to reduce Hidalgo's criticism too just switching around one card which is AMAZING. Anyways I am bringing the DA community another deck list for a archtype I been testing currently and all I can say is that I am in love.

The new support for Yang Zing is pretty good in my opinion. The new tuner, Jiaotu, pretty much fills you grave with targets for comet trail which is a nice plus. His effect is simple, dump 2 Yang Zings from your hand, SS 1 yang zing with 0 atk and 1 with 0 def. This open many doors for some synchro monster with nice added on effects. My usual first turn with Jiaotu is a first turn beezle that is unaffected by traps and has 3500. 

But BlackStar, what happens if your field is open for a direct attack?? Say hello to the field spell Ancient Forest. Pretty nice tech eh :D Plus it can set off my monsters eff if i decide to attack which is a nice exchange.Than just incase I dont want to lose a synchro monster to Ancient Forest, I'll simply use Pulao (wind wyrm) as a synchro materiel, with a effect of protecting my synchro monster from spell effects xD I made a few changes like maining the dark tuner at 3 instead of the light one. Also I dropped a skill drain and a supply unit. Reason for the supply unit drop, imagine this.......losing by deck out to a LS deck :D  The draw power with this deck is that insane.

As for my side deck, I think its pretty meh at best. I can run the SIM and LIM since i can just use Bixi (the water wyrm) as a synchro material and make my synchro monster unaffected by whatever trap I would currently have. So remember when you thought you could compulse a Beelze?? Better yet.... remember when you could banish him?? Eh sorry not gonna happen anymore xD I run the Skill Drain for obvious reasons. Since everyone's first thought against a Beelze that can't be targetted by traps is to silent ark him, say hello to Skill Drain .....Silent Ark xD

Eh another tech card i got is Archfield Eater, pretty much during my opponent's EP, if he is in the grave, I can pop a face up monster I control so I can SS him from the grave, once again setting off my monsters effs xD

I am running the Hands since they are pretty much splashable in any deck so bleh, dont suggest me to take them out D: But i am thinking about dropping them to 2 a piece.

Welp thats enough of me ranting about my deck. As before all suggestions will be taken into consideration and tested. Please refrain from posting negative comments xD


Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings VXqCXJj

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings


descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings


descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyDefault Title

I see you're not using Imperial Iron Wall...
Did you tried it?

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings

I was thinking of dropping a system down or my maxx c's for it. Which do you tihnk i should drop?

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyDefault Title

Are there competitive Machine Archetypes in OCG, because I can't renember? :3

Edit: I also think D.D. Crow is better than Ally of Justice since you go mad at everything, especially at El-Saddolls :>

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings

Idk Surprised Now that u mention it ill drop the system down

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings

Keep it. Qliphoths man. Anyway, this deck is OCG and we follow TCG(Unless theres one OCG card in the deck will let it slide). Since its OCG, rejected.

descriptionAnti Meta-ish Yang Zings EmptyRe: Anti Meta-ish Yang Zings

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