Best one they have done by far, looks bloody amazing.
Anzobuse wrote:As for Darius I think Riot trying to tell us he's getting a buff soon.
Anzobuse wrote:As for Darius I think Riot trying to tell us he's getting a buff soon.
Anzobuse wrote:If they pimp-up Darius I might start playing again lel,he's so fun to use p.pI learned over time nothing Riot does is Random, It's all planned. After each of their cinematic short videos champions whom prove OP in the video get either buff or nerf in the next few patches. In this one you see Darius doing a lot, you see Naut taking a lot of damage and still barely a scratch on his helmet, and you also see Rengar doing a lot on his own, technically he killed 2 and nearly killed Darius at the end. But the one fact that still stand is that Darius nearly killed everyone on the other team, which is quiet the disturbing notion.
Anzobuse wrote:Dota2 has a great graphics but the animation itself isn't satisfying at all, also It's champions aren't fun to begin with.
UniqueHope wrote:@neji y'know that's not how it works.. They go with whatever brings the best results, example:
If you don't know how to use elise's spiders then she's several times less effective, thus low elo won't play her and stick to champs that have less gameplay like darius.