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Probably want to cut the rank-ups, they are really unreliable

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RUMs aren't needed here...
-1 Every Gadget or you play Double Summon
-1 Dark Bribe
-2 Swift Scarecrow

+3 Wiretap
+1 Redox
+1 Lance
+1 MST

This also means you have to Change Extra :3

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3 wiretap is a bit much, isn't it? Maybe go trapstun instead?

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UniqueHope wrote:
3 wiretap is a bit much, isn't it? Maybe go trapstun instead?

But this is Counter, it negates Warning and other Wiretaps :3

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Wiretrap at 3 is a beast, this meta is traps-oriented meta, who wouldn't want to piss off his opponent with this card?

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But it's an otk deck '^'

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UniqueHope wrote:
But it's an otk deck '^'

This isn't a OTK deck, the goal is to bring out the beater Fortress :3

Trust me, I'm a professor :3

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Jeez, Gadgets. Haven't seen these things since Kairi stopped playing them way back when Shockmaster got banned. Let's see what I can do here.

First, looking at Monsters:

You have the following:

3x Yellow Gadget
3x Red Gadget
3x Green Gadget
2x Machina Fortress
3x Machina Gearframe
3x Tin Goldfish
3x Kagetokage
1x Masked Chameleon
2x Swift Scarecrow

My recommendations.

-You run an awful lot of monsters in general, so I would personally try throwing in another Machina Fortress. If you start off with a really cloggy, Gadget filled hand, you will find use in chucking down a Fortress to get rid of a lot of those cards. 

-If you don't wanna do the above, I recommend following Galaksii's advice and ditching one of every Gadget. That'll stop super cloggy hands.

-Swift Scarecrow? Not really for this deck. It'll take up hand space, it'll take up Graveyard space. The space can be replaced with much better cards.

-Masked Chameleon is a nice tech choice, but I would side double or triple of him and not main him. You're running Machina Gearframe and Fortress, and those will quickly slam Fortress on your field. If that happens, Chameleon's gonna be dead weight in your hand. You're going to need that space for something else that'll help you a lot more, not a card that's going to be situational when you're running something like Fortress in your deck. 

-Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders is a nice card to have just because of it's ability to revive stuff from grave, and revive itself. Main one.

Moving onto spells.

You run:

1x Dark Hole
1x Fissure

2x Forbidden Lance
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Rank-Up Magic Limited Barian's Force

I recommend:

-Rank-Up Magic? Really? That card is absolutely terrible for Gadgets. It's going to be unreliable dead weight in your hand most of the time. There's a reason you don't see it in play more often. Chuck it.

-Dark Hole is not really very popular anymore. You're going to be facing Hands and Shaddolls a lot, and Dark Hole will just activate the effects of those cards and wreck your field. Even Elemental HEROs will benefit, being able to activate COTH and Miracle for more stuff. I would side it, or not run it at all.

-For a deck this Heavy, you need more draw/search capability than just Machina Gearframe. Gadgets are usually pretty slow, and I'd recommend Pot of Duality, since a lot of the time, Gadgets are trap-heavy fiends that can stop attacks. Of course, that does cut the Special Summoning of Xyz Monsters, and will stop your Tin Goldfish and Kagetokage, so if you don't like that idea, try running triple Upstart Goblin. It'll give you some decent draw power, and tacking extra life points on your opponents isn't going to affect the game much. 

-Ditch Fissure. It's bad. Like, there are no words to describe how bad it is bad.

Other than that, Forbidden Lance and Mystical Space Typhoon are good cards. Just be careful with MST. Opponents may be running Artifacts, and will wreck you if you're not careful. Also, sometimes Book of Moon is a good tech.

Lets move onto traps, shall we?

You run:

3x Fiendish Chain
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Warning
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Dark Bribe

I recommend: 

-3 Fiendish is a bit overboard. I would run two at most, and save some room for other traps.

-Mirror Force is becoming increasingly easy to overcome. I wouldn't run it, or would side it if nothing else.

-Get rid of Dark Bribe. Draw power is everything in the current meta, and giving your opponent a bonus card is much more harmful than it used to be.

-Throw in double Wiretap. It'll negate stuff like Dark Bribe, but won't be giving the opponent any bonuses. It just throws another card back into their deck, which can hurt a lot of stuff. 

-If you want to negate attacks, try Dimensional Prison as a side card or main card (your choice). Banishing instead of destroying will save your rear end in a lot of pesky duels.

Side Deck:

-Scrap the whole thing. Let's start over.

-Throw in Double Maxx "C". There are some really Special Summon heavy decks this format. Maxx "C" is a great counter to them. Gives you some nice draw power as well.

-Double Dust Tornado. Nice tech for destroying spells and traps that get in the way of Gadgets. A lot of Gadget decks will have trouble with Spell/Trap heavy decks, so it's always a good idea to side in Dust Tornado when coming across something like that. But be careful. DO NOT side them in against Artifacts.

-Double Imperial Iron Wall. This card is great against Bujins and E-HEROs, which Gadgets have trouble keeping up with because of their speed. The card also stops decks from siding in Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure against your Gadgets, since the cards normally disrupt Gadgets greatly, and will stop them from being able to act. This will also stop System Down, which Gadgets HATE.

-In fact, so do Geargia, which are rising in popularity. Might wanna side two of them in order to stop Geargia decks from out maneuvering you. 

-Black Horn of Heaven is great for stopping most decks. It'll be a nice negation card on top of Solemn Warning. Side two.

-Debunk is a great card for stopping plays from the hand, like D.D. Crow. I would side two of them.

-Breakthrough Skill will stop an awful lot of effect plays for the opponent. I recommend siding a couple of them as well.

-Lastly. Chuck in a Thunder King for your benefit. He's a nice tech choice.

Now let's move to Extra:

-I recommend you scrap it and we start from the beginning.

-Chuck two Gear Gigant X's in your Extra. They'll search all your Gadgets, your Machina Gearframe, and your Tin Goldfish. Not something to pass up.

-Toss in a King of the Feral Imps. That'll search out Kagetokage for you and allow you to combo pretty nicely.

-I'm going to assume you're running that Redox and three Machina Fortress. If so, toss in one Number 11: Big Eye and one Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack. Those'll help you a ton.

-Your choice, but I'd also recommend one Number 74: Master of Blades. 

-Throw in an Abyss Dweller. A lot of decks have nasty effects that'll activate in the Graveyard, and Abyss Dweller will stop them cold. 

-Two Number 101: Silent Honor Ark's are good. Will get rid of Special Summoned monsters that are in your way. 

-Throw in an Evilswarm Exciton Knight. He'll help you out in a pinch.

-Gagaga Cowboy will finish off opponents with low life points.

-Number 50: Blackship of Corn is always a good monster to destroy others with.

-Maestroke Symphony Djinn is a good card just to have.

-Diagusto Emeral is the same deal

Last three slots are yours to fill. I'd recommend Vylon Disigma, Number 32: Shark Drake, and Evilswarm Ouroborus, but that's just me. 

Hope this helped a little.

descriptionany help would be great Emptythanks this is what it looks like now


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I'd listen to Naito. He helped me with my Lightsworn Ruler deck and so far it's looking beautiful. And another option for this deck would be a couple of Cyber Dragons and a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Just for giggles and stuff. Oh and a couple of DNA Surgery too. People HATE that card.

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darkstorm master wrote:
I'd listen to Naito. He helped me with my Lightsworn Ruler deck and so far it's looking beautiful. And another option for this deck would be a couple of Cyber Dragons and a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Just for giggles and stuff. Oh and a couple of DNA Surgery too. People HATE that card.

Cyber Dragon can be very Cloggy in this deck, I wouldn't use that...

As it is for DNA surgery, that's a good Side card... It's most effective at Bujins

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Ok then just 1 Cyber. And don't forget about Light-Imprisoning Mirror for Buijin.

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