Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules 5O5t71X

Welcome members of DA to another Season of Pro Decklists!

What are Pro Decklists exactly? There the decks you make that you think are Pro enough to beat any deck out there! Our professional staffers will then evaluate whether your deck is worth Pro Decklist material.

Whats the main point of Pro Decklists? It was generally made to evaluate our members ability to build decks and also to inspire other members of Duel Academy to learn how to play the deck and also work with the deck.

How do you make a Pro Decklist? You post a screenshot of the deck you are showcasing also with a full deck recipe so that our staff crew can know the cards in the deck. Also you have to provide a full explnation on why you decided to tech the following cards and why not run cards from certain meta builds. You have to be as precise as possible.

Here are the rankings you can acheive depending on the amount of Pro Decks you post:

0 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec10You get: 0DP

1 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec11You get: 500 DP

5 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec12You get: 1000 DP

10 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec13You get: 2000 DP

20 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec14You get: 3000 DP

30 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec15You get: 4000 DP

40 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec16You get 5000 DP

50 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec17You get: 6000 DP

60 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec18You get: 7000 DP

70 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec18You get: 8000 DP

80 Pro Decklist(s): Pro Decklists Season 2: Information and Rules Prodec20You get: 9000 DP

Now besides the DP whats in it for you? Dorm Rank-ups! Yes you read it correctly you will get Dorm Rank-ups if you complete the following credentials:

Slifer Red: If a Slifer Red member would like a shot to rank up to the next dormitory; Ra yellow: he has to provide at least 5 Pro Decklists and they must be approved by our Staff members and recognized as Pro Decklists.

Ra Yellow: If a Ra Yellow member would like a shot to rank up to the next dormitory: Obelisk Blue: he has to ptovide at least 10 pro Decklists and they must be approved by our Staff members and recognized as Pro Decklists.

Obelisk Blue: Obelisk Blue members, sadly cannot rank-up to the next dorm since Obelisk Blue is the final dorm, will not be able to rank-up but will get 10,000 DP if they provide 15 Pro Decklists.

Those are all the the following rules you need to follow to make a Pro Decklist. I hope this season will be as succesful as season 1, good luck to all participants after this minute and forward all Pro Decklist will now be accepted and will be graded in the staff section. If you would like to post a Pro Decklist kindly post it in the following Sub Forum: All current ranks have been reset, why? Because its a whole new season of Pro Decklists, were starting from scratch. Also if we reach 16 Pro Decklists we will be hosting a tournament with those decklists, further information about this tournament will be supplied when we acheive 16 Pro Decklists.


- All credits go to ex- Duel Academy Adminstrator Amy Kool, this idea does not belong to us.