Akali relies a lot on her level 6. Also a strong scaling champion though. Tons of damage and sustain.
Cho'Gath is really slow. REALLY slow. Huge tank in late game though. Can build RoA and hurt. Ult does true damage as well.
Darius scales off really hard. Fed Darius is scary though. Snowballs strongly. Not recommended.
Diana? She's a top? Not recommended. But can work really well. Snowballs.
Dr. Mundo... Definition of a tank. Needs farm. Going even in lane is winning lane. Outscales everyone in tankiness. Recommended if you can peel for carries well.
Elise? Not sure. Hurts like a bullet though. Tank shredder. Recommended a little.
Fiora does damage. 'Nuff said. Strong front liner, dives for carries. Assassin like. Recommended if you have a tank already, or tons of CC.
Galio is the other definition of tankiness. Once he gets items, does no damage, but CANNOT DIE. D: Recommended if you like really long games. Not for everyone at all.
Gankplank? Versatile, but sometimes can be useless. Not usually recommended.
Garen scales off, but strong diver. Recommended with proper training, not trolling.
Gragas... Not sure yet. Will come back.
Hecarim is a no go.
Irelia... Don't know much about her. She's a diver, and relies on her being low on health (but not dead) to stay alive. Another versatile champion. Almost like a Jax. Nerfed a lot and still strong.
Jarvan IV's become stronger with the recent buffs.. Not recommended for laning, but can be quite a nuisiance. Still strong. Recommended ish.
Jax is a great splitpusher. Very strong duelist, so carries team by applying pressure or by being too strong to defeat. Scaling is pretty ridiculous.
Phreak wrote: Do you want to build something? Is it Liandries? Is it Runaane's? If you answered no to both, it's a good item!
Very versatile champion. Can be a tank that wacks on enemy champions. Or can be a ridiculous assassin. Carries hard late game, weaker middle game, and a below average, but not very, laning phase. Recommended.
Jayce does tons of damage. Not tanky at all though. Fighter, but will get bursted if not careful. Late game damage is nuts, and has legendary poke. Not recommended.
Karma is a lane bully. Damage gets outscaled at late game, but can do well. Recommended. Will die to ganks however.
Karthus is just a farm lane. Press R to help your team a bit. :D Not recommended.
Kassadin is a learn to play. Don't play him that much, but know he can become strong. Play REALLY careful pre-ultimate. Not recommended.
Katarina top can get destroyed with Renek and Lee being popular top laners. Not recommended. But strong enough to play if can farm.
Kayle is fun. No tankiness, but has an ultimate. Save your carries though. Relies on burst to kill enemies. Also pushes lane really quickly, so careful for ganks. Not really recommended.
Kennen is the definition of a bitch. AD scaling is good, and strong teamfighter. Recommended if you're a bitch. Really weak mid game though. Has trouble waveclearing and pushing, unless you want to use your escape to farm. Also has strong sustain with only energy consumption. Recommended, but weak during objective captures.
Kha'Zix top is okay. Play him if you like him. Not that recommended anymore, but can be strong. Look up CaliTrollz.
Renekton and Lee Sin are the definitions of the early game. They try to dominate lane so they don't get punished as hard in the late game for being outscaled. Both have crazy damage, and can deny very well. Lee Sin's mobility and damage keeps him alive, while Renek's tankiness is a lot stronger. If you're going for a tank, go Renekton. If you want a bruiser, go Lee Sin. Can make an entire enemy team come back to their ADC to peel if you can dive. Also, look up InSec. Famous Lee Sin player that "innovated" the mobile assassin's dragon kick thing. Both recommended.
Lissandra has strong crowd control and a bit more damage, but doesn't offer tankiness as much. Low base AD, but you can TRY to make it work. Not recommended.
Malphite is the definition of armor, right beside Rammus. Abilities scale off armor, so you'll do damage while being a rock. Recent buffs make him really strong in lane and jungle. Ultimate and Q are both strong crowd control abilities. Try him. Recommended.
Master Yi's damage makes up for his lack of tankiness. Plus his ultimate. Scales hard, farm harder. Recommended if you can win lane.
Mordekaiser? Huehuehue. Recommended if you like getting ganked.
Nasus the doge. The Susan. Weak early game. Best scaling late game. Tank lifesteal front line ADC. K. Recommended if you like getting camped and can farm like a beast.
Nidalee top is fun. AD requires being really smart, and a lot of poking. AP requires being smarter, and more poking. Becomes more of a late game support. Pokes, heals, and sets down vision. AD is just a front liner. Strong though. Refer to RF Legendary. Recommended if you have the skills.
Olaf is a strong laner, and a dumb diver. You play him. Don't know why people stopped. Recommended, but look it up.
Pantheon's early game damage makes him a better jungler. Good, but scales off late game. Still strong mid game. Go damage if you have a tank. Tankiness is pretty bad though. Not recommended.
Poppy? Best champion evah. Look at her abilities. Not recommended due to her weak early game, but really late game supremacy.
Quinn is just another bitch. Lack of tankiness though. Damage and shredding is dumb. Too ADCs is bad for teamfighting. Not recommended.
Rammus is another Malphite. Look it up. Not recommended though.
Rengar... How weird he's become. Really good fighter, and can actually outplay. Snowballs like nuts though. Recommended.
Riven's been nerfed a bit, good. Used to be really strong. Now has a pretty strong laning phase, a pretty strong mid game, and a legendary late game. There's something about her that puts her away from players though. Recommended. Pushes lane like nuts. Refer to BoxBox.
Rumble sucks at laning. Level 3 though, out damages like nuts if you hit a full flame spitter. Skills are spammable too. And has a game changing ultimate. Not as strong anymore though, but still okay. Not recommended due to new players. Good with skills.
Ryze has a pretty nuts late game. Strong laning due to range, but needs mana like nuts. Ward up. No escape means getting camped. Recommended. Like, really strong though.
Shen applies a lot of pressure, and is there for your team mates. Good with communication. Practice ulting bot lane when your team needs you. Strong tank, and abilities are built for laning. Split push Shen is really popular. Recommended for real team mates.
Shyvana outscales everyone. I don't care what you say. Retarded damage on her E and autos. Huge tank. Recommended. Absolutely.
Singed applies a lot of pressure and damage. Learn the ways of Proxy Singed. Recommended if you can play him well. Not recommended for new players.
Sion? He exists? AD Sion with lifesteal is a huehuehuehue. Troll. Strong duelist. Plays a bit like Jax. Not recommended though. Lack of knowledge plays into this.