Deck Originality: 3/5
-A Beelze deck but it could have been built better

Deck Consistency: 5/5
-40 card main 15 in extra

Side: 5/5
-Side built for the meta

Use of Cards: 2/5
-Only got 1 synchro out the entire match and it was stopped before it could do anything, he also used Malicious effect before he had any way to synchro summon with it which I found questionable since I destroyed it next turn, but the effects he did use he seemed to use properly

Control of duels: 1/10
-No control in this duel and only slowed me down a turn or two with his Beelze

Misplays: 10/10
-No misplays

Result: 0/10
-I won 2-0

Total Score: 26/50 - Slifer
-Slifer isn't too bad and you almost got to Ra so keep at it GG