Deck Originality: 5/5
- agumon used Ojama's for our match, a choice which is definitely outside the norm.

Deck Size: 5/5
- agumon's deck consisted of 42 cards

Side Deck: 5/5
- agumon's side deck consisted of 15 cards. He was able to utilize a couple needed for our match.

Use of Cards: 3/5
- agumon made skilled plays to the best of his ability.

Control of Duel: 1/10
- agumon obtained little to no control during the match.

Rulings/Misplays: 6/10
- Ojama Blue could still be used while Skill Drain is active on the field.
- Beast King Barbaros attack will remain at 3000 after it's effect is negated by Fiendish Chain even if destroyed.

Result: 0/10
- I won the match 2-0.

Total Score: 25/50 - Slifer Red
- Well played games, congratulations on getting Slifer. Be diligent, and work hard to advance to Ra!