Deck Originality 3/5 - netdecked and OCG
Deck Size 5/5

Siding Skills 0/5 -No side at all

Use of cards 2/5 - Pure sack, he milled 3 wulfs and 3 Eclips Wyverns in a row.... + 3 JD hand

Control of duel 6/10

Ruling/Misplays 4/10

Did not know that he cannot use Lumina's effect if there are no LS monsters already in the graveyard.
Minor mistakes with Rai-Oh on the field (2/2 strikes = 1 ruling mistake)

Result of duel 8/10

Too much luck sack, way too stacked deck for me.

Total score = 28/50

Slifer Red, close though. If you actually had a side deck and actually made skilled plays radder then need to topdeck all the time your score would have been much bigger.