So really... not a lot has changed. Other than the format in general being a little more forgiving to rogue decks like mine. This is still pure Gishki, so don't expect to be topping regionals with it or anything. Anyways, here goes:

Monsters (23):

Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord x1
Gishki Chain x2
Gishki Beast x3
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands x2
Gishki Shadow x3
Gishki Abyss x3
Gishki Vision x3
Effect Veiler x1
Evigishki Soul Ogre x3
Evigishki Mind Augus x1
Evigishki Gustkraken x1

So the monster lineup literally did not change. There was no reason for it to. Mind Augus went to 1 OH NO I ONLY RUN 1 ANYWAY. Gustkraken went to 1 OH NO I RELY ON SOUL OGRE. Really though, if you don't feel the Moulinglacia, there are other options. Like another Veiler, for instance.

Spells (17):

Trade-In x3
Dark Hole x1
Salvage x3
Gishki Aquamirror x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Book of Moon x1
Hand Destruction x2

So the spell lineup did change because Heavy Storm and Pot of Avarice (R.I.P.) are gone. Both losses are painful for this deck, since backrow is always your worst nightmare, but never quite so much so when you're playing a ritual-centric deck. Salvage is obvious as the three most useful monsters (Beast, Vision, Shadow) are all 1500 or less, so the spell is free pluses for days. I'm still debating on whether or not it's worth it to put in another Aquamirror or not, but I'm really still testing the changes.

Traps (2):

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2

These are just to replace the spells that were removed. I don't quite know how I feel about this change yet, it may switch to other spells and I may drop other monsters or spells to give myself a little backrow help, but PWWB is a strong card, and since Gishkis generate a lot of card advantage if left unchecked and are still rather graveyard focused, these seemed like an easy add-in.

Extra Deck (15):

Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon x1
Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand x1
Constellar Ptolemy M7 x1
Photon Strike Bounzer x1
Gauntlet Launcher x1
Evilswarm Ouroboros x1
Snowdust Giant x1
Number 50: Blackship of Corn x1
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK x1
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Lavalval Chain x1
Daigusto Emeral x1
Abyss Dweller x1
Gagaga Cowboy x1
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu x1

Some change to the extra deck, mostly because better options came out for almost ever rank. Why go minus with Heliopolis when you can just xyz into Felgrand and attack without fear or Tachyon Dragon to stop the beefy Artorigus full of equips? Ptolemy just adds extra recycling/bouncing potential, so why the heck not, and Gauntlet Launcher is just a free monster pop. 101 is too good, so why not?
My two oddball choices are Ouroboros and Snowdust Giant.
Ouroboros is fun for controlling your opponent a bit. Its three effects are D.D. Crow, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and (essentially) Dragged Down into the Grave. Plus it's a 2750 beatstick that looks badass.
Snowdust Giant is just too fun to not use. No one knows what it does, and therefore, it is fun. For the low, low price of an xyz material, you just reveal water monsters in your hand (which, in Gishkis, your opponent will know most of the monsters in your hand anyway) and place Ice Counters on the field. Then, for each Ice Counter on the field, non-water monsters lose 200 ATK. Not too shabby for a 2200 beater.

So that's my deck! Give it a try, it's pretty fun. Let me know what you think guys, and thanks for reading!