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descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyLake (NHS)

This crystal clear lake takes on a clean blue color from the daytime sky. It is a major center of wildlife on the island. Water flows down from both the mountains and in from the ocean into it.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

The first thing you would notice having witnessed Harth's landing was that he did not have a parachute. In fact, the really observant may have seen a bag falling from the sky some 10 seconds before he came into view. The second thing you would notice was that he was a rock. He plummeted down into the lake with a large splash, causing a serious disturbance in the local wildlife. He then proceeded to turn into a fish, then morphed to larger fish after almost being eaten, before turning into a bird and taking to the skies. He scouted the area as a large eagle; while it was not a creature native to the area, he enjoyed inspiring such awe and elegance through the skies. Anyone who saw him would know something was out of place, but that would not be the first thing they though of; they would see the beauty of the creature before anything else, and this would most likely override any other ideas they had in their head about it. To hide in plain sight in such a manner takes both skill and a steadfast nerve, and Harth has both. He flew around the area while taking in his surroundings.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Character: John/Lokos

John slowly swam in to the lake.

'Ahh I love swimming in such days as this one...' He thought.

He was swimming on his back and looking in the sky. Then he noticed really beautiful bird.

'Whoa that looks awesome... Why can't I fly like a bird?' He was thinking.

"Well I am not here to scare you or anything, but that bird is not actually a bird. That is why it is so beautiful, so we don't notice what it actually is. Luckily beautiful stuff makes me sick."

"Whoa Lokos! Why are you reading my thoughts?! How many times I have said don't do that! Imagine If I was thinking about something perverted? How that would make you feel?" John screamed in surprise.

"Well that would make me vomit! Even though I don't have actual physical body while you are in control, I would still do that!... Anyway what are you going to do now?"

"You bastard... Why don't you just die?" John was angry at Lokos. "Well I was thinking about exploring the Island..." After saying that he got out of water and started walking on a totally randomly selected route.

"You Dumb*ss! Do you want to scare away people?! Exploring while wearing only underpants?"

"Damn I totally forgot that I left my stuff at the river! Alright gotta get it back!" He turned back to from where he swam. "By the way what did you say about that bird?"

Damn you Idiot... Also never mind I said I get sick of such a beautiful things as that bird...

After that John started walking back to from where he came.

Last edited by LOKOS on Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Having spotted a person while flying around in eagle form, Harth remembered something crucial about the island. Everyone on it has a number card. This means that he could swoop down, change into a more suitable form, and duel for the number cards, while completely skipping formalities. But Harth was not one for that kind of thing. Instead, while flying down, he transformed into a creature resembling a large red dragon. While in a form such as this he does not possess the abilities of it that come by other means, such as breathing fire, he still looked either frightening or magnificent depending on the perspective.

"HUMAN!" he bellowed. Dragons possessed some kind of magic, yes? He could pretend he was a dragon with some kind of transformation magic. People are normally more willing to comply when they think you're a dragon.
"You are in possession of a number card, correct? While you clearly aren't dressed for the occasion, I would like to acquire more of this power. I challenge you to a duel, and to the winner goes the loser's number!"

He added a loud roar for extra effect.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

(Sorry man I have went to other location already)

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

(Whenever you go to a different place you're supposed to make a post saying you've gone to that place, otherwise things like this happen and people get confused.)

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Inspector Gadget wrote:
(Whenever you go to a different place you're supposed to make a post saying you've gone to that place, otherwise things like this happen and people get confused.)

I have to interject and say he kind of did.

LOKOS wrote:
After that John started walking back to from where he came.

Just clearing that up.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

(But he went to somewhere completely different by the looks of things. In context, "where he came" was the part of the lake he'd left all his stuff in. It's also notable that he made the post in another area 14 hours after that one.)

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

(Let's just ignore this incident and continue. Shall we? I think that is the best method. Gadget, if you want, you could say something in a new post about how the light tricked your eyes. Just a suggestion.)

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Harth then realised what he was looking at was not a human at all. In fact, it was just a shirt that had blown in the wind over a pole. From above, it may have looked like a person with no trousers on, but from an equal level it was quite clear that it was a pole wearing a shirt. Harth ate the pole having been slightly angered, and flew off into the distance in dragon form.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Character: Kanato Takahiri

As the missile flew down to earth, Kanato laughed like a maniac.


Crashing on the earth, Kanato continues to laugh. He instantly shuts up when he heard a dragon-like roar.

"Hey boxxy, where do you think that came from?"

- Crazy Box -
"Obviously there."

- Kanato -
"Dumb Box, saying I'm dumb."

He walks to the Eagle-Man and stares.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

As Harth was eating the pole, he caught a glance of someone else. Perhaps now was not the time to be angry, but to use the situation to his advantage. After killing a nearby animal, making sure some of the blood got onto the shirt (the one that was on the pole), before beginning to eat the shirt slowly. This made it look like he had just eaten someone, which is definitely a desirable effect for intimidation.

He then turned to face the newcomer. Harth may have only just mistaken a pole for a person, but to any who weren't watching closely it would seem like he had just shouted, roared, and then devoured someone. And he was a dragon. He stared the man down, to see how fast he would back his gaze, and what kind of gaze he held.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

(Xrai? Reply please? My character can't really move without you replying.)

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

jjh927 wrote:
(Xrai? Reply please? My character can't really move without you replying.)
You can post again if you desire. It's been a decent amount of time.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

In the background:*Walk into the lake like yo what up I got a big deck. 60 cards flying around like a total boss.*

What's up guys

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Harth turns to the newcomer, making sure to seem as frightening as possible (specifically still eating on the visibly bloody shirt). He lets out yet another mighty roar. Making people think he was a dragon would be a good idea, seeing as noone should be able to make the connection between a changeling and a dragon in the future.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

jjh927 wrote:
(Xrai? Reply please? My character can't really move without you replying.)
(Q.Q Forgot about this.)
"That's awesome. Wanna kill some more people? I've got the guns. You got the looks. There's people here who don't have their lives anymore. I say it's fair. Join me, in the quest for massacre."

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

*The intercom roars to life with a high-pitched whine.*

"Oh, look at this! A dragon, a bloodied shirt, and a man! This can only mean one thing! And I think I'll let the expert say it for me!"

*Erebus' voice emanates from the intercom.*

-It means somebody is up to something devious!-

"Right! Now, the way I see it, here's how it goes. You turn, face each other, and DUEL! Have fun! Oh, and smile for the camera!"

*Around the lake, cameras mounted on camouflaged poles activate and aim towards the pair. The blimp with the large television screens floating overhead for the whole island to see displays the two in splitscreen.*


descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

After a long and close match, Harth fell down defeated. The first match was quite heavily in his favour, having a solid field by the quick-coming end. However, in the second duel, it seemed far more even. While he was able to hold on (barely) with a Void Ogre Dragon, it seemed like all was lost when Kanato summoned his number, crazy box. However, on its first effect use, nothing happened, and on the second it destroyed itself, much to Harth's amusement. This did not result in the match being won, as Harth still could not pull back against the heavy hand that goes with a madolche deck. After a close game, Kanato's Psychic Commander was able to beat Harth's Zombie Master, which then resulted in game 2 tying the scores. This left game 3, which went very badly for Harth, who was unable to do anything but attempt to stall Kanato from beating him to death. After drawing little except Spells and Traps, including 2 cards which could not be used in any state during that game, Harth tried to pull something back, but inevitably lost game 3, taking blows from 4 traps that led to his defeat.

As Harth fell backwards, beaten, he reverted to a different form. To anyone, it would be quite a shock seeing anything transform, but in this case it was even more confusing. As he was falling back, the mighty dragon turned into a small squirrel of about a foot in height. Before anyone could comment, he scurried off, but was now missing the number card he had started of with. It would take some work getting back into this contest.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

*The intercom comes online again.*

"Congratulations, Kanato! You have successfully defeated your opponent and gained a new number card! Use it wisely!"

*A slight pause, then background talking is overheard through the intercom.*

"No, Erebus, I won't let you start with that... I said NO. I don't care what your opinion of him is, no is still no!"

*The intercom turns off.*

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Harth decided to make his way towards the nearest buildings.

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

Kanato looks towards the big building.
"That looks like fun. More slaughtering!"

descriptionLake (NHS) EmptyRe: Lake (NHS)

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