Duel Academy
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descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyMountains (NHS)

The mountainous area at the northern part of the island. These steep faces cast a foreboding shadow over the surrounding area. However, they look climbable.

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

Character: John/Lokos

John was slowly walking alongside the river looking for his stuff.

"You Idiot. How did you manage to lose your stuff?" Lokos was furious.

"Well I went for a swim and whe..." John started explaining when another voice stopped him in half of the story.

"Hello there John. I guess you are looking for me?" Spirit of Utopia appeared bit further away at the shore of the river. John ran where Utopia was standing and found his stuff.

"Yay! here it is!" He yelled.

"Great what are we going to do now? And you dare to swim again!"

"May I suggest that we go and find my brothers?"

John didn't seem to notice Utopia at all.

"Well I don't know. Maybe we should just wait and see what will happen..."

"Why are you ignoring me!" Utopia yelled, looking at John.

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

Dante arrived in the mountains in silence, deciding it was a good spot to wait. He sat and waited for everyone to come to him and eventually fell asleep in his duster, obviously at a low elevation at the base of the mountains where it was warmest.

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

-Down there.-
"He looks asleep."
-Are you gonna wait until he wakes up to duel him?-
"What? Do you expect me to wake him up?"
-Well just so you aren't surprised he has more than one number card. Not to mention that he is waiting for duelists; not hiding from them.-
"Well I guess if he really is waiting for us, let's go down there. He might not even be asleep at all."
-After you.-

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

Dante awoke slowly, hearing a man talking around him. He looked to the man that was talking to his own card and yawned. "Geez, they are noisy."

"You aren't exactly a quiet sleeper either, Dante," Drago said as he materialized. "I mean, I couldn't even hear myself think with your snoring."

"Hey, I may be loud, but I sleep like a rock, Jiminy. Don't mock me." Dante stood up and stretched, looking to the man, seeing as he was about to walk down the hill and said, "Lemme guess, you have a Number too? I kinda need that, ya know."

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

"You have a number. That poses a problem for both of us. Only one way to solve this."
-No matter what happens I promise you, Leon, you will die.-
"Thanks, Leo. Thanks.
Leon looked up at the stranger with piercing eyes.
"Let's duel!"

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

Dante looked to his opponent as he failed in his attempt to summon out Hieratic Sun Dragon and then drew as it was his turn. He smiled and said, "It's all over right here. First, since I have four different Lightsworn monsters in my grave, I now Special Summon Judgement Dragon in attack position!"

As a beam of light came up from the holo-field, the dragon roared to life with terrifying power. As he roared, the ground shook beneath them, his loud roar mighty and powerful. "Next, I use Lumina's effect to discard my Mystical space typhoon to Special Summon Jain, Lightsworn Paladin in attack position."

Drago materialized behind him as he said, "That is the most troll worthy field I have ever seen."

Dante chuckled and said, "It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?" He then turned back to his opponent and said, "Now, my Lightsworns, Mount Judgement Dragon and attack with Judgement of the Light!!!"

Watching all of his monsters attack, Leon's Life Points instantly dropped to zero. Smiling with the delight of victory, the holo-field disappeared and he walked over to his opponent. Smiling happily, he touched the opponent's deck and a light shown from it. Pulling his hand away, the card "Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo" appeared in his hand. "That was a good try, but it was doomed from the start, my friend." Dante then turned and walked away with a wave saying, "Better luck next time, kid."

Dante wondered where to go next as he wandered about, leaving the mountain behind him.

"Why not follow the forest?" Heart asked. "We might run into someone eventually."

"Well well," Dante quipped. "Looks like my libido and I are on the same page."

Drago appeared next to Heart and, pointing to him with an irritated look on his face, said, "Hey. You never listened to me when I tell you something. What makes him so special?"

"I do listen to you, Jiminy... Sometimes."

Last edited by DanteKennedy on Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

"Dante! What are you gonna do?"
Leon inhaled deeply.
"What are you gonna do when you get all of the numbers?"
Leon clenched his fist hoping that Dante would turn around and answer. Leon wondered if he even heard him.
*Why does any mortal need so much power.
I just want to sleep.
I'm so tired.*

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

as he watched the half-demon falling asleep he thought to himself
"this might be a good time to take that 53 from him without letting him know"
but then he changed his mind
"no stealing is not the way and by the way this might actually be a good time to sleep...i haven't slept since i arrived here
faervel found a good place to sleep that nobody could see him for now
"What are you gonna do when you get all of the numbers?"
he woke up with hearing a voice then he saw dante heading to the forest
"damn i overslept
he woke up and started following him again

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

Dante turned back to Leon when he called out to him and smiled, still walking backward. He rose his hands and shrugged his shoulders as he said, "I dunno yet. Maybe sell them and retire on the money. First I have to help a friend though. That's why him and I are collecting them."

He noticed a man he had faced earlier in this "event" named Faervel and continued walking, still talking to Leon as he went through the trees. "Just remember. These Number cards have some untapped power. Try to find a deck that actually works for you instead of just what works with the Number, man. Once you collect them, you might be able to do what it is you need to do."

Drago appeared behind Dante, hovering backwards as well, seeming to be a little less translucent this time. Just remember. You need to WIN those numbers to use them. My opinion is to beat Ezekiel. He's your best bet at getting another Number."

Dante looked back to Drago and said with an irritated look on his face, "Gee, thanks for stealing my spotlight, Jiminy."

"I do my best."

And with that last bit of advice, Dante turned back around and continued to walk away from the mountain, heading deeper into the forest.

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

A new deck? Beat Ezekiel? Can I do it?

Dante's voice rang in Leon's head.

"A deck that works for you... Works for you..."

Leon stared at his deck and he thought back to his duel.

I don't know where to get a brand new deck but I know where to start looking.

Leon walked back to the compound and didn't look back. All he wanted was to find a deck that worked for him. Unfortunately, Leon didn't know what worked for him; nothing was going to stop him from finding out.

descriptionMountains (NHS) EmptyRe: Mountains (NHS)

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