Deck: 40

Monsters: 19

+3 Raging Flame Sprite
+3 Drill Barnacle
+2 Wattgiraffe
+2 Wattpheasant
+3 Wattcobra
+2 Skystarray
+3 Spell Striker
+1 Marshmallon

Spells: 6

+2 Swords Of Revealing Light
+2 Mystical Space Typhoon
+1 Dark Hole
+1 Book Of Moon

Traps: 15

+1 Ceasefire
+3 Robbin' Goblin
+1 Call Of The Haunted
+1 Torrential Tribute
+3 Magic Cylinder
+3 Threatening Roar
+1 Malevolent Catastrophe
+2 Pinpoint Guard

No Battle For me~ YN9ACyx

No need to battle hehe u can simple attack them directly~
Fun deck -smiles-

Any Ideas, Please share ^^