Deck: 40

Monsters: 18

+2 Tour Guide From The Underworld
+2 Summoner Monk
+3 Wind-Up Rat
+3 Wind-Up Shark
+3 Wind-Up Rabbit
+2 Wind-Up Warrior
+2 Wind-Up Honeybee
+1 Wind-Up Magician

Spells: 10

+3 Wind-Up Factory
+2 Pot Of Duality
+2 Mystical Space Typhoon
+1 Dark Hole
+2 Fire Formation Tenki

Traps: 12

+2 Fiendish Chain
+2 Dimensional Prison
+1 Solemn Warning
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Bottomless Trap Hole
+3 Pinpoint Guard
+1 Malevolent Catastrophe
+1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra: 15

+1 Adreus, Keeper Of Armageddon
+1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
+1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
+1 Number 39: Utopia
+1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
+2 Photon Papilloperative
+1 Maestroke The Symphony Djinn
+1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
+1 M-X-Saber Invoker
+1 Diamond Dire Wolf
+1 Gagaga Cowboy
+1 Tiras, Keeper Of Genesis
+1 Temtempo The Percussion Djinn
+1 Abyss Dweller

Wind-Up KKrjNLO

Please let me know what you guys think -smiles- and not sure what to put in the Side Deck yet confused 

Any Ideas on the deck, Please share~

---> Wind-Up 1802729531 Blob Dance