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descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyMy Main Deck

FORMAT: Advanced TCG March 2013
CREATED BY: MacabreMessiah
I've never been a Meta Game player, so I can definitely say I understand the frustration of trying to deal with today's top tier decks... So how exactly to do you beat a deck that seems to be completely overpowering? This deck, though not top tier, has shaken the pedestal that those decks stand on... Some say if you can't beat them, join them... I say why not make them join you...
Monsters [23]
3 Mystical Shine Ball
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1 Chaos Sorcerer
3 Cyber Valley
3 Genex Ally Birdman
3 Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon
2 Reborn Tengu
2 The Agent of Creation - Venus
1 The Agent of Mystery - Earth
2 Tour Guide From the Underworld
1 Tragoedia
1 Tsukuyomi

Spells [14]
3 Creature Swap
1 Dark Hole
3 Enemy Controller
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 One Day of Peace
1 Pot of Avarice

Traps [3]
3 Waboku
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 HTS Psyhemuth
1 Mist Wurm
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Daigusto Phoenix
1 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number 49: Fortune Tune
1 Number 96: Dark Mist
1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

2 Battle Fader
2 Droll & Lock Bird
2 Effect Veiler
2 Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
2 Macro Cosmos
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2 Soul Drain
1 Crimson Blader

This deck is all about versatility and adaptability... How to get around the opponent's presence without wasting much resources to do it...

Well start with the monsters... The most important combo in this deck that helps establish the field presence you need are 'The Agent of Creation - Venus' and 'Genex Ally Birdman'... These two cards together can help your empty field into a force to be reckoned with... The Agent  - Venus's ability to special summon Mystical Shine Ball makes it have great synergy with Birdman to Synchro Summon anything in your extra deck, and even more so with both the Agent and Birdman being 3 stars, that is also XYZ potential, not to mention the multiple Shine Balls having the ability to do the same... And all for the low price of about 2000LP...

Field presence helps establish dominance, protect life points, and even prevent what would otherwise be imminent doom without it... Tragoedia, Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon (IPT Dragon), Reborn Tengu, and, to a lesser extent, Cyber Valley provide these for you without having to waste resources to maintain something on the field, or at least give you an extra turn to set up once more... Tragoedia is perfect for this deck, as it fits the theme of the deck so well... IPT Dragon is a very much underrated card that, like a Tradoegia or a Gorz, can help stop OTK's from happening, as can Tengu, him having the ability to replace himself with another if he leaves the field... So the opponent needs to use two sources to rid the field of a Tengu, something certainly not something they'll take kindly to... Cyber Valley, though not a real source of field presence, provides something equally as important... Hand Advantage... you can save yourself from battle, and draw a card; remove him and another of your monsters to draw 2 cards; or remove a card from your hand along with himself to place a card in your grave back on top of your deck... Seems like a rather advantageous card if you go about it the right way... And what Tengu and Cyber Valley provide is the ability to thin the deck down, along with 'Tour Guide From the Underworld', and 'The Agent of Mystery - Earth' to allow faster access to the cards you'll need later in the duel...

That leaves a few support monsters, those being Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of he Beginning, Chaos Sorcerer, and Tsukuyomi... Each of these cards deal with monsters to help get rid of them, both BLS and Chaos Sorcerer having the ability to banish, while Tsukuyomi's use is a bit more tactical than that (aside from force changing a monster into DEF mode)...

Now we have the spells... Aside from the staple Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, and Mystical Space Typhoons that are present in the deck, the rest concentrate solely on a major theme in the deck... Monster stealing... Creature Swap and Enemy Controller serve as disruptions, taking away all the hard work that the opponent put forth to get the monster on the field... Did you opponent just Effect Veiler your Agent of Mystery, Earth? No worries... If they have a stronger monster, why not Swap them and take some life away by attacking... Or how about they are going to use an effect or attack to rid your field of a monster? why not just tribute the monster to take their for the turn... You could even prevent an XYZ or Synchro from even hitting the field... It all depends on how you approach the situation...

That leaves Traps... There are only 3, all the same (Waboku), and are used simply to protect your life points and your monsters from battle...

Where as the Main Deck is the meat and potatoes, the Extra Deck is the spices used to give it flavor... And there are many spices to choose from... Did you need a bit of Anti-Destruction (Stardust Dragon), or maybe you need to annihilate things (Scrap Dragon/Black Rose Dragon), or how about ridding the opponent of those pesky monsters can't be targeted by card effects (HST Psyhemuth/Catastor)... There is a Synchro for almost anything and plenty of ways to get them... XYZ are as equally important here... With most of them having the ability to protect themselves from destruction, they provide field presence, all the while being able to destroy cards (Zenmaines), Gain Life Points (Fortune Tune), Rcover Cards (Leviair), or even just have attack prowess (Dark Mist/Daigusto Phoenix) There isn't much lacking in the extra deck...

The side deck, I feel, is always based on what is popular against every player, and what they have the most trouble with... For some, that might be Dragon Rulers or Abyss/Mermail (good thing we have Soul Drain), maybe to others it's Prophecy (Good ol' Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell), or perhaps those resourceful synchro decks that abuse cards from the grave (Macro Cosmos usually deals with this)... The side deck will differ with everyone... What I like about this deck is that most tech cards used against the Meta today have quite a bit of synergy with this deck, and have little to no hindrance to how it will run, so almost every side deck worthy card can fit right in here... You just have to learn how the deck runs yourself to know what to add as back ups... I can show you how the deck runs, but you have to be the one who learns how it truly works... I'll show you a few combos to start you off...


The Agent of Creation Venus + Genex Ally Birdman: This is the main engine for making your Synchro and XYZ monsters...

Creature Swap + Tsukuyomi: There is nothing like taking their monster and getting yours back at the end of the turn

Enemy Controller + Reborn Tengu: Take their monster and get one of your own in the process...

Genex Ally Birdman + Reborn Tengu: Return the Tengu for Birdman's special summoning effect, and get another Tengu... Easy set up for Black Rose...

There are numerous amounts of combos in this deck, but I'll leave it to you to find them all... I hope you like the deck, and maybe it will serve you well in a few matches...

descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyRe: My Main Deck

The only real suggestion I have to try to find room in the Extra Deck for a Herald of Pure Light. It's ability to recycle is extraordinary should you not be able to get to your Pot of Avarice...or just in general.

Come to think of it...I personally don't like having just a single target for Creature Swap. Sure, Tsukuyomi is a good one for that...but if it for whatever reason gets removed then your Creature Swaps become dead draws...save maybe for Acid Golem after it Runs out of Materials. Yeah I know you can technically swap anything to them...But in my opinion it's better to give them something that will cripple them, or benefit you.

One last thing...Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the one Tuner monster? Doesn't seem like that could spam Synchros very well.

descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyRe: My Main Deck

Syn Starkiller wrote:
The only real suggestion I have to try to find room in the Extra Deck for a Herald of Pure Light. It's ability to recycle is extraordinary should you not be able to get to your Pot of Avarice...or just in general.

I thought of doing so before, but it's inability to stay on the field for longer than the turn it's used for is what strayed me away from it... However, with the new 'Pot of Duplicity' coming soon, that may change the build a bit  

Syn Starkiller wrote:
Come to think of it...I personally don't like having just a single target for Creature Swap. Sure, Tsukuyomi is a good one for that...but if it for whatever reason gets removed then your Creature Swaps become dead draws...save maybe for Acid Golem after it Runs out of Materials. Yeah I know you can technically swap anything to them...But in my opinion it's better to give them something that will cripple them, or benefit you.

What is good about Creature Swap is the fact that you keep the monster until otherwise stated... Yes, it's best when used with cards such as Tsukuyomi or Acid Golem, but when you think of it, most of the monsters that the opponent will use are going to have better stats/effects overall than most of the monsters in this main deck, and by stealing them, the opponent will have to spend even more cards to get rid of something they put on the field to begin with... In a format where it's simple to summon a monster that can prevent or hinder the opponent from using certain effects, I think using their monsters against them is always a benefit for you...

Syn Starkiller wrote:
One last thing...Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the one Tuner monster? Doesn't seem like that could spam Synchros very well.

Yes, there are only 2 Tuner monsters, Genex Ally Birdman and The Agent of Mystery - Earth, however the deck isn't designed to spam Synchros or XYZ... It's made to have a plethora of responses to situations that could arise, with a good focus on monster stealing... Taking the results of one's efforts, or even disrupting a set-up can set the opponent back a turn or so, and forces them to use even more cards to establish field dominance... So, as long as the opponent is using more cards than you to achieve his/her goal, then you are achieving yours with this deck...

descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyRe: My Main Deck

Hahaha, that was my bad. I totally forgot Birdman was a Tuner. For some reason I kept thinking Genex Blastfan was the Tuner.


descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyRe: My Main Deck

Syn Starkiller wrote:
Hahaha, that was my bad. I totally forgot Birdman was a Tuner. For some reason I kept thinking Genex Blastfan was the Tuner.


It's ok... It happens... But all in all, there are a total of 4 tuner monsters, so that's a decent amount for the number of Synchros I have in the deck...

descriptionMy Main Deck EmptyRe: My Main Deck

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