Not very sure for the Torential Tribute :/
I dont know what SLR is :/ But if you mean starlight road, It works fine with effects that clear the field. Starlight road is great with Dark Bribe.
The tour guide is perfect when i need to do extra dmg. My deck is not based on dealing dmg and the various effects of lvl 3 xyz hel allot.
As i sayed i am not sure about the Breakthrough skill so maybe i will remove it :/
The fiendish chains.. I need them. They are one of my most usefull cards >.<
The idea of descendant is that its always destroyed too much. If i have only one this means i cant use it again, and most of the time it gets banished because people find it dangerous >.< I cant make it 1 if my entire deck is based on its eff to destroy other cards.
The dark Hole.... What else to use? You just removed all my Field Clearing cards .. WTF ? I mean, If the opponent has 6 monsters how i am going to stop them without dark hole or torential tribute...
TKR ? You mean thunder king, right? Have you noticed what my deck is ? Gravekeepers? I draw half of the cards from my deck. Maybe it will be strong for spellbooks, but ruins my deck.
I tryed with veiler... maybe i should replace the breakthrough skill... But the problem is they can be activated only from hand. If the enemy destroys my necrovalley, and aktivates a skill monster, i can use veiler, but that is only once, while the breakthrough skill, i can use it 2 times.. But the spell speed of veiler is faster i think.. OK , someone to explain this please? Which of the 2 cards have faster speed, to block effects.
Pot of Duallity is good but makes my deck bigger, and forbids me to special summon. I a mnot sure if i should add another one or not :/
Debunk sounds like a nice cards. Mostly because negates from hand, so it can block few cards.
I cant find that Magic wand :/
Second, dont give advice of deck if you want to make it like yours.