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N banned me from her shop

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Judgment Master
Goddess of War
Endless Sorcerer
11 posters

pollis it right for N to ban me from his shop

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descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyN banned me from her shop

N has just banned me from her deck shop. This is probably because i kept askin her bout mai decks, which must've annoyed her. But i did that just becuase so many times people forget bout their shops (including N herself) while i have an order pending, and I really want my decks sent ASAP cuz mai parents only allow me to do ANY YGO-related stuff durin weekends (so that i can do bette in school). so is it right that N blacklisted me?

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

She/he can do that.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

There isnt anything that says N cant so..........

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

she can do that , you shouldn't stay asking her about , when she is done with them , she would send them. and if you think she send them slow , no one told you to go buy from her shop.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Just net deck Razz

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

i understand you but there isn't anything that says she cant so even we voted no theres nothing that can be done so suck it up and go to another shop :D :D :D

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

You go to my shop. O~O I'll be nice. But N did have the right to.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Is N in right to do that? Yea.

Is N allowed to do that? Yea.

Is it a dick move? Pretty much.

Can you do anything about it? - I'm so happy, it's unbelievable - no.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Sparda wrote:
Is N in right to do that? Yea.

Is N allowed to do that? Yea.

Is it a dick move? Pretty much.

Can you do anything about it? - I'm so happy, it's unbelievable - no.

you wouldn't call it a dick move if you had to put up with this kid for a single hour.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Meh, it's not that bad... just order from my deck shop... it's just as good and cheaper as well Razz

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Nobody wrote:
Meh, it's not that bad... just order from my deck shop... it's just as good and cheaper as well Razz

He knows I'm the best deck builder in the whole damned world.

Guard, I will unban you from my shop, but please do not piss me off. I appreciate you reminding me to get decks done, as most of the time, I don't see the orders, but when you go "N?" "N? you there?" "N check shop plz" every god damned second, I am going to either ignore you or ban you again.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Natural Harmonia wrote:
Sparda wrote:
Is N in right to do that? Yea.

Is N allowed to do that? Yea.

Is it a dick move? Pretty much.

Can you do anything about it? - I'm so happy, it's unbelievable - no.

you wouldn't call it a dick move if you had to put up with this kid for a single hour.

Let's see here...

Try dealing with:

It's a long list of people who have annoyed me for a sig or an avatar everyday, every minute for a long time.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Sparda wrote:
Natural Harmonia wrote:
Sparda wrote:
Is N in right to do that? Yea.

Is N allowed to do that? Yea.

Is it a dick move? Pretty much.

Can you do anything about it? - I'm so happy, it's unbelievable - no.

you wouldn't call it a dick move if you had to put up with this kid for a single hour.

Let's see here...

Try dealing with:

It's a long list of people who have annoyed me for a sig or an avatar everyday, every minute for a long time.

Flip them off or something, they aren't my problem.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

You're too stupid for words you know that...

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Memory, DE, and germa aren't that bad ._.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

Sparda wrote:
You're too stupid for words you know that...

N banned me from her shop Tumblr_mjo666JhDw1r5o9o8o1_r3_250

Someone please lock this, as I am not going to get into a flame war.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

He's right though ._.

descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

N unban him from his shop and in the future yes a shop owner can ban a specific member from ordering from their shop


descriptionN banned me from her shop EmptyRe: N banned me from her shop

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