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Get your game on!

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyGravekeeper's of Lelou

Take a look: https://2img.net/h/oi47.tinypic.com/zpsoz.jpg
Some cards are just for fun. If I duel vs a good duelist I side xD. :pirat:

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyRe: Gravekeeper's of Lelou

-1 of that first card (cant tell what it is)
-1 guard
-2 Swords of reveling light
-2 of the spell under dark hole (again i cant make it out)
-1 of the spellbook card
-1 united we stand
-1 night beam
-2 of the trap under MST (again I cant make it out)
-1 cylinder
total: -11

+1 Commandant
+1 GK Assailant
+1 MST
+1 malefic stardust dragon
+2 d-fissure
+1 starlight road
+1 Judgement
+1 Warning
total: +9

will get your deck to 40 cards, and should help it play a little better for what GKs are good at.

Now for your extra:

- all syncs but stardust, to be honest you shouldnt aim to use veiler to sync with, and tbh veiler isnt that amazing right now

actually... lets start from scratch:

2 stardusts
1 Utopia
1 Cowboy
1 Black ship of corn
1 the musician thing you have there (i can never remember its name)
1 Zenmains (you have 2, but you only play 3 level 3s, and they shouldn't be used for XYZ play anyway)

These arent out yet, but you may want to consider the evilswarm level 4 XYZ that are coming out soon in HA07

evilswarm Bahamut
evilswarm Ophion
evilswarm Ouroboros

they might help your deck out once they drop

I hope these changes help

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyRe: Gravekeeper's of Lelou

You say fun so I won't give you anything :D

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyRe: Gravekeeper's of Lelou

Have you seen the TV Show TOm & Jerry, silly me of course you had. See, GKz are like Jerry they attack, then defend, then attack again when they can, then defend. Means you must be able to guard yourself when you have lack of drawing monsters with enough power to break through your opponent's. Even tho Descendant is a key card to accomplish that, without Spy, It's hard to get it done in one turn. Especially if your opponent already has monsters with high attack points. Therefor there must be some sort of a balance in your deck, Monsters should be able to attack when needed, and defend as well when required to. Spell cards are there to make your life easier, enables you to draw faster, such as duality, cripples your opponent, such as necrovally and royal tribute.

Other cards like Night Beam, Assailant, Swords of Revealing Light, Magic Dimension, Rite of Spirit, Spellbook of Wisdom, and United we stand are all cards you won't be needing. All you need to focus on is get that necrovally, set that spy, and few backrows = gg's. Of course with a little of intelligence of where to use what.

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyRe: Gravekeeper's of Lelou

Thank you Nightmare and Anzo.
Now I'll test how it works. :D

descriptionGravekeeper's of Lelou EmptyRe: Gravekeeper's of Lelou

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