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descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyCan You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Welcome everyone to this new event! Each week I will be posting a Duel Puzzle. For every puzzle the idea is to win the duel in 1 turn. You start in Main Phase 1, and must win by your End Phase. The puzzles will get more difficult each week, and as the puzzles get harder, the prizes will also get larger. The prize is equal to the number of stars next to the name of the challenge x 100 DP. The number of stars also indicates the difficulty of the puzzle relative to the others.



1. Summon monster A.
2. Activate Spell B.
3. Enter Battle Phase and attack with monster A.


The Duel Puzzles are made entirely by me, so searching the internet for the answers to ones from videos games won't help you. You will receive 25 DP x the difficulty of the puzzle just for attempting a legitimate answer! Good luck to everyone!

Week 1 Puzzle:

~The End of the World?~
** <--- difficulty

Opponent's Field:
face-down Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
face-down Bottomless Trap Hole

Your Field:

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands
1x Demise, King of Armageddon
1x Ruin, Queen of Oblivion
1x Doom Dozer
1x Megamorph
1x My Body as a Shield

Opponent's Deck:
3x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
1x Mage Power (top of deck)

Your Deck:
1x Insect Knight
1x End of the World
1x Advanced Ritual Art
1x Neo Bug
1x Archfiend Soldier
1x Gene-Warped Warwolf

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 1 Puzzle:

1. Summon Manju and retrieve Advanced Ritual Art
2. Use Advanced Ritual Art to summon Demise sending Insect Knight and Neo Bug from your deck to the grave
3. When opponent uses Bottomless Trap Hole, chain My Body as a Shield to negate it
4. Activate Demise's effect to clear the field.
5. Special Summon Doom Dozer by removing Insect Knight and Neo Bug from your grave.
6. Equip Megamorph to Doom Dozer.
7. Enter the Battle Phase and attack 1st with Doom Dozer and then with Demise. 5600 + 2400 = 8000 dmg.

Winners for week 1:
Abarai Renji

Consolation Prizes for week 1:
flamesdevil (Demise's effect destroys Manju, so your solution does not work)

DP will be sent out and the next puzzle will be posted shortly!

Last edited by nekofjung on Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:41 am; edited 10 times in total

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 2 Puzzle:

~A Monk's Conviction~

Opponent's Field:
face-down Destiny Hero - Defender
face-down Mystical Space Typhoon
face-down Mirror Force
2x face-down Royal Oppression

Your Field:
face-down Royal Decree (set a previous turn)
face-down Solemn Judgment (set a previous turn)

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Summoner Monk
1x Mind Control
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Book of Moon
1x Monster Reborn

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's Deck:
25 cards

Your Deck:
1x Summoner Monk
2x Rescue Cat
2x X-Saber Airbellum
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

Your Extra Deck:
2x Magical Android
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Black Rose Dragon
2x Dark Strike Fighter
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 2 Puzzle:

1. Activate Mystical Space Typhoon targeting opponent's Mystical Space Typhoon.
2. When opponent chains Mystical Space Typhoon, negate it with Solemn Judgment.
3. Activate Royal Decree.
4. Summon Summoner Monk and discard Nobleman of Crossout for his effect to Special Summon Summoner Monk from your deck.
5. Activate the 2nd Monk's effect and discard Book of Moon to Special Summon Rescue Cat from your deck.
6. Activate Rescue Cat's effect to Special Summon 2x X-Saber Airbellum from your deck.
7. Sync your 2 Airbellums with your 2 Monks to bring out 2 copies of Dark Strike Fighter from your deck.
8. Activate Mind Control to take over your opponent's Defender and flip it into face up attack position.
9. Activate Monster Reborn to bring back an Airbellum and sync him to Defender to summon a 3rd Dark Strike Fighter.
10. Enter the Battle Phase and attack with all Dark Strike Fighters (7800 dmg).
11. Enter Main Phase 2 and tribute all Dark Strike Fighters for their effect (4200 dmg). 7800 + 4200 = 12,000 dmg.

Winners for Week 2:

Giving Renji 150 DP for catching a mistake in the problem. I need to learn not to just copy/paste without looking things over again before posting -_-

Please do not forget everybody that simply by submitting a solution, even a wrong one, you will win some DP!!

Last edited by nekofjung on Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 3 Puzzle:

~Blackwings Formation!~

Opponent's Field:
2x Red Dragon Archfiend (attack position)
face-down Mirror Force
face-down Negate Attack

Your Field:
face-up Skill Drain
face-up Burden of the Mighty

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Black Whirlwind
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1x Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
1x Blackwing - Bora the Spear
1x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
1x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
1x Heavy Storm

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's Deck:
25 cards

Your Deck:
1x Blackwing - Bora the Spear
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1x Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

Your Extra Deck:
2x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Blackwing Armed Wing
1x Dark Strike Fighter
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Goyo Guardian

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 3 Puzzle:

1. Activate Heavy Storm to clear both back rows.
2. Activate Black Whirlwind.
3. Summon Sirocco and use Black Whirlwind to search out Gale from your deck.
4. Special Summon Bora and the 2 copies of Gale from your hand.
5. Use Gale's effect to halve the stats of a Red Dragon Archfiend, then use the other Gale's effect to halve the stats of the same Red Dragon Archfiend.
6. Use Sirocco's effect to power up any 1 of your Blackwings on the field (6300 ATK)
7. Attack with the powered-up Blackwing, attacking the weakened Red Dragon Archfiend (5,550 dmg).
8. Enter Main Phase 2 and sync 1 of the Gales to Bora to summon Dark Strike Fighter.
9. Use Dark Strike Fighter's effect to tribute all monsters on the field (3000 dmg). 5550 + 3000 = 8550 dmg.

Winners for Week 3:

Again, everybody please remember that simply by submitting any guess, be it right or wrong, you can still win some DP!! All I need to see is some effort being put into it, it doesn't have to be a complete solution! Let's get some more people interested in these!!

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 4 Puzzle:

~Twilight Unleashed~ ******

Opponent's Field:
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (attack mode)
face-down Mirror Force
face-down Widespread Ruin
3x face-down Dimensional Prison

Your Field:
3x face-down Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
face-down Solemn Judgment (set previous turn)

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Voltanis the Adjudicator
1x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
1x Judgment Dragon
1x Dark Valkyria

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's Deck:
20 cards

Your Deck (from top to bottom):
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Monster Reborn
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Foolish Burial
Beckoning Light
Charge of the Light Brigade
Solar Recharge
Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
Solemn Judgment

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 4 Puzzle:

1. Summon Dark Valkyria.
2. Flip Summon a Ryko and use its effect to destroy your opponent's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons. Then discard Sangan, Wulf, and Monster Reborn from the top of your deck and Special Summon Wulf.
3. Flip Summon a 2nd Ryko and use its effect to destroy Mirror Force. Then discard Van'Dalgyon, Ehren, and Lumina from the top of your deck.
4. Flip Summon a 3rd Ryko, but negate the summon with your Solemn Judgment. Use Voltanis' effect to tribute all monsters to Special Summon himself, and then use his next effect to destroy Widespread Ruin (because one of the monsters tributed was Dark Valkyria).
5. Special Summon Dark Armed Dragon. Remove from play Sangan, Van'Dalgyon, and Dark Valkyria to destroy your opponent's 3 Dimensional Prisons.
6. Special Summon Judgment Dragon.
7. Attack with all for a total 8600 dmg.

Winners for Week 4:

Consolation Prizes for week 4:
hamouda (Ryko's are not Fairy-type monsters so Voltanis doesn't destroy anything by tributing them)
Ichigo Hollow (you cannot negate Wulf's summoning with Solemn Judgment because Wulf's summon is not an inherent summons. It starts a chain and is considered a trigger effect)
Pilover (you cannot normal summon both Dark Valkyria and Tribute Summon Celestia in the same turn)
Techo (Voltanis only destroys cards equal to the number of Fairies you tributed for him, and Ryko is a Beast)

DP will be sent out and the next puzzle will be posted shortly! The next puzzle is also going to be a very difficult one, but after that I promise in the future there will be some easier puzzles as well. Keep trying 'em everyone and remember that you still win DP even if you don't send the correct answer!

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 5 Puzzle:

~Somewhere, Beyond the Sea~ *******

Opponent's Field:
3x face-down Legendary Jujitsu Master
face-down Mirror Force

Your Field:
face-down Big Wave Small Wave

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
2x Warrior of Atlantis
1x Mausoleum of the Emperor
2x Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth
1x Monster Reborn

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's Deck:
20 cards

Your Deck:
3x Royal Swamp Eel
3x Golden Flying Fish
2x Oyster Meister
1x Warrior of Atlantis
1x A Legendary Ocean

Your Extra Deck:
1x Goyo Guardian
2x Black Rose Dragon
3x Red Dragon Archfiend

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 5 Problem:

There are 2 possible answers to this problem:

1. Activate Mausoleum of the Emperor and pay 2000 LP to Special Summon Coelacanth.
2. Discard Warrior of Atlantis for Coelacanth's effect and Special Summon 2 copies of Oyster Meister, 1 copy of Royal Swamp Eel and 1 copy of Golden Flying Fish.
3. Sync your Royal Swamp Eel with your Golden Flying Fish to summon Red Dragon Archfiend.
4. Activate Monster Reborn to bring back a Golden Flying Fish.
5. Activate Golden Flying Fish's effect, tributing both Oyster Meisters, to destroy Mirror Force and a Legendary Jujitsu Master.
6. Oyster Meisters create tokens, and activate Golden Flying Fish again tributing both tokens to destroy the remaining 2 Legendary Jujitsu Masters.
7. Activate Big Wave Small Wave, destroying Coelacanth to summon your 2nd Coelacanth.
8. Discard Warrior of Atlantis for Coelacanth's effect and Special Summon Royal Swamp Eel and Golden Flying Fish.
9. Sync Royal Swamp Eel and Golden Flying Fish to summon a 2nd Red Dragon Archfiend.
9. Enter the Battle Phase and attack with all. 3000 + 3000 + 2800 + 1700 = 10,500 dmg. More than enough.


1. Activate Mausoleum and summon Coelacanth.
2. Activate Coelacanth's effect discarding Warrior of Atlantis to Special Summon 2 Golden Flying Fish and 2 Royal Swamp Eel.
3. Sync Golden to Eel for a Red Dragon Archfiend.
4. Activate Monster Reborn to bring back Golden and use his effect on the other Golden to destroy Mirror Force.
5. Sync Golden to Eel for a 2nd Red Dragon Archfiend.
6. Activate Big Wave Small Wave, destroying Coelacanth to special summon the other Coelacanth from your hand.
7. Activate Coelacanth's effect to bring out another Golden and another Eel.
8. Sync for a 3rd Red Dragon Archfiend.
9. Enter the Battle Phase and attack with a Red Dragon Archfiend. It gets sent back to the Extra Deck, and all Legendary Jujitsu Masters are destroyed.
10. Attack with the remaining 2 Red Dragon Archfiends and Coelacanth. 3000 + 3000 + 2800 = 8800 dmg.

Winners for Week 5:
hamouda, pilover

Consolation Prizes for Week 5:
Epee (when Coelacanth summons monsters those monsters' effects are negated)
Dark_Armed_Dragon (you forgot about the tokens Oyster Meister creates. Those are not optional)

DP will be sent out and the next puzzle will be posted shortly!

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 6 Puzzle:

~Tag In, Tag Out~ ***


Opponent's Field:
Judgment Dragon (attack mode)
face-down Mirror Force
face-down Dimensional Prison

Your Field:

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Reinforcement of the Army
3x Test Tiger
1x Rescue Cat

Opponent's Graveyard:

Your Graveyard:
1x Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
1x Gladiator Beast Equeste
1x Gladiator Beast Laquari

Opponent's Deck:
30 cards

Your Deck:
1x Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1x Gladiator Beast Bestiari
2x Gladiator Beast Darius
2x Gladiator Beast Samnite
1x Elemental Hero Prisma

Your Extra Deck:
2x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
2x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 6 Problem:

Please note 1st that there are multiple ways of going about the tag ins and tag outs of this problem, so long as you use Bestiari to take out 1 trap and Gyzarus to take out the remaining 2 cards and end up with Gyzarus, Darius, and Laquari. Here is 1 way of solving it:

1. Summon Rescue Cat and use its effect to bring out 2x Samnite.
2. Special Summon a Test Tiger and use its effect to swap out a Samnite for Bestiari. Use Bestiari's effect to destroy 1 of your opponent's traps.
3. Special Summon another Test Tiger and use its effect to swap out Samnite for Darius. Use Darius' effect to summon Hoplomus.
4. Special Summon the final Test Tiger and use its effect to swap out Hoplomus for Darius. Use Darius' effect to special summon Laquari.
5. Contact Fuse Bestiari and the Darius that didn't summon Laquari to summon Gyzarus. Use Gyzarus' effect to clear the remaining 2 cards on the opponent's field.
6. Enter the Battle Phase and attack with all. 2400 + 1700 + 1800 = 5900 dmg.

Winners for Week 6:
hamouda, pilover

DP will be sent out, but I have been busier this week than normal and so there will be no new puzzles until next week.

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 7 Puzzle:

~A Vayu Troubling Dilemma~

Opponent's Field:
1x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn (attack mode)
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (attack mode)
1x face-down Mirror Force

Your Field:
1x Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor (defense position)
1x face-down Burial from a Different Dimension (set a previous turn)
1x face-down Return from the Different Dimension (set a previous turn)

Opponent's Hand:

Your Hand:
1x Dark Grepher
1x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
1x Black Whirlwind
1x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

Opponent's Graveyard:
1x Necro Gardna

Your Graveyard:

Opponent's Deck:
25 cards

Your Deck:
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1x Blackwing - Bora the Spear
1x Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1x Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
1x Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
1x Plaguespreader Zombie

Your Extra Deck:
3x Blackwing Armed Wing
2x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Colossal Fighter

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

Answer to Week 7 Problem:

Again, this was an easy problem and there were several potential solutions.

1. Activate Black Whirlwind.
2. Tribute Summon Sirocco by tributing Vayu.
3. use Black Whirlwind to search out Gale.
4. Special Summon Gale and use his effect to halve the ATK of your opponent's Sirocco.
5. Tune your 2 monsters for Colossal Fighter.
6. Use Vayu's effect to remove himself and Sirocco from play to Special Summon Blackwing Armed Wing.
7. Activate Return from the Different Dimension to Special Summon Vayu and Sirocco from your RFG zone.
8. You now have 3 Blackwings on the field so activate Delta Crow - Anti Reverse to get rid of your opponent's Mirror Force.
9. Attack with Colossal Fighter and it'll be negated by Necro Gardna.
10. Attack Gale with Armed Wing (1000 dmg).
11. Attack the weakened Sirocco with your own Sirocco (1000 dmg).
12. Attack directly with Vayu. 1000 + 1000 + 800 = 2800 dmg.

Winners for Week 7:
hamouda, pilover

Consolation Prizes for Week 7:

DP will be sent out shortly, and I will have a new puzzle up as soon as I can. Puzzles are gonna start getting tougher again since we've had some easy ones recently...

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

Week 8 Puzzle:

~Honestly Xtreme~

Opponent's Field:
1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
1x Lumina, Lightsworn Sorceress

Your Field:

Opponent's Hand:
3x Honest

Your Hand:
1x X-Saber Airbellum
1x XX-Saber Gardestrike
1x XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
1x X-Saber Galahad
1x XX-Saber Faultroll
1x D.D. Crow

Opponent's Graveyard:
1x Necro Gardna

Your Graveyard:
1x X-Saber Galahad
1x XX-Saber Faultroll
1x XX-Saber Gardestrike
1x XX-Saber Ragigura

Opponent's Deck:
20 cards

Your Deck:
30 cards

Your Extra Deck:
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x XX-Saber Gottoms
1x X-Saber Urbellum
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Magical Android

Opponent's LP:

Your LP:

descriptionCan You Win in 1? (Week 8) EmptyRe: Can You Win in 1? (Week 8)

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