So long story short, I was thinking about how Macro Rabbit has a natural advantage game 1 against popular decks such as Dark World and Merlanteans, and then I thought about seeing if I could do something like that for a different meta deck. I settled on my six samurai deck, thought I replaced Macro with Fissure. Best. Decision. I. Ever. Made. Welcome to the new bandwagon people. Anti-meta is the new meta. Deck can sack like crazy, and I'm thinking about making this deck in real life and taking it to locals. I've been playing this deck for almost a year, and it works amazingly. The_Nameless actually told me I should post it here to see what others think, so eventually I got around to it. I don't care what the haters say :D. The changes aren't even that major, all I needed to do was ditch Veiler, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and Double-Edged Sword Technique. Monster Reborn is kept in becase if you open up with it you can still use it before you drop Fissure, which you probably won't even draw most of the time. Also, D Fissure baits backrow removal, so it might not even be around for long. Also, I know using Dark Hole is rather unorthodox. I don't even care, I want a backup plan in case somebody blows up my field of Samurai and summons a BLS or Hyperion or Grapha or Scrap Dragon or Abyssmegalo or something like that.
The deck:
I don't care what you think. Haters gonna hate.
The deck:
I don't care what you think. Haters gonna hate.