Hello DA. I think we can call this "each day something new for you, with love" our tradition from now on lol. Yeah, our staff is hard working to make this place much better and more organized than it already is Smile

So, you all know our League rankings ain't it? Well, from now on we don't call rankings only by "League Rankings", we call it Rankings & Scores because we are introducing new rankings for many different events, one by one.

Rankings & Scores are located here: http://www.duelacademy.net/h1-rankings-scores which is same like if you click on it in the Menu widget on the right. These rankings have now 6 buttons, for 6 different rankings. Not all of them are working right now, as we said, introducing new stuff one by one.

"League Season" button indicates rankings for standard League as you know it, and that loads by default when you open that page.

Another rankings newly available are the rankings for DA Live Tournaments! Yeah, we implemented that in DA as we saw that in Dueling City it had pretty high rating and was very popular, if not the best thing that we did there lol. We adapted it for DA standard and there you go, Lives are ranked from now on and have their own Seasons!

There are two buttons for Lives, one just for the current Season and other is Overall rankings which shows all Lives that were played in DA in total.

We also refreshed DA Lives section and redesigned it. Infos here: http://www.duelacademy.net/t23380-da-live-tournaments-rules-and-information

About this current Season 1: http://www.duelacademy.net/t23382-da-lives-season-1-50-lives

If you want to look up old Live records, there is our Season 0 archive: http://www.duelacademy.net/f141-lives-season-0-archive

We will be trying to make Lives alive again in DA, by hosting them almost each day and we expect interest from our members as now we brought new motivation through Ranking table!

Enjoy DA, enjoy it by playing in Lives cheers