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descriptionPNG, and Renders EmptyPNG, and Renders

I have seen people give pics to anzo and dex, say they are render, think they are and totally get pimp slapped when told they arent

So I thought I would take some time out of my day to give some costumers a good few pointers on what and what is not a render.

First and for most, PNG is something the GFXers are familiar with, it is the usual format for a Render.

But, sometimes, it just so happens that a PNG might not be a Render and I will show you what those are and how to prevent yourself from not failing hard.

Ok, 1. a regular .PNG that is rendered.

Spoiler :

This guy is a render, there is no black bg for white bg, a render is soley based on if it has a transparent background, or none at all for the guys who dont understand.

Now for the situations that PNG just happens to not be rendered.

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In this case all the pic was saved as was PNG, no rendering was done, therefor not a render.

For the last topic. A .JPG that is rendered, this is the only time I have encountered it, only because I noticed it.

Spoiler :

descriptionPNG, and Renders EmptyRe: PNG, and Renders

Bump Bump Bump, Bump to the top!!!!

descriptionPNG, and Renders EmptyRe: PNG, and Renders

why are you bumping this. no one gives 2 sh*t.

descriptionPNG, and Renders EmptyRe: PNG, and Renders

This wasn't needed and in the wrong section


descriptionPNG, and Renders EmptyRe: PNG, and Renders

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