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descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyMy E - Hero deck


E hero flash
e hero avian
E hero bladedge
e hero bubbleman
e hero burstinatrix
e hero captain gold
E hero clayman
e hero heat
e hero knospe
e hero lady heat
e hero neos
e hero ocean
E hero sparkman
E hero stratos
e hero voltic
E hero wildheart
King of the swamp


E hero great tornado
e hero flame wingman
e hero gaia

E hero mudballman
e hero necroshade
E hero rampart blaster
e hero shining phoenix enforcer
E hero the shining
e hero thunder giant
E hero wild wingman
e hero wildedge


E emergency call
Fifth hope
heavy storm
Lightning vortex
miracle fusion
monster reborn
monster reincarnation
mystical space typhoon
O oversouls
polymerization x3
reinforcement of the army
skyscraper 2


Draining shield
Elemental recharge
hero signal x2
Mirror gate
negate attack
Seven tools of the bandit
spell shield type 8
Threatening roar

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

is this your real-life deck or not?

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

Yes. The deck i use. And accidentaly put necroshade under fusions.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

if uget any elemental hero alius, u should add them with gemini spark.. great combo u get to tribute alius to destroy one, and then u get to get draw 2

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

^You only get to draw 1 but it's still awesome with Hero Blast

Remove all the crap, choose a theme of the elemental heroes and build around it. Basically start from scratch. This thing is totally random crap.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

i think u should choose bubble beatdown.. easy to play when u can set all ur hand, and summon 2 bubbman.. u can either fusion summon OR u could xyz for excaliber and make it a 4k attack beatstick..

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

The trap line up is pretty bad and the monster lineup is pretty random

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

The newer E-Hero builds are also competitive now actually.
Try getting cards like

E hero Gaia
E hero Escuridao
E hero The shining

These cards are the best E hero combos and they are actually easy to summon as well. Idk if your new to the Hero deck or not. But using Super poli will almost enable you to get these Fusions out quick because they only require 1 Hero and 1 element card like a "Earth" Monster .... to bring them out. Absolute Zero has the best effect because if he is destroyed, he destroys all opponents monsters. Anyways i hope i kinda helped but if not... Oh well

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

i have 4 omni heroes gaia zero shining and tornado. and i ordered some better traps. like magic cylinder.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

As those above have suggested, attempt to find a focus on your deck, preferably before you obtain new cards.

It's random now, remember that a large part of building an elemental hero deck is deciding which hero's you like, because boy oh boy do they have a lot of them.

You got those Original 5 with the fusions, those Blade-dudes and Wild-hairs, the Google also lists Destiny and Evil heroes. Evil hero's? That's a whole new mess of weird to me.

What monsters do you want to focus on, which would you rather do without.
OK, news the Google has shown me, you can only have 15 Fusion monsters in your extra deck so dude, you have a limiter right here.

There also happens to be....Masked Hero's? Based on the whole "old superhero, new look and name" thing? DAMN, it's like Robin into Nightwing..... that's just, dude go with that, that's just awesome.

I'm assuming this isn't a super competitive hyper awesome win win win ULTRA Elemental Hero's FT(championship)W! For fun, do anything you want. Hell, I'd suggest it, but if you want competitive, we've got more than a few Elemental Hero decks that work for that, just ask once you decide what you want.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

my deck isnt random. i had all my e hero monsters magics and traps and i just started replacing them with better cards. and its pretty competitive. i win 4 out of 5 duels. i added the newer e heroes cause i didnt like doubles of the classics. i try to make my deck a fusion deck but i can still win even without fusions. in one move i took my opponents life points from 8000 down to 1550. that was my very first turn.

but then maybe my opponents decks aren't good lol.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

The primary point here is we can't help you unless you pick a more specific deck build. You theme here is Elemental Hero, yet there are more Hero's than you have room in a 60 card deck, pick a set of hero's and role with it.

Several others have posted possible competitive deck styles for Elemental Hero's, you could ask them more about those decks.

Since many Hero's exist, a number of deck types have grown around them.

A reason you'd want multiples of your Monsters, is so you'd be more likely to draw them, the chances jump up really quickly, and I'd rather not draw something I couldn't use. Since you have only one of each hero you're really relying on luck on getting a hero you really need, and after a point you'll never get a chance to summon certain hero's.

I'd suggest the Field Spell card "Fusion Gate" It's rather useful if you ask me, altho I just like banishing everything.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

i have the classic heroes for their fusions and added the other set for more options for summoning the omni heroes while leving options for the classic fusions.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

so.... You want to use Classic Heroes. Then you came to the right man. ME.
Well I don't want to give you my complete set of my Classic Hero Deck Build cuz you know I made it and I don't want others to copy my build. All I'm gonna give you is just suggestions you can take from me.

Like always the most basic cards that probable any E-HERO build needs are
+1 E-HERO Stratos
+3 E-HERO Neos Alius
+2-3 Gemini Spark
+2 Hero Blast
+3 Miracle Fusion
+1-2 Super Polymerization
+2 E-Emergency Call
+0-1 Reinforcement of the Army

For your classic hero build I suggest
+2 all HERO normal monsters besides Neos
+2 E-HERO Prisma
+0-1 E-HERO Oceon
+0-1 E-HERO Woodsman
+1-3 King of the Swamp
+2-3 Polymerization
+1 Fusion Gate
+1 Fifth of Hope (since it is just pure heroes)
+0-1 Hero Signal (only use for summoning Woodsman with this card)

For your Extra Deck (they are just only suggestions
+2-3 E-HERO The Shining (a must needed card)
+1-2 E-HERO Absolute Zero (a must needed card)
+1 E-HERO Gaia (a must needed card)
+1 E-HERO Great Tornado (a must needed card)
+1 E-HERO Nova Master (a must needed card)
+1 E-HERO Escuridao (a must needed card)
+1 E-HERO Flame Wingman (only one)
+1 E-HERO Thunder Giant (only one)
+1-2 E-HERO Shining Flare Wingman (a must needed card, optional amount)
+1 E-HERO Terra Firma (My Fav HERO, only if you are using Ocean and Woodsman)
+1 E-HERO Necroid Shaman (If you have room, This is a Troll Card :D)
+1 Blade Armor Ninja (If you have room)
+1 Heroic Challenger - Excalibur (If you have room)
+1 Number 39: Utopia (If you have room)

Suggestions of GOOD Spell/Traps
+1 Solemn Judgment
+2 Solemn Warning
+2-3 Compulsory Evacuation Device
+2 Dimensional Prison
+1 Dark Hole
+1 Heavy Storm
+1 Monster Reborn
+2-3 Mystical Space Typhoon
+2 Royal Decree (if you are running a build with very less trap cards)
+2 Fiendish Chain
+2 Bottomless Trap Hole
+1-2 Torrential Tribute
+1-2 Mirror Force (In my opinion, I think is good. Some people think otherwise)

Well good luck trying to rebuild your deck for an awesome Classic HERO build. All I can say don't expect this deck can help you win a tournament. The decks level is at the level of a Tier 3 deck. The deck is inconsistent since you can neg with Polymerization alone and the huge amount of spells being use on this deck. no matter what you will find yourself building a deck with very less amount of traps to run unless you figure out how you can cut it down like I did.

P.S. If you are planning to use Masked Heroes then by all means do it. You can do a awesome combo with Acid and Zero.

descriptionMy E - Hero deck EmptyRe: My E - Hero deck

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