Here is your office baku, enjoy it and you can plan the ra domination from here.
Zeox wrote:Quality over Quantity my decisive armed friend.
BlahDS wrote:dont slifers dominate the academy already? e.e
i mean... most of the people are in slifer ._.
BlahDS wrote:i think most people on earth are not idiots... most people just dont actually try to rule it....
I mean.. lots of people wanna write books or do science instead of being a world leader...
they are not idiots ._.
Raissa Ana' Marriana wrote:BlahDS wrote:i think most people on earth are not idiots... most people just dont actually try to rule it....
I mean.. lots of people wanna write books or do science instead of being a world leader...
they are not idiots ._.
no...most people are idiots (including some authors and scientists)
Fated Chronos wrote:Oh great he is our leader? yeah... Can I sleep outside?
Raissa Ana' Marriana wrote:bad mimgrim 99% =/= 100%
if everyone were an idiot, there would be no "smart" to compare them to and the word "idiot" would not apply. Comparison requires there to be at least one smart person.
bakura normal wrote:Question, why da fuq is this in my office.
mimgrim wrote:Raissa Ana' Marriana wrote:bad mimgrim 99% =/= 100%
if everyone were an idiot, there would be no "smart" to compare them to and the word "idiot" would not apply. Comparison requires there to be at least one smart person.
Idiot =/= stupid.
Even the smartest person in the wrold is an idiot, but that person is not stupid.
Everyone and I mean everyone does idiodic things everyday even if it something small, it is still idiodic and thus they are idiots.
However not everyone in the world is stupid.
So in the end idiot =/= stupid or smart.
bakura normal wrote:Question, why da fuq is this in my office.
Enigma_m7 wrote:BlahDS wrote:dont slifers dominate the academy already? e.e
i mean... most of the people are in slifer ._.
Most people on the earth are idiots, but they don't rule it.
Enigma_m7 wrote:Enigma_m7 wrote:BlahDS wrote:dont slifers dominate the academy already? e.e
i mean... most of the people are in slifer ._.
Most people on the earth are idiots, but they don't rule it.
You should be an idiot to not understand what i'm saying.
Fated Chronos wrote:Enigma_m7 wrote:Enigma_m7 wrote:BlahDS wrote:dont slifers dominate the academy already? e.e
i mean... most of the people are in slifer ._.
Most people on the earth are idiots, but they don't rule it.
You should be an idiot to not understand what i'm saying.
Well played sir, but generalization gets us no where.
Ra Yellow > Slifer Red