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descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Monsters (18)
Mobius the Frost Monarch x2
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch x2
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x2
D.D Survivor x3
Breaker the Magical Warrior x1
D.D Warrior Lady x1
Helios - The Primodial Sun x1
Legendary Jujitsu Master x1
Neo-spacian Grand Mole x1
Spirit Reaper x1
Marshmallon x1
Cyber Valley x2

Spell Cards (13)
Soul Exchange x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Card Trader x1
Lightning Vortex x1
Dimensional Fissure x2
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Enemy Controller x2
Big Bang Shot x1
Soul Absorption x2

Trap Cards (9)

Solemn Judgement x3
Mirror Force x1
D.D Dynamite x1
Macro Cosmos x3
Torrential Tribute x1

Side Deck (15)
D.D Crow x2
Royal Oppression x2
Threatening Roar x2
Shadow-Improsining Mirror x2
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Pulling the Rug x2
Warrior Elimination x2
Dragon Capture Jar x1
Prohibition x1

Defensive side deck full of staple counters which i seem to encounter the most through experience with kcvds.

This is the deck i used in my test, which was actually the first duel it's lost. I feel there are some issues with it, improvements welcomed.

Having D.D survivor out with macro cosmos/dimensional fissure with soul absorption is the main combo. Big bang shot allows d.d survivor to bring itself back once without mc/df on the field. Card trader helps me move througgh my deck efficiently, decking the cards that are of no use right now. Much of the rest is made up of staple monarch cards, mixed with a few cards i enjoy using in every deck such as the mole and jujitsu master which when paired with card trader gives me alot of control.

Rest should be fairly self explanatory.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

+1 treeborn frog
this card is most important in deck
+1 soul exchange too

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

I didn't think treeborn frog was a good idea, as ideally most of the cards will be rfg rather than sent to the graveyard, so treeborn frog's effect couldn't be activated. I also use alot of continuous spells and traps, and so there would be rarely a turn where i could summon it anyway. I removed a soul exchange in favour of big bang shot, as i found more use for big bang shot rather than a third se. Thus i only have 2.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

not a bad build to be honest but you need to work more on your spell/trap line up

here are my suggestions

- Card Trader
+Brain control

- Big Bang Shot
+Dimensional Fissure

- Helios - The Primodial Sun
- Legendary Jujitsu Master
+2 Gravekeeper's sky

- Neo-spacian Grand Mole
+Gravekeeper's guard

- 2 Soul Absorption
- D.D Dynamite
+3 Dark bribe

bribe is there to protect your macro casmo and dimensinol fissure and to
protect your monarch i would also add another zoborg i find them really useful

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Hmm, i think i will remove big bang shot and run 3 dimensional fissure. Never been a fan of gravekeepers, legendary jujitsu master's effect is better than gravekeeper's guard's imo. If this was purely a monarch deck i'd be running the gravekeeper's, but i think as the monarchs as a secondary tactic within my deck really, and thus prefer to run cards i enjoy, which also help my primary tactic somewhat.

Card Trader + Mole + Jujitsu Master really seem to help the flow of my deck, stall the opponent whilst i shuffle through my deck looking for my staples. Anybody got an opinion on this? It might be more due to the fact that on kcvds i don't tend to play against pro duelists, and these tactics seem to work.

D.D Dynamite has served as a nice duel ender so i'm skeptical to remove it, and spell absorption has worked well so far, but once again i'm not as experienced as most, so i might be wrong.

Wouldn't running 3 solemn judgement AND 3 dark bribe be defensive overkill?

Cheers for the advice, any comments on what i've just said?

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Well D.D dynamite is not a good card, and it may be a dead draw many times.
As for Soul absorption it's no use in that deck but you can try with the combination - Macro cosmos + Gravekeeper's servant + soul absorption - wich can make your opponent go crazy.
Dark bribe is only good in any cases, but in this case is a -1, with 3 solemns it should be fine.
Big bang shot it's no use in this deck and in my oppinion is a bad card.
Helios is an awfull card for a macro monarch deck, and gravekeepers guard>jiujitsu, it can be called to de field by G spy, he has more defence and he his a target for CCV, so i will suggest you to use the gravekeepers they are really helpfull in a monarch. Card trader is just an awfull card.
Mole you can keep it if you want but it's too situational.
Either way here are my fixes:

- 1 Zaborg
- 1 Helios
- 2 Cyber valley
- 1 Mole
- 1 Marsh
- 1 Big bang shot
- 1 card trader
- 2 soul exchange
- 1 D.D dynamite
- 1 RotA


+ 2 Gravekeeper's spy
+ 1 gravekeeper's guard
+ 1 card trooper (helps you to discard cards to RPG)
+ 1 Morphing Jar
+ 1 Dimensional fissure
+ 3 Gravekeeper's servant
+ 1 Soul absorption
+ 1 Crush card virus
+ 1 Return from the different dimension

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Thx for the advice L, i hadn't thought about gravekeeper's servant, definitely going to get that into my deck.

Why is card trader such a bad card? It practically eliminates dead draws (such as early game d.d dynamite), and helps move through my deck quickly looking for the staple cards i need. Although i guess it's only useful when drawn early on. I'll try running the deck a few times with your fixes, see if i like it.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Card Trader does not eliminate dead draws. It CREATES a dead draw in itself. Just by playing it onto the field you have a -1 card disadvantage because what you have is a worthless card on the field that doesn't destroy any cards your opponent controls, doesn't stall, doesn't guarantee any sort of situational advantage . . . etc. Giving yourself a -1 for no reason is just bad bad bad.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

-2 Cyber Valley
-1 Helios
-1 Marsh of Reaper
-1 Jujitsu

-1 Card Trader
-1 RotA
-1 Big Bang
-2 Soul Absorption
-2 E-Con.

-1 D.D Dynamite
-1 Macro Cosmos

+3 gravekeeper's spy.
+2 Gravekeeper's Gaurd.
+1 Morphing Jar.
+1 Chaos Sorcerer
+1 Sangan

+1 Smashing Ground
+2 Book of Moon
+1 Monster Reborn
+1 Brain Control
+1 Gravekeeper's Servant

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Since this is a monarch deck if you follow Unkwon's fixes you'd better put 2 enemy controllers intead of the books because you can tribute your survivor, take his monster and tribute it for a monarch or just take his monster and atk him and in the end survivor comes back again.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Well, Books are better since he can recycle Gravekeeper's Spy, Morphing Jar, and Gravekeeper's Gaurd...

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

For Monarchs, you can use both E-Con and BoM. They are both good cards for Monarchs and you should probably have 2-3 of both of them in almost any Monarch deck.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

Surely monster reborn and chaos sorceror aren't a great idea in this deck as the main tactic revolves around having all cards rfg. I'm going to add the gravekeeper's and a morphing jar, see how it works out.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

You need Monster Reborn and Chaos sorcerer if you use my fixes since you will have 4 cards that focus on RFG. 2 Dimensional Fissure and 2 Macro Cosmos.
You will get D.D. Assailant that way to tribute him for a Monarch.

You won't always have one of those cards on the field, so you will have a few monsters in grave. So you should use Monster Reborn and Chaos Sorcerer...

Also, I added the Gravekeeper's as a back - up plan so you don't rely on 1 way of finding tributes for monarchs.

descriptionMy KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck EmptyRe: My KCVDS Macro Monarchs Deck

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