Here are the Results from Kyosukes Test:
~Match lost 2-0:-12 points
~Good Combo:+6
~Rulling Mistakes: 0
~Number of cards in deck 40-45:+2
~Control of the duel (Hand, field): 5/10 points
~Good use of cards: 20/20 points
~Extra Coments:He is very skilfull Duelist.He plays his cards correctly and he knows
how to read his opponet moves very well.(these skills are for Obelisk Duelists Level)
We had a great 1st duel which i won with 250lp-0lp (+5)
Second duel he started with bad hand which kept him
back and i won.
~Total Points: 34
~Dorm:Obelisk Blue
~Match lost 2-0:-12 points
~Good Combo:+6
~Rulling Mistakes: 0
~Number of cards in deck 40-45:+2
~Control of the duel (Hand, field): 5/10 points
~Good use of cards: 20/20 points
~Extra Coments:He is very skilfull Duelist.He plays his cards correctly and he knows
how to read his opponet moves very well.(these skills are for Obelisk Duelists Level)
We had a great 1st duel which i won with 250lp-0lp (+5)
Second duel he started with bad hand which kept him
back and i won.
~Total Points: 34
~Dorm:Obelisk Blue