My first Test ^^.Here are the Results of Sasukes Test

~Match lost 2-0:-12
~Good Combo:+6
~Rulling Mistakes:0
~Cards in Deck:40-45 ...+2
~Control of the duel (Hand, field): 7/10 points
~Good use of cards: 17/20 points

Extra Coments:He has Skill.Of course he needs to learn some things and gain experience.I saw that his Deck build wasnt balanced enough, thats what he needs to improve the most.Try concentrating ur deck in a strategy...i mean monarch deck is monarch ,you had blowback dragon , zombie master and others stuff not needed there.Also you had a Horus Lockdown with Silent Magician in...concentrate your deck in Locking your opponent with Horus lv8 and Royal Decree.
Remember every card in your deck must have a purpose why is there and that purpose must be helping your main strategy if you dont have main strategy then you dont have compleated your have just added some random cards.

Total Points:20
Congratulation you are part of Ra Dorm