Some of the member groups were reorganized due to our sites advancement over time. We got many new things to take care of and also some of the older roles became unimportant. That being said, Judges group was not needed anymore as staff members that host events and tournaments make the rules for those and automatically they also judge issues that may occur. For that reason and not to create confusion in groups, Judges are not needed anymore. Their secondary job was being also moderators and most of those members are now again Moderators as they were before.

Another thing is, recently we are in need of people who will help us in certain areas like hosting live tournaments, keeping some sections active etc but we don't have name for those roles. Technically they belong to staff but their roles are not at the level of Moderators or Teachers and thus we created a new groups called Assistants and all members that have those specific tasks assigned get into that group.

Now as Assistants got introduced the question is why should we keep GFX Team as separate group when their job is exactly what Assistants do. Obviously they were merged with Assistants and now their role looks more important and not like some random people who have also a passion to PS besides YGO.

To sum it up, we got more organized groups while their number decreased making less confusion what is what :D

More information about groups here: