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description2012 March Lightsworns Empty2012 March Lightsworns

Monsters (30):

1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
2x Card Trooper
2x Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
2x Effect Veiler
1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Honest
2x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
3x Judgment Dragon
2x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
2x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Necro Gardna
1x PlagueSpreader Zombie
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Tragoedia
2x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

Spells (eight)

1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
3x Solar Recharge

Traps (2):

2x Beckoning Light

Extra Deck (15):

2x Ally of Justice Catasor
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Gaia ..
1x Light end Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Orient Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach

Too many monsters I know .. but it's a sworns deck, it hurts when over half of your mills are spells/traps, Beckoning Light > Monster Reincarnation, I'm even thinking about adding a 3rd copy.

Any suggestions? Smile

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

30's gonna be a real mess. Try and find a compromise, as some of these hands will be far too slow for a deck like this. There is no point accounting for milling if your never gonna have a lightsworn in your hand to begin with. (I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean). It's heading in the right direction, but I doubt it would be very competitive against a 20 monster build.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Do you think I should find room for Pot of Duality?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

It's funny because this deck mills faster than you could count to 10.

Find Space for Monster Reincarnation cuz 2 Beckoning Light doesn't quite cut it.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

30 is perfectly fine for a LS deck. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

-2 Card Trooper (totally excess. don't need it.)
-2 Tragoedia (your hand typically won't have tons of cards in it, so meh, he's not that great. focus more on offense when running LS.)
-1 Foolish Burial (trust me, you don't need it.)
-1 Pot of Avarice (hells no. side it if you wanna, but in generally, if you're not balls to the wall kill him with LS, then you're not playing it right.)
-2 Beckoning Light (Monster Reincarnation is just better imo, and I'd rather take advantage of you not running traps by adding either Decree or Treacherous Trap Hole)

+1 Wulf (always max. always.)
+2 Monster Reincarnation
+1 Treacherous Trap Hole
+2 MST (clearing backrow is important for LS, since you have many OTK opportunities)
+1 Lightray Diabolos
+1 Lightray Gearfried

other options: Guardian of Order, Chaos Sorcerer, Phantom of Chaos.

Lightrays kick ass with LS.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Beckoning Light allows me to discard my Wulfs, Gardnas, Gorz, Tragoedia, any light monsters left to get 3 JDs (if possible), Black Luster Soldier and Honest.

2-3 JDs = a much better chance of a successful OTK since you can summon one use its eff (if it gets warning-ed you can summon the other) and get the others for extra ATK along with BLS

I'm quite aware that Reincarnation is a spell and thus it's faster, but it's still a -1 hand advantage for each use, while Beckoning gets you all the stuff needed for your OTK at a single use.

nekofjung wrote:

-2 Card Trooper (totally excess. don't need it.)

Unneeded yes, but with his "draw 1 card" effect he basically replaces himself, he's a better miller than Jane, still not quite sure if I should run it.

nekofjung wrote:
-2 Tragoedia (your hand typically won't have tons of cards in it, so meh, he's not that great. focus more on offense when running LS.)

this deck runs 30 monsters so there are always lots of cards in my hand (can only normal summon once) but you're probably right he's not needed, but I'm gonna need a dark replacement for BLS (Gardna and Gorz are the only darks left)

nekofjung wrote:
+1 Wulf (always max. always.)

This guy is almost always in my hand, without Lumina to discard/re-summon him he's pretty much a dead draw, also he's just a 2100 beatstick normal monster that doesn't even mill

I've removed Foolish Burial and Avarice, they're not needed (especially avarice),
as for Lightrays I'm keen on trying them, still not quite sold on them .. will do some tests.

So you guys don't think I should run Duality?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Duality kills LS >_> and for the **** of god you have Solar Recharge + Charge and add a freaking PLZ. Lightray's do kick ass. Some random individual with a deck very, very similar deck to this one managed to win vs me because of a Lightray that nuked my backrow >_> couldn't blow my Yugimonz at him in time.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

lol! you probably have missed it but I have PLZ in this deck

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

FYI: Gardna, PSZ, and Gorz is more than enough fuel for BLS. You don't need a DARK replacement for Trag tbh. The deck should get stuff to grave more than quickly enough.

For Wulf, you have Reincarnation/Beckoning (whichever you go with), Lumina, and Solar Recharge. If that's not enough to get dead Wulfs outta your hand then you're doing it wrong. 3x Wulf is necessary so that you can make the most out of your massive mills and get some good ol' fashioned swarming going.

Yes, Card Trooper replaces himself. That is also true of many other cards in the game. Fact is, he isn't needed here and actually slows down the deck, and is a lousy mill since he does nothing for JD or BLS/CS.

The main reasons for Reincarnation over Beckoning are thus:

1. It can be used for more than just LIGHT monsters.
2. Beckoning can't be used if u have more cards in-hand than you do in the grave. This makes it worthless early on in the duel whereas you can always use Reincarnation.
3. You can use Reincarnation on the turn you draw it. This is probably the most important part. It is a much better top deck than Beckoning.
4. Reincarnation not affected by Decree, allowing you to side into Decree more easily against certain match-ups.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Duality helps lightsworn so much. They are extremely inconsistent and need that ability to dig into their pieces. You don't even special summon every turn so why wouldn't you run it?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Exiled108 wrote:
Duality helps lightsworn so much. They are extremely inconsistent and need that ability to dig into their pieces. You don't even special summon every turn so why wouldn't you run it?

Because the last thing you want is to mill a Wulf in the EP and have Duality say no. Also, don't know where you've been, but with Lightrays, Guardian of Order, 3x JD, 2x Lumina, CS, BLS, and PSZ, Lightsworns are indeed able to bring the pain every turn and make big plays that require the ability to special summon.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Testing Lightrays and Reincarnation vs Beckoning Light.

by the way, isn't Ryko,Lyla preferred over MSTs in this case?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

^No because some upper tier decks like Dark World for example side into Skill Drain.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Magical Merchant, what do you think?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Tyraziell wrote:
Magical Merchant, what do you think?

slows down the deck too much.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Neko I'm a fan of your Deck Builder's guide, and it has helped me build this deck in the first place, and so far the changes you've suggested are working out really well:


Beckoning can get me JDs, Honest, Veilers, Lightrays, BLS effectively. I have decree sided but I don't like T.T hole Smile

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

aren't lightrays ... like ocg?

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

Will be out for TCG on May 8 Staxx. Part of Galactic Overlord. In the meantime, DN and all other online dueling system already have them available.

description2012 March Lightsworns EmptyRe: 2012 March Lightsworns

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