The Quest for the Supreme King Rules and Information Duel_a10

Rules and Information
The Quest for the Supreme King is a special monthly event where we will choose the Supreme King of Duel Academy. Basically the most valuable members of the month will get nominated for the position. Then each month, the new voted member gets to challenge the Supreme King of the previous month to take his role.
1. Event is held each month. The exact day can vary few days before or after depending on Staff preparations for the event.

2. All members including Staff can nominate the member they think was the most valuable in every aspect for the specific month, except themselves. Basically its what you see in many sites as "Member of the Month". Forum activity, the effort in posts (are they only spam or valuable posts that help this site), dueling records (if someone got impressive score in DA Circuit, Tournament, Survival Duels or anything similar), graphical skills (if someone got pretty decent month of GFXing for other members and DA like keeping their GFX Shops very active etc), other shop activities (deck making and special shops), Dorm advancing (if someone has impressive dorm advancing for the month) and many more activities that are not listed here but you get the point. Of course you can nominate only one person.

3. Nominating must be objective and not subjective. You cannot nominate a member just because he/she is your friend or any other reason that suggests subjective factor for nominating. It is easy for Staff to see if you nominated someone that obviously did not bring any effort in DA for the current month. If that happens you will be punished for spam by the Rules of Duel Academy.

4. After nominations, Staff will open up the poll to vote for those members.

5. Poll will be open the same amount of days for each month.

6. The first Supreme King will be the one with the most votes. After that, next Supreme King will be the winner of Match Duel Challenge between the member that has most votes for the current month and Supreme King of the previous month.

7. The Match can be recorded and uploaded for all members of Duel Academy to see it. This is important because the event is supposed to be more like a showdown.

8. When the Match is about to begin, duelists should inform the members in Chatbox, Official Chat Group and every other place where DA members can be found, to watch it live if possible.

9. Every member can be nominated excluding Staff Members.

10. Nominating is done in THIS section. Just find the topic for the current month and post your nomination. (Example: "March 2012 Nominations").

11. Posting a nomination for certain member must be covered with valuable arguments, in other words you have to provide good explanation why you nominate that member.

12. Voting is done in the same section as nominating, but in a separate topic. (Example: "March 2012 Voting"). Note that voting topic is only available when the nominations are closed and processed. For voting you don't have to give any reason or post, just vote for the member you think is best from the given ones.

13. Duels can be done with TCG banlist decks only.

The Supreme King will be awarded with a special rank & user colour! Aswell as Double DP for all Battle Arena and Shadow Arena matches!