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descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyGreat Dueling Moments

Talk about the times you felt great either dueling online or irl. I'll start.

Great Dueling Moments 8gQEm

Dueling against my team leader on the DN forums in a best 2 out of 3 duel, and he managed to beat me in 2.

This is game 2, and I finish it by having 2 Aesirs on the field Smile

That's a start. What are some great moments you had in dueling?

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Turn 1, my opponent was synchroing like hell, synching, drawing, synching, etc etc.

So he activates Pot of Avarice, and returns a ton of good monsters except for the monster that was going to end him. Brio.

He feels all awesome with his 3 super-powered synchs, and ends.

My turn, turn 2, I activate monster reborn, MR Brio, discard Necroshade & two other cards, return his synchs. I summon Bladedge by Necro's eff, attack directly, end.

Turn 3, he deaddraws, raging like crazy, ends.

Turn 4, I attack for game. x3

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Btw, you can all post as many moments as you want. So, if you wanna talk about great matches you have in DN, you can xD

Another from me. You know that feeling you get when you battle a Burn deck? Well....yeah, I had it. People play them, but just hate it when it's used against them. For this Duel, I used my Thor deck, which uses the Beasts to bring him out. I didn't get to use Thor on this game...

Great Dueling Moments A0EMa

Fortunately, I didn't have to :p He discards my hand a couple of times (Card Destruction and Morphing Jar) And just keeps eating away at my LP. Out of the monsters you see here, Mist Wurm was dropped first to ensure a direct hit early on. Next was Behemoth later on (returning two Nordic Beasts to my hand by his effect) and then came the Battle ox in the final turn, allowing my beasts to inflict piercing damage. It left him at 200 Lp, so I quickly flip Call of the Haunted, revive Tanngnjostr, and attack for game xD

You burn my LP, I burn yours....with Battle Damage!! :p

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

I remember the time I got Elemental HERO Terra Firma to 12k ATK to some extent

I had a bunch of heroes on my field, Woodsman on my field, so what I did is I fused Ocean with Woodsman (obviously) and made Terra Firma, I had Shining Flare Wingman as well.
I tributed a bunch of heroes for Firma's boost, but I saved Flare Wingman for last so Firma would get the added bonus of Shining's ATK from his effect, and when I was done, Firma was at 12k, my opponent had no cards on their field, and only a few LPs left xD

attacked for game xDD

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

eh the best moment was going against a online xis sam player recently and i was playing my odd ball dino wabbit deck (the one with very odd tech choices Oh Shit) well i played small at first because i ddint really have anything else i like broguth alchemist and used his effect and milled wabbit to banish zone <3 well then he proceeded to swam ofc and his final field was shien (synchro) and great shog shien he attacked me broguth my LP down by quite a bit then he reborned the alchemist he destroyed and used its effect.

ok so i go to my turn and now im thinking on how i want to get around this he asks if i want to sack or something like that (basicly saying if i want to go ahead and dive up) because "i cant get around his field" and i said nah cause i think i have an idea so first i play wabbit and go dolkka then i play BoM on his shien he no negate it unfourtantly -,- but i attack face down shien and get rid of it oh and i also has a set D-prison scince the beggining f the turn so i end he then attack with great shogun and i activate D-prison

shortly after that i won XD

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

My greatest moment in dueling, was going against a XZY-union monsters deck and his field had XYZ Dragon cannon an XY Dragon Cannon and one other monster can't remember too well.

I had my cyber dragon deck at the time, no cards out on the field, he ended his turn and I had little LP, I drew overload fusion banished a cyber dragon and 6 other machines and summoned out Chimera Tech Overdragon, 7 monsters used to fuse, 5600 attack, and 7 total attacks.

Destroyed all his monsters and attacked for game. (always believe in that one draw can change the entire duel) Greatest moment I will never forget

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

One of my best moment is using Sirocco's effect to boost Armed Wing attack points become a 10,000 or above beater and end the game using his pierce damage

P.S. I swarm my field with mostly blackwing synchros

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

My greatest moment was years ago in a local Tourny I was in, just after the release of Cybernetic Revolution. My opponent was running a hybrid-Kaiba deck and utterly destroying my prototype Cyber Deck.

Soon enough he brought out his kingpin card, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and at that point we had a crowd watching. It was obvious to everyone around, I was heading down the path of defeat. As his turn ended, I told myself that I am not going down without a fight and the very next turn I draw the card I needed.

Next thing he knows, I play Power Bond and everyone goes silent. I bring out a beast of my own, my prized Cyber End Dragon at 8000ATK. I swear his face went pale when I attacked, the crowd went wild and I won the duel. That was by far my crowning achievement and ever since then I've been a devoted Cyber player.

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

^To actually HAVE a crowning achievement is very impressive. You certainly have my respect.

Here's yet another duel from me. Just beat a burn deck, but this guy was annoying. Kept making so many misplays, and claimed I was cheating every time I turned the game around. I kept trying to explain to him how a Chain works. He activates his Gift Card with Nurse Reficule face up, I chain Book of the Moon to that, flipping Nurse face-down, which would in turn make me gain LP. Smile

This was my Naturia deck, so I was able to lock down his Spells and Traps in BOTH matches with Bamboo Shoot. When I was ready to finish him, I tuned Bamboo Shoot (6) with Cherries (1) and Beans (2) to drop Mist Wurm on him and bounce his Marshmallon. I attacked for game! xD

Oh, yeah. This is also one of the few instances that I drop Naturia Exterio EVER. His Deck was somewhat competitive, so it was easier than usual.

Great Dueling Moments KaVfb

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Normally, as I despise lockdown decks, I'd make some negative comment towards that win, but considering your opponent was a idiot with a burn deck...

I approve of that win. Great Dueling Moments 1968215193


descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

;-; What about a bunch of the underrated cards used to win? I got one for you guys with a random strategies.

So, my friend was using an odd Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys deck, and I was using my 60 card deck of all monsters with 500 ATK or below, focusing around milling the deck and busting out Chaos Necromancer with 10,000+ ATK. This is one result we had, where I got Chaos to 15,000 ATK.

Great Dueling Moments JDCTi

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

This duel did not involve me, but it was a blast to watch. From what I remember Squiddy was running Hieratics with Yugi running a blend of oldschool cards. The watchers were going nuts.
Great Dueling Moments Ka92T

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

eh having gachi, swap frog, sea lancer (with otu equipment), ronintoadin, and my opponets E-coned utopia on field and attacking with all of those mosnters for game Razz

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Eheroduelist wrote:
Normally, as I despise lockdown decks, I'd make some negative comment towards that win, but considering your opponent was a idiot with a burn deck...

I approve of that win. Great Dueling Moments 1968215193


It was a rare occasion, as I had chosen just then to try out my Naturia Plant/Beast Deck. Locking down a burn deck is always fun.

As for that one pic....Dragon Master Knight is one heck of a card. Still one of the strongest monsters in the game, and one of the few that can go toe to toe with Five-Headed. I tried to get him out a few times some time ago, but I was never able to summon him. Kudos on that guy being able to do just that.

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Best moment my opp started turn 1 played sangan in ATK no spell/trap
i draw 1 cyber dragon and cyber dragon Zwei i reveal power bond
then use it for twin (who can attack twice) i attack sangan with 5600
then directly with 5600 game

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

Heimdall wrote:
Eheroduelist wrote:
Normally, as I despise lockdown decks, I'd make some negative comment towards that win, but considering your opponent was a idiot with a burn deck...

I approve of that win. Great Dueling Moments 1968215193


It was a rare occasion, as I had chosen just then to try out my Naturia Plant/Beast Deck. Locking down a burn deck is always fun.

As for that one pic....Dragon Master Knight is one heck of a card. Still one of the strongest monsters in the game, and one of the few that can go toe to toe with Five-Headed. I tried to get him out a few times some time ago, but I was never able to summon him. Kudos on that guy being able to do just that.

I'd kill to watch someone (or make it happen myself) to Super Poly opponent's monster into Dragon Master Knight XD

descriptionGreat Dueling Moments EmptyRe: Great Dueling Moments

my favorite real duel i used fusion gate (this was late into the duel) banished
3 blue eyes summoned ultimate used dragons mirror banished ultimate and
eithar black luster soldier or king of the swamp (cant remember which)
and summoned dragon master knight then i activated return from the different
dimension, and brought back my 3 blue eyes and my ultimate dragon
bringing knight to 7000 ATK and i hit for game after killing his 2 monsters
with my blue eyes (really wish i did not lose my ultimate dragon)

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