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Elemental Hero Deck~

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descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyElemental Hero Deck~

This is my current EHero deck that I'm using on DN. Just as a side note, I hope to soon build this deck irl, but first I want to optimize it to the max! Just for the reviewer's information, this deck will be used mostly for casual play (with my friends and such) But I'll also be using this in a few local tournaments as well. Therefore I want it to be fun to use, yet play well and consistently as well. Here it 'tis:

total cards: 41

Monsters: (17)
Elemental Hero Avian x2
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x2
Elemental Hero Sparkman x3
Elemental Hero Ocean x2
Elemental Hero Prisma x3
Elemental Hero Stratos x1
Elemental Hero Woodsman x2
King of the Swamp x2

Spells: (18)
E - Emergency Call x3
Miracle Fusion x2
Polymerization x3
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Super Polymerization x2
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dark Hole x1
Heavy Storm x1
Pot of Duality x2

Traps: (6)
Mirror Force x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Solemn Judgement x1

Side Deck: (2)
Royal Decree x2

Extra Deck: (15)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero x2
Elemental Hero Escuridao x1
Elemental Hero Gaia x1
Elemental Hero Nova Master x1
Elemental Hero Great Tornado x1
Elemental Hero The Shining x2
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant x1
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman x1
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman x3
Number 39: Utopia x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1

This version of this deck is what it was after implementing The_Dutch_Prince's advice. So far, those edits have worked wonders! However, I'd still like additional opinions, especially on the extra deck~

Last edited by Rhonder on Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:35 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

extra deck? and if you are using royal decree max it out and don't use other traps
thats about all i got

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Oh wow :O spaced the extra. Thanks for pointing that out XD

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Whats your goal for this deck sir?, I mean is it competitve dueling, is it casual duelig or is it a deck just have some fun with and you dont really care if you win or lose, just as long as you are having fun?

I ask you this, since my personal advice for your deck would be different is you would say you wished to play competitvely with this deck and not just to have fun. So if you could answer that sir, I guess I will have my advice for you.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Definitely agree with The_Dutch_Prince. It's fine for casual play, but for competitive play your deck needs some tweaks. Despite being a newbie on HERE, I know plenty about Elemental HEROes. :D

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

what. no one is going to mention about my hero deck? aww now i am sad. anyways look at some of my decks too so i hope it can help you.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

The lack of Necroshade, Neos (Spacian Mole) and Dark Fusion is somewhat disturbing. Razz

Then again, Divine Neos would be helpful, too.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

The_Dutch_Prince wrote:
Whats your goal for this deck sir?, I mean is it competitve dueling, is it casual duelig or is it a deck just have some fun with and you dont really care if you win or lose, just as long as you are having fun?

I ask you this, since my personal advice for your deck would be different is you would say you wished to play competitvely with this deck and not just to have fun. So if you could answer that sir, I guess I will have my advice for you.

Hmm I suppose that right now, it's for casual dueling, mostly on DN. I'm going to want to build a hero deck irl at some point (probably based off of this) but the highest level of competition that I see myself achieving is a local tournament or 2.

Puddleths wrote:
Definitely agree with The_Dutch_Prince. It's fine for casual play, but for competitive play your deck needs some tweaks. Despite being a newbie on HERE, I know plenty about Elemental HEROes. :D

Mind mentioning some of said tweaks? :3 I'd like to do at least a little bit of competitive play

Pabel wrote:
what. no one is going to mention about my hero deck? aww now i am sad. anyways look at some of my decks too so i hope it can help you.

ok XD where can I find said decks to look at?

Tragedy wrote:
The lack of Necroshade, Neos (Spacian Mole) and Dark Fusion is somewhat disturbing. Razz

Then again, Divine Neos would be helpful, too.

In this deck? I don't really have room for two whole other themes in here XD I already got a lot going on with the omni heroes and flare wingman to throw in 2 whole other themes. Don't wanna pull a Jaden~

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

hmm well if your runnig burnastrix and the other ones like that, you gotta run the field card and umm that trap that lets you remove fromplay monsters in your deck as fusion, and use it with umm id otn remember the card name, but if someone knows what i mean tell him. XD

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

sintras4 wrote:
hmm well if your runnig burnastrix and the other ones like that, you gotta run the field card and umm that trap that lets you remove fromplay monsters in your deck as fusion, and use it with umm id otn remember the card name, but if someone knows what i mean tell him. XD

Fusion Gate and Parallel world fusion? Yeah I could try those :3 Though what would I replace those with?

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

- all traps that arent decree (that should be 4 take out)
- 2 R
- H
- heart of the underdog
- 2 solidarity
- card trader
- the a. forces
- terraforming
- 2 skyscraper
- 2 woodsman
- 2 ocean

deck count = 31

+ 1 avian
+ 1 burst
+ 1 clay
+ 3 bubbl man
+ 1 future fusion
+ 3 fusion gate

this is jsut some rough help if you want some serious help contact jaden_yuki-- and he will help you alot he has best hero deck ive ever seen Oh Shit

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

mimgrim wrote:
- all traps that arent decree (that should be 4 take out)
- 2 R
- H
- heart of the underdog
- 2 solidarity
- card trader
- the a. forces
- terraforming
- 2 skyscraper
- 2 woodsman
- 2 ocean

deck count = 31

+ 1 avian
+ 1 burst
+ 1 clay
+ 3 bubbl man
+ 1 future fusion
+ 3 fusion gate

this is jsut some rough help if you want some serious help contact jaden_yuki-- and he will help you alot he has best hero deck ive ever seen Elemental Hero Deck~ 932147

Not to be difficult, but I disagree with all of these changes except maybe the traps, Heart of the Underdog, and Terraforming. Why would I take out all of the heroes with good effects and put in all of the ehh normal ones? I mean I already have 2 of each, of course, but woodsman is a better clayman, and Ocean is a better avian/burst/bubble man. a tad of reasoning would be appreciated if these are serious changes. Also, you're asking to remove all of my attack boosting cards, which are often needed due to the heroes having low base attack (except Flare Wingman, he's a beast~).

Though, I'll take up your advice on talking to jaden XD I've heard around that his deck is pretty awesome~

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

you already have kinf of the swapm to get woods man hes not there as a clayman so hes really pointless thereive found ocean to be a bit mesh at times because of his low attack so he doesent really stay long enough for you to use his effect and ofc E-heros have low attack but if you want a high atk beaststick go alius

but what i sugested gives some more consitincy gives you more options to go and fusion and the idea of this deck is to be omni heros and focus on the stirbute E-heros mostly although you could go with skyscraper 2 (i saw ehero duelist do some serious spam with this card and bubble man Oh Shit) instead of fusion gate

but you dont really need atk boosting for E-heros as you should be going fusions mre then worrying about getting your heros atk power up but if you want a high attacker then put in alius other wise what i sugested gives your deck a bit better consitency

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

I kinda see your point, but I would think that if i were to go that route, that I'd want to put more of the traditional heroes that actually use those monsters for materials rather than the omni heroes, due to my reasoning before of taking out the heroes that actually do something. What would you suggest for an extra deck while using your additions/subtractions?

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

like E-hero abs zero, E-hero nova flare, E-hero the shining, E-hero wild tornad (or is is great tornado? O_O), E-hero soemthing gaia, ummmmmm oh and E-hero escuarido (spelt wrong -.-) nasicly they are the fusion heros that require 1 hero monster and 1 other mosnter of any atribute.....you ould also put in vision heros, put in mask change along with masked heros, electrum and tempest can also work

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Rhonder wrote:
total cards: 50

Monsters: (20)
Elemental Hero Avian x2
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x2
Elemental Hero Clayman x2
Elemental Hero Sparkman x3
Elemental Hero Ocean x2
Elemental Hero Prisma x3
Elemental Hero Stratos x1
Elemental Hero Woodsman x2
King of the Swamp x3

Spells: (24)
Card Trader x1
E - Emergency Call x3
H - Heated Heart x1
Heart of the Underdog x1
Miracle Fusion x3
Polymerization x3
R - Righteous Justice x2
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Skyscraper x2
Solidarity x2
Super Polymerization x3
Terraforming x1
The A. Forces x1

Traps: (6)
Mirror Force x1
Royal Decree x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Wall of Revealing Light x1

Extra Deck: (15)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero x2
Elemental Hero Escuridao x1
Elemental Hero Gaia x1
Elemental Hero Nova Master x1
Elemental Hero Great Tornado x1
Elemental Hero The Shining x2
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant x1
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman x1
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman x3
Number 39: Utopia x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1

Ok seeing you wish to play at some form of competitve play ( at locals ) and thus I understand you wish ot have a fun deck that can pack a decent punch if everything goes your way. With the understanding of what your goal is I would suggest the following fixes ( seeing I believe they will make the deck faster, more consistent and yes more argressive )

-1x Wall of Revealing Light ( no need for a card that is going to be a free nuke for Inzektors )
-2x Royal Decree ( we will get to better alternatives in a minute, you can still side deck it though )
-2x Super Polymarization ( you could side deck 1 though )
-2x Solidarity ( harly any need for it, seeing Heroes make their some what weak atks up with their effects )
-1x The A. Forces ( same as Solidarity, besides just running 1 is random )
-1x Heart of the Underdog ( I understand why you added it though, but you run a shitload of spells, which kinda defeats the prupose of having it )
-1x Card Trader ( I will bring the deck down to between 40-42, and thus no need for Card Trader, seeing your prohability percentages will go up tremendiously )
-1x Heated Heart ( just bad overall )
-2x Rightous Justice ( same as Heated heart )
-1x Miracle Fusion ( no real need for it, I mean if you play your stuff right, you will finish before needing the 3rd Miracle )
-1x King of Swamp ( you play 2 Woodsman, 2 swamp and 3 poly, chances that you will open with that combo piece is already high enough, besides your focus is to end in the beginning or middle of the game. Not late game )
-2x Skyscraper ( hellpfull card I admit, but you are playing Fusions and not beat down or little city )
-1x Terraforming ( no field Spells anymore to search out )
-2x E-Hero Clayman ( I see no need for him, seeing you dont want to be "stalling", and even if you wish to stall at times, there are far better options for that to do so sir )

+1x Monster Reborn ( staple in any deck )
+1x Dark Hole ( same reason as Monster Reborn, i mean Konami lets us have the priviledge of using broken cards, so why not use them lol )
+1x Heavy Storm ( backrow clearance )
+2x Mystical Space Typhoon ( same as Heavy Storm, but then the quick 141 option )
+2x Pot of Duality ( free adding of your choice, of what you reveal obviously )
+2x Solemn Warning/Bottomless Trap Hole ( I would always go for the Warnings but meh some people dont seem to like them .. lol )
+1x Solemn Judgment ( staple in my honest opinion )

Now things brings the deck to a perfect number of 40 ( which will already increase your combo draws by a significant number. If you dont believe me visit my article ( posted the link at the very bottom of my signature ). Now if you somehow do wish to push the deck to 42 cards ( which imo is the absolute maximum for any deck ) you could try to add the following cards:

+1x Future Fusion ( I myself dont think you will be needing it, but meh )
+1x Honest


+2x Maxx "C" or Effect Veiler ( that should be tested heavily, which suits you and the deck better ).

Those are my fixes of what I understand of what your goal is with the deck and you own dueling career. So have fun with it and good luck sir.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

The_Dutch_Prince wrote:
Rhonder wrote:
total cards: 50

Monsters: (20)
Elemental Hero Avian x2
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix x2
Elemental Hero Clayman x2
Elemental Hero Sparkman x3
Elemental Hero Ocean x2
Elemental Hero Prisma x3
Elemental Hero Stratos x1
Elemental Hero Woodsman x2
King of the Swamp x3

Spells: (24)
Card Trader x1
E - Emergency Call x3
H - Heated Heart x1
Heart of the Underdog x1
Miracle Fusion x3
Polymerization x3
R - Righteous Justice x2
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Skyscraper x2
Solidarity x2
Super Polymerization x3
Terraforming x1
The A. Forces x1

Traps: (6)
Mirror Force x1
Royal Decree x2
Torrential Tribute x2
Wall of Revealing Light x1

Extra Deck: (15)
Elemental Hero Absolute Zero x2
Elemental Hero Escuridao x1
Elemental Hero Gaia x1
Elemental Hero Nova Master x1
Elemental Hero Great Tornado x1
Elemental Hero The Shining x2
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant x1
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman x1
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman x3
Number 39: Utopia x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1

Ok seeing you wish to play at some form of competitve play ( at locals ) and thus I understand you wish ot have a fun deck that can pack a decent punch if everything goes your way. With the understanding of what your goal is I would suggest the following fixes ( seeing I believe they will make the deck faster, more consistent and yes more argressive )

-1x Wall of Revealing Light ( no need for a card that is going to be a free nuke for Inzektors )
-2x Royal Decree ( we will get to better alternatives in a minute, you can still side deck it though )
-2x Super Polymarization ( you could side deck 1 though )
-2x Solidarity ( harly any need for it, seeing Heroes make their some what weak atks up with their effects )
-1x The A. Forces ( same as Solidarity, besides just running 1 is random )
-1x Heart of the Underdog ( I understand why you added it though, but you run a shitload of spells, which kinda defeats the prupose of having it )
-1x Card Trader ( I will bring the deck down to between 40-42, and thus no need for Card Trader, seeing your prohability percentages will go up tremendiously )
-1x Heated Heart ( just bad overall )
-2x Rightous Justice ( same as Heated heart )
-1x Miracle Fusion ( no real need for it, I mean if you play your stuff right, you will finish before needing the 3rd Miracle )
-1x King of Swamp ( you play 2 Woodsman, 2 swamp and 3 poly, chances that you will open with that combo piece is already high enough, besides your focus is to end in the beginning or middle of the game. Not late game )
-2x Skyscraper ( hellpfull card I admit, but you are playing Fusions and not beat down or little city )
-1x Terraforming ( no field Spells anymore to search out )
-2x E-Hero Clayman ( I see no need for him, seeing you dont want to be "stalling", and even if you wish to stall at times, there are far better options for that to do so sir )

+1x Monster Reborn ( staple in any deck )
+1x Dark Hole ( same reason as Monster Reborn, i mean Konami lets us have the priviledge of using broken cards, so why not use them lol )
+1x Heavy Storm ( backrow clearance )
+2x Mystical Space Typhoon ( same as Heavy Storm, but then the quick 141 option )
+2x Pot of Duality ( free adding of your choice, of what you reveal obviously )
+2x Solemn Warning/Bottomless Trap Hole ( I would always go for the Warnings but meh some people dont seem to like them .. lol )
+1x Solemn Judgment ( staple in my honest opinion )

Now things brings the deck to a perfect number of 40 ( which will already increase your combo draws by a significant number. If you dont believe me visit my article ( posted the link at the very bottom of my signature ). Now if you somehow do wish to push the deck to 42 cards ( which imo is the absolute maximum for any deck ) you could try to add the following cards:

+1x Future Fusion ( I myself dont think you will be needing it, but meh )
+1x Honest


+2x Maxx "C" or Effect Veiler ( that should be tested heavily, which suits you and the deck better ).

Those are my fixes of what I understand of what your goal is with the deck and you own dueling career. So have fun with it and good luck sir.

Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely try out these edits, and I read through your article as well, very useful information for a beginning duelist like myself, for sure. I'll do some play testing with this and see how it suits me

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

I just glanced at your deck 'cause I really don't got much time atm but my quick opinion would be to:

-The A. Forces
-Heart of the Underdog

+Monster Reborn
+Heavy Storm
+1-2 MST
+Dark Hole

Depending on whether you wanna use traps or not, my favorite traps for an EHero deck are:
Mirror Force
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dimensional Prison
Hero Signal

I really don't use any other HERO card aside from E-Emergency, so I don't wanna tell you to take out R, but you could also just throw in a heavy storm if you wanna take out their back row.
With heroes it shouldn't be too hard to bring out power in a fight since you have fusions like Great Tornado or Gaia always backing you up. Not to mention if you're backed into a corner you can whip out Absolute Zero for protection. You got to have the staples in this deck that you do in practically every deck. Monster Reborn, Dark Hole, etc.

Also you want to keep your hero deck at 40-42. I always fit in 40 but to each his own.

I'll come back to this when I have more time later. D:

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Thank you for the suggestions :3 due to the Dutch Prince's suggestions, the staples have been added. I need to update the decklist on the front page, which I'll do in a short while. This post will be edited when I do so

EDIT: Decklist on the first post is now current~

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

I will post a deck list that I run and does fantastic at tournaments. Its not too far from yours. But at the moment Im at work and kind busy so it will have to wait till I get some free time.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Awesome! :3 I'll be looking forward to seeing your set up XD

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Ok. Now that I have the time Here is my fix of the deck you are currently running. I decided to try and make your deck a little better as I think that the Polymerization Engine isn't that bad. So here are my adjustments to your deck starting with the cuts:

-2 Elemental Hero Avian
-2 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
-3 Elemental Hero Sparkman
-3 Elemental Hero Prisma

-2 Pot of Duality

-1 Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
-1 Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
-1 Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
-3 Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman
-1 Elemantal Hero Escuridao
-1 Nova Master

Thats all the cuts from your current deck. The Reasoning: Avian, Burstinatrix and Sparkman are all normal monsters that aren't strong at all so the only justification for running them is to get fusions that you also don't need to run (Thunder Giant, Flame Wingman and Shining Flare Wingman.). Also Prisma needs to go since without these monsters he has no purpose. The Pot of Duality is an argueable card since alot of Hero decks tend to run 3 copies but in playtesting I have seen this over and over block the very thing this deck does and that is Fusion Summon. With all the search that this deck runs, and like most of my decks gets anorexically skinny,
there is just no point in running Pot of Duality. Then why cut Mirror Force from the Main Deck? Mirror Force is usually just too slow. What I mean is that Mirror Force has to sit and wait until the Battle Phase comes along and then your opponent has to attack with a monster. My point is alot can happen before that Battle Phase comes along and in that time your opponent could destroy it before it ever is able to get used. Its better to be more reactive with traps that can respond and interrupt your opponents current plays. Im not saying to get rid of it totally just Side Deck it because there are decks that can't blow up your cards as fast and rely on more agressive beatdown and thats when you should side this in. The Escuridao and the Nova Master I cut because you don't need them as much as other Fusions and you will see what I mean.

So with all those cuts out of the way here is your deck with a new kick:

Monsters: 14
3 Elemental Hero Neos Alius
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
2 Elemental Hero Ocean
2 Elemental Hero Woodsman
2 King of the Swamp
2 Deep Sea Diva
1 Snowman Eater
1 Marshmallon

Spells: 18
3 Polymerization
3 Miracle Fusion
2 Mask Change
3 E-Emergency Call
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Future Fusion
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn

Traps: 10
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgement
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Hero Blast
2 Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra Deck: 15
3 Elemental Hero The Shining
3 Elemental Hero Absolute Zero
1 Elemental Hero Gaia
1 Elemental Hero Great Tornado
1 Vision Hero Adoration
1 Vision Hero Trinity
2 Masked Hero Dian
2 Masked Hero Acid
1 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

The whole deck is pretty simple. The Alius pairs up with Hero Blast, allows you a beatstick and provides you with material for fusions. Woodsman provides solid defense, searchs out or recycles Polymerization and allows you fusion material for many of your fusions but also pairs up with Mask Change to get you Dian. Ocean allows you to recycle your heros but also pairs up with Mask Change to get Acid.
King of the Swamp provides added search for Polymerization and can be used as fusion material for Absolute Zero whether he is in the hand or grave( Polymerization or Miracle Fusion). Deep Sea Diva searches out another copy of herself which thins out the deck and then allows you to overlay into Gachi Gachi as stall or beef up for other monsters. The Snowman Eater and Marshmallon Provide added defense plus monster kill or burn respectively.

The Spells Are maximised to try to fuse, fuse and fuse some more. Once Polymerization for something you can then Miracle Fusion removing those cards from the grave to fuse again. Future Fusion can be used for any fusion but mainly is used to set up the graveyard for your other cards like Miracle Fusion and Hero Blast. Personally I use Future Fusion with Vision Hero Trinity to dump 3 Elemental Hero monsters to the grave. Its a trick that tends to pay off alot. All the other spells are standard except Mask Change which is a must so you can get access to Acid and Dian. Perhaps no combo is sweeter than to fuse into Absolute Zero and then to use Mask Change on Absolute Zero to get Acid. Absolute Zero leaves the field and your opponents monsters blow up and Acid hits the field and your opponents spells blow up and any monsters on your opponents side of the field still standing get a -300 to ATK. Its Crap-tastic!!! lol

The Traps are all meant to react faster to your opponents monster plays and deny them their monsters. Plain and simple.

Lastly the Side Deck. Many things could be sided here but this is what I would run:

Side Deck: 15
1 Marshmallon
1 Snowman Eater
2 Effect Veiler
1 Book of Moon
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Starlight Road
2 Fiendish Chain
3 Super Polymerization

These are all tech options to stop different decks like Wind-Up, Inzektors and Dino- Rabbit to make it competitive. The starlight road works to protect your cards from mass destruction and decks like Lightsworn with their added destruction of Judgement Dragon and Celestia. I would have put Mirror Force in but just wasn't room. Also if affording Fiendish Chain is a problem you could always put Mirror Force and 2 copies of Hero Blast in for it as a more affordable option.

So there you are. Let me know if you like it and just ask me if you have any questions. Have Fun. sunny

Last edited by ValiantCon on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:06 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : correct missing word)

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

Hmm, well I'm not going to overwrite my current deck with this, but I definitely think that this deck looks fun and am going to make a new deck on DN with this! :3 It's especially helpful since I just picked up a physical copy of both The Shining and Acid yesterday (My friend got one of the new tins, so I was able to trade him for them. I'll be getting one myself as well, so at least 1 more shining, and hopefully another masked hero or two too :3) Anyhoo, thanks for the deck idea~


@Anyone else who might wander by this thread: Still accepting/wanting edits for the deck posted in the first post as well

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

You should probably Base it off Shinning

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

ok something to try out would be to get 3x each fo the normale E-heros except neos now just here me out

with 3 each of avian, burst, spark, and clay you have the perfect targets for prisma now then you get 3 prisma, a stratos, 3 bubble man and a ocean

fusion spells should be like 3 miracle, 3 fusion gate (instead of poly), 3 super poly, and 1-2 parrael fusion thingy


descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

hmm I'll definitely give it a shot XD Next time i play test I'll try those changes

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

oh ye ai forgot extra ._.

1 each of wild tornado, gaia, nova, and the dark E-hero, 2 abs zero, 3 shining, 2 electrum (1 incase you can briung it out and 2nd one for prisma) 2 temepst (1 to bring out and 1 for prisma), and vision heros :/

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

i think you should try to add vision heroes too. they are quite decent. Vision hero adoration helps you to kill a monster that is too strong ( example: hamon the striking thunder) i admit that gaia can do the same thing but since adoration is less specific, you can summon him much easily than gaia. also , he can help you to summon escuridao since he's a dark monster. i usually run two. in my deck i usually run two of them. also i use vision hero trinity. he can help you to clean out a field full of strong monster since he can attack three time a battle phase and when hes special summoned, his attack is doubled (until the main phase) he can be very useful against many cards that effects wont be able to target (meaning that their attack cant be altered by other cards, such as gaia) for example, you can bring down an obelisk the tormentor the turn you summoned trinity. Since he cant direct attack, i think that you should include only one, if possible.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

I usually don't run more than one Adoration at the most, and I love Trinity, I do, but his effect doesn't make him immune to traps. Sure he's a (5k ATK on first turn) swinging ragestick, but he's too easily trap-rapable, & he can't attack directly with those 3 attacks.

descriptionElemental Hero Deck~ EmptyRe: Elemental Hero Deck~

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