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descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Soooooo, I think I got a pretty good deck here. Tell me what you guys think! I would love feed back.

Genex Ally Birdman x 1
Honest x 1
Sangan x 1
Chaos Sorcerer x 1
Cyber Dragon x 1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis x 1
Inzektor Hornet x 3
Inzektor Dragonfly x 3
Inzektor Centipede x 3
Thunder King Rai-Oh x 3

Spells (13)
Monster Reborn x 1
Foolish Burial x 1
Book of Moon x 1
Heavy Storm x 1
Dark Hole x 1
Swords of Revealing Light x 1
Pot of Avarice x 1
Allure of Darkness x 1
Smashing Ground x 2
Mystical Space Typhoon x 3

Traps (Cool
Solemn Warning x 2
Solemn Judgement x 1
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x 1
Torrential Tribute x 1
Mirror Force x 1
Dimensional Prison x 2

Extra Deck (3) (I am in the process of getting a stardust/blackrose)
Number 39: Utopia x 1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x 1
Underground Arachnid x 1

Side Deck (10)
Smashing Ground x 1
Cyber Dragon x 1
Scapegoat x 1
Genex Ally Birdman x 1
Gemini Imps x 1
Dimensional Fissure x 1
Chaos Sorcerer x 1
Macro Cosmos x 1
D.D. Crow x 2

So yeah, tell me what you guys think! Also, I know I need vailers xD.

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Also, as I'm no Inzektors expert nor do I wish to be xD, my only advice is to toss in more stuff into the Extra, you have 12 more slots, might as well throw something in there.

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Hmm, maxing out thunder king for me could work, but not in my best interest,a nd umm maining honest, and or chaos sorcerer isnt really an idea lockdown to help with inzectors, though I wouldnt recomend genx alley birdman in this run either. Though you could run some tourguides, and instead of a crap iron scarecrow, to run two torrentials instead, since inzectors can eaily catch up with it. Its a very unique deck but its main focus is really on itself, though you can run the tourguides as I suggested and take out cyber dragon for a veiler, since anti meta always consists of veilers. Razz BUt those are only a few suggestions for the meanwhile

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Thanks. I am sure that once i get veilers, my deck will be close to complete. Personally though, i like scrap iron scarecrow. But i might end up side decking it if i do want to run the swcon torrential. Do you guys have ideas for synchros? Or xyz? Either would be helpful! Oh and honest is in there cause of light bait

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Take out Chaos Sorcerer for Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the beginning or take out Book of Moon

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Ive been trying to get a bls. I need him badly lol. Hopefully ill get one next week. Otherwise, it seems good?

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i would swap birdman for gale......

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For this deck, birdman is better cause i can only use one gale oppose to three birdman if i want too

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

I have been playing Inzektors as one of my decks since it first came out. So I know my stuff when it comes to them. None of what follows is a personal critique on you or your deck building skills just what I have playtested and found what works. With that in mind you should cut:

-1 Genex Ally Birdman

-1 Honest

-1 Chaos Sorcerer

-1 Cyber Dragon (Put it in side deck.)

-3 Thunder King Rai-oh

-1 Swords of Revealing Light

-1 Pot of Avarice

-2 Smashing Ground (Put in the side deck.)

-1 Dark Hole (Put in the side deck.)

-1 Scrap Iron Scarecrow

-2 Dimensional Prison

-1 Mirror Force (Put in the side Deck.)

-1 Torrential Tribute

Those are all my Main Deck cuts. Real fast here are the reasons. Thunder King Rai-Oh needs to go for 2 Reasons, first, he stops any search or recruit to the hand from the deck and thats what Inzektors thrive on. Second His anti special summon tribute ability works only on inherent summons and around 85 Percent of the time doesnt help. So he has to go if you want the deck to run right.

You shouldnt be running Honest as you only have 4 light monsters to use him with. It just isnt enough to be a consistent trick.

Genex Ally Birdman has his place in the right deck but it isnt this one as it will slow you down and is rather a road block to the deck. Wind Ups I run 1 to 2 main deck as he makes so many options open up and plays beautiful. But not here.

Chaos Sorcerer should be replaced with Black Luster Soldier and then Soldier should go right to your side deck along with the Cyber Dragon that should also go side deck. The reason? Black Luster Soldier, or any chaos monster like him is too inconsistent in the main deck unless done right and even then I just dont like it. Better to side him along with 6 consistent Light monsters. This way you can change up your strategy and blow away your opponent with plays he couldnt predict. Once people find out that you run Inzektors they Side in 3 Shadow Imprisoning Mirror and it could be good game unless you side in and make it less vulnerable to their Shadow Imprisoning Mirror.

Then Swords of Revealing Light which is just too vulnerable in the meta to be ran, especially at one copy, and if you have to play a mirror match against another Inzektor its even worse. You shouldnt stall and be on the defensive with Inzektors.

Pot of Avarice is Far, Far too inconsistent usually showing too early for me to use it and when I can use it I Don't Want To as the focus is on getting Hornet to the grave as soon as possible so there is no reason to run this. I have ran without it and dont miss it at all.

Dark Hole was at first a judgement call for me at first and then I realized how beautiful it runs without it in the main deck. I don't want to blow up all monsters on the field just my opponents and hornet can be abused to serve that function. Also cards like Starlight Road are showing up in more and more decks after the banlist put Torrential Tribute at 2. The same reasoning applies to Torrential Tribute and thats why it needs to be taken out.

Smashing Ground is also not the focus. Again, get Hornet to the grave then dominate your opponent by popping his field one at a time, several times in the same turn ideally. LOL

Scrap Iron Scarecrow, Dimensional Prison and Mirror Force all suffer from the same problem: THEY ARE JUST TOO SLOW. They have to wait till your opponent has already summoned and is attacking and by then its usually too late because your opponent either has dealt with your back row, have a way to stop it, can work around it or just doesn't care. The only one worth side decking is the Mirror Force and thats because of the amount of field leveling it can do to your opponent. Stiil Mirror Force shoud be side decked.

So now for the additions:

+3 Inzektor Hopper

+2 Armageddon Knight

+ 1 Dark Armed Dragon

The 3 hopper can be used in combo with your other Inzektors to smack your opponent directly and skip their monsters but beyond that he can also abuse hornet just as much as your other Inzektors and hes a solid 1700 atk also in a tight spot you can equip him to Dragonfly or Centipede to search out or summon a creature. The Armageddon Knight pitch your hornet to the grave faster making you go off on your opponent faster and making your Dark Armed Dragon viable sooner.

Dark Armed Dragon is just a beast and you control what is in the grave with this build so well that you can bring out Dark Armed Dragon nearly anytime you want.

Then the spells:

+3 Pot of Duality

+3 Inzektor Sword- Zektkaliber

Pot of Duality helps to get the card you need when you need it and since you don't special summon that much with this deck you can play it and it works.

The Zektkaliber is amazing. Most of the time I hate equip spells because if they kill my monster then they get it and the equip card but with this equip when it goes it gets you a Inzektor from the grave back to the hand. Plus whatever you put it on gets an 800 atk and def bonus. Its too good not to run.

Then the traps:

+2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

To be on top you need to be more reactive than passive and compulsory and bottomless allow you to step into alot of situations and diffuse them quickly like during the summoning.

The side Deck should look something like this:

1 Black Luster Soldier

2 Cyber Dragon

2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2 Effect Veiler

1 Dark Hole

2 Smashing Ground or 2 Torrential Tribute

2 Chain Disappearance

3 Fiendish Chain

If not Fiendish chain because of price or whatever you could run Black Horn of Heaven and/or Dimensional Alchemist which is another light monster that could speed the deck up and give you a way of retrieving Hornet or any other monster that you want or need back from the removed from play pile.

Just build it and play test and you should have a lot more consistency which is the key to winning. Either way have fun. sunny

Last edited by ValiantCon on Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Forgot Mirror force but that is another option for the side deck. LOL:P

Also as a side note, I have been told by my friend that Inzektor Orb is good in Inzektors because it can stop effect veiler and fiendish chain if used correctly and anything else that would target my Inzektors. I haven't play tested with it so I don't know but you could also give that a shot in place of Fiendish Chain.

descriptionRate my Inzektor Anti-meta EmptyRe: Rate my Inzektor Anti-meta

Thank you. Ill keep all that in mind lol. My issue with pot is that, with the type of deck i am running, its not needed. I will def side deck compulsery. Honest is going asap. Tbh i only have her in there cause of light bait. I am keep genx because of underground arachnid. I am running the rai-ohs cause im having a hard times finding good light bait. Otherwise, thank you for all the suggestions! I will keep these in mind

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So ive fixed up my deck a little, So im going to repost it.

Genex Ally Birdman x 2
Effect Veiler x 2
Sangan x 1
Chaos Sorcerer x 1
Cyber Dragon x 1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis x 1
Inzektor Hornet x 3
Inzektor Dragonfly x 3
Inzektor Centipede x 3
Thunder King Rai-Oh x 3

Spells (11)
Monster Reborn x 1
Foolish Burial x 1
Book of Moon x 1
Heavy Storm x 1
Dark Hole x 1
Allure of Darkness x 1
Smashing Ground x 2
Mystical Space Typhoon x 3

Traps (Cool
Solemn Warning x 2
Solemn Judgement x 1
Torrential Tribute x 2
Mirror Force x 1
Dimensional Prison x 2

Extra Deck (7)
Number 30: Acid Golem x 1
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x 3
Underground Arachnid x 1
Stardust Dragon x 1
Black rose Dragon x 1

Side Deck ()
Smashing Ground x 1
Cyber Dragon x 1
Scapegoat x 1
Genex Ally Birdman x 1
Gemini Imps x 1
Chaos Sorcerer x 1
Macro Cosmos x 1
D.D. Crow x 2
Effect Veiler x 1
Pot of Avarice x 1
Swords of Revealing Light x 1

I pretty much just finished my deck today, cause I pulled a ghost rare black rose and I got three veilers and a stardust. So yeah, tell me what you guys think now?

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