listen im not sure if you are the admin jaden on BC but im pretty sure you are anyway WTF you banned me FOR 3 Months ON BC WTF BEFORE YOU BANNED SOMEONE YOU Shud Hear what the person is gonig to say Before you banned someone dam it when i made that post i was saying i have repect for KCVDS and how hard seto worked on it but people on some academys are saying that seto has gotten lazy so lazy that he will never update KCVDS and i was starting to belive it so all i was trying to say that can he speed it up because it been like a year seen seto ever updated KCVDS and if he was working on it a few month back(like 3,4or 5 months after months after he KCVDS last update) then 1.16 wud of been out already no wait 1.17(or 1.18 not sure) wud of been out(no offenise to seto if im getting a little worked up in this post and a little angry)but im just saying speed it up a bit,oh and jaden past this post on to seto for me,thank you for your time to read this post ( note i wud of posted this on spam but you removed it oh well )