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New rank images?

Train Heartnet
Amy Kool
17 posters

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyNew rank images?

These text ranks don't really fit the theme that well.
Something like this might look good.
New rank images? Da_ban10
Full credit to my bud vanq for the pack.

Of course there are diff colors.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

the only one you show is the banned image?

show more like Administrator and Moderator, if the Admins one will be sexy then i might think of it a bit.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

I like that one lol. pretty simple and good, much better than my current rank New rank images? 1854617810

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

New rank images? 396789

wanna check if it fits ya ?

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

well idk about other ranks, but The Article Team members still need their Rank Image. Seeing we only have a color but thats about it. So Neji, might wana look into that.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Darkneji please make a sexy admin rank to convince anzo because I'm sick of this admin rank now lol. New rank images? 3294350614

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

I made that rank for Anzo. :]
Err.... admin may be a small problem. I can't make white ***** :/

New rank images? Da_adm11

New rank images? Da_jud10

etc etc

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

maybe i can help that is if you let me give a list of my ranks.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Like make your own? Cuz I don't need help. I'm basically editing his PSD's into ranks for here since he's allowed me to.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Darkneji12 wrote:
Like make your own? Cuz I don't need help. I'm basically editing his PSD's into ranks for here since he's allowed me to.

should try to make them more alive or cooler

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

yuseifudo33 wrote:
Darkneji12 wrote:
Like make your own? Cuz I don't need help. I'm basically editing his PSD's into ranks for here since he's allowed me to.

should try to make them more alive or cooler

Not everything should be cool or alive. Sometimes Profesional looks on something attracts high quality members. Ranks and websites are so different when it comes to making a signature or a LP in PS.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Darkneji12 wrote:
yuseifudo33 wrote:
Darkneji12 wrote:
Like make your own? Cuz I don't need help. I'm basically editing his PSD's into ranks for here since he's allowed me to.

should try to make them more alive or cooler

Not everything should be cool or alive. Sometimes Profesional looks on something attracts high quality members. Ranks and websites are so different when it comes to making a signature or a LP in PS.

ok mr.pro no point on telling you hints or tips if always gonna reply with something smart to cover up facts but w/e your choice

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

No, but really i dont like these xD.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Yusei, I'm not really ignoring what you say nor do I think I'm pro or know more than you.

If you want all three of us can make ranks to see which one everyone likes?

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Im up for it.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Darkneji12 wrote:
Yusei, I'm not really ignoring what you say nor do I think I'm pro or know more than you.

If you want all three of us can make ranks to see which one everyone likes?

no thnx just saying your rank look like they are strict
is that what you want on a first look at the academy bunch of no fun strict ppl. think about it
side gfx isnt a competition and always know that there will always be something new to learn.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Ok Neji-chan, make the following rankes:

Administrator: i know, i saw it already but meh .. >_>

Judge: lol (Cyan)

Moderators. (Orange)

Teachers. (Green, Not soft Green)

Article Team Member (Dark Green)

GFX Team Member (Dark Pink)

Graduated Duelist (Violet)

Obelisk Blue Duelist (Blue)

Obelisk Blue Leader (Blue, and "Leader" with white)

Ra Yellow Duelist (Yellow)

Ra Yellow Leader(Yellow, and "Leader"with white)

Slifer Red Duelist (Soft Red)

Slifer Red Leader (Red, and "Leader" with white)

Banned Member. (White)

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Maybe the former black color fits more into your theme neji lol. I mean if you use glow, white glow should be seen too isnt it. Ur the gfx man so i think you could find some idea for it lol

if not well as amzo said: meh >_>

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Amy Cool wrote:

if not well as amzo said: meh >_>

Agreed. I personally liked the ones back in 2010/2011 better.
I'll see what I can do. But I seriously need suggestions.

Someone find me a...
Slifer the Sky Dragon Sprite
Winged Dragon of Ra Sprite
Obelisk the Tormentor Sprite

Uhm... I have no idea what to use for Abandoned..

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Here are some lol

New rank images? 215831_%28181%29

New rank images? 215831_%28627%29

New rank images? 215831_%28162%29

But honestly the ones that Romaxas made us were better and since they were made for us we should use em again. Something like these new ranks you presented neji and fitting those sprites in would be awesome. problem with them before was only because whole rank was in same color so they never came so much in the first view :D

anzo probably knows where they are he was the skin editor i hope he didn't lose such a good thing ._.

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Dat obby sux
Ra and Slify are sexy :3

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Okay I found our precious treasure of DA :D

New rank images? Slifer2
New rank images? Ra2
New rank images? Obelisk2
New rank images? 11Abandoned2

New rank images? Kaiserryo3zj

New rank images? 2moow80DA Administrator
New rank images? 358ubg5DA Moderator
New rank images? WgztkgDA Tester
New rank images? 2m2i2kxSlifer Duelist
New rank images? 33cc9qaObelisk Duelist
New rank images? AxfripRa Duelist

my honest opinion is that our own sprites are better than those i googled and its always best to have own ones than to steal Razz

well you could use these slifer ra and obi for dorms cut them precisely out of those colorish ranks and import them into your ones so that we have a simple good looking rank spiced up with a lil sprites :D

Anzo is goin to make new banners so don't bother that caius i think he is not so comparable with gods ._.

but that dark zane could fit very good i mean look at him he is too awesome not to use him.

so we would have ranks with sprites that represent dorms (and that way it would be easier to recognize staff and regular dorm members)
and staff would not have any sprites (for now at least lol)

so adapting what you already done with those ranks of yours to these sprites could be a great outcome Razz

this is just my opinion dunno what others think

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

i kinda like the ones we have now really...

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

I like the dorm ones. The staff ones I don't like that much.

(Talking about current ones)

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Okay I got some time and felt like I'll do ranks too <.<

New rank images? Administrator
New rank images? Moderator
New rank images? Judge
New rank images? Teacher
New rank images? Articleteam
New rank images? Gfxteam
New rank images? Abandoneddark
New rank images? Obeliskblueleader
New rank images? Obeliskbluesprite
New rank images? Rayellowleader
New rank images? Rayellowsprite
New rank images? Sliferredleader
New rank images? Sliferredsprite
New rank images? Banned

New rank images? SliferspriteNew rank images? ObeliskspriteNew rank images? Rasprite

There, all ranks that we need. Tell me what you think. I think that they are better than any ranks DA ever had. Because I'm awesome New rank images? 3276957130

I also uploaded sprite renders if someone needs.

*anything which does not involve "OMG amy u rock" is not recommended to post*

EDIT: Changed ranks for Admins and Slifer Red so you can see how they are when used. This is temporary of course if you don't like them we won't use them
EDIT 2: But, you better like them!

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

OMG amy u rock

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Amy you had PS?

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

Gimp ^^ I don't need PS since I only use Gimp for little edits. These ranks made a friend of mine for me but I edited them to fit our forum colors etc. They are great and were just sitting there at my comp doing nothing so i thought why not give the price to DA :D

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

I'm still making my own rank tho :c

New rank images? 358ubg5DA Moderator


descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

i still liked the duel disk ones...

descriptionNew rank images? EmptyRe: New rank images?

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