My personal Favorites have always been the Elemental Heroes, I like to either run Super poly heroes or classic heroes, but those are the decks I've used for years xD
Middle School: I discovered the Elemental HEROes after dueling them with my classics deck (I used cards like Swordsman of Landstar, my personal favorite before Ehero Sparkman was a Normal monster, 1500 def, I forgot the name v_v'), and I traded alot of my cards for an entire EHeroes deck.
It was painful, because I liked the cards I had before, but I played with the Eheroes on my PSP (Tag Force 1), so I liked the looks of them, unbeknowest to me that they would become my favorite archtype in the entire game.
So thats it for dramatic story, I got an eheroes deck IRL, I played with them for a long time, memorizing their strategies and moves, and then I got into online dueling, and after progressing through academies and DN, here I am :3