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Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

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Train Heartnet
10 posters

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyTech Genus Rapid-Synchro

Monsters (22)
T.G. Striker x3
T.G. Warwolf x3
T.G. Rush Rhino x3
T.G. Cyber Magician x2
Junk Synchron x3
Tuningware x3
Sangan x1
Glow-Up Bulb x1
Spore x1
Lonefire Blossom x1
Dandylion x1

Spells (11)
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
De-Synchro x2
Mind Control x1
Monster Reborn x1
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
One For One x1
Foolish Burial x1
Pot of Avarice x1

Traps (7)
TGX3-DX2 x2
Solemn Warning x2
Solemn Judgment x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Extra (15)
Formula Synchron x1
T.G. Recipro Dragonfly x1
Armory Arm x1
T.G. Hyper Librarian x1
T.G. Wonder Magician x1
T.G. Power Gladiator x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
T.G. Blade Blaster x1
Shooting Star Dragon x1
T.G. Halberd Cannon x1
Shooting Quasar Dragon x1

Just take a look at the list, and let me know what you think of it. I'm trying to improve it, so any input would be helpful...

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

take out the de synchros and mabey replace them with forbidden lances

take out the spore for another bulb or a gorz (3 targets is not enoguh for spore IMO)

have you considered throwing some rykos and veilers in and try putting in BLS-EOTB if yuo make room for rykos and veilers also i would say take out either the solemn W or BTH dont have noth the one you take out should be sided i suggest siding the solemn Ws

thats all i really got

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

A couple questions on your choices for changes:
1. Why would I take out the Spore for another Bulb if I can only use Bulb's effect once no matter how many of them I have?
2. Why would I replace my De-Synchros with LANCE of all things? (Over-rated card IMO)
3. Why would I require more monsters to put in BLS? I already have 5 Light monsters (Cyber Magicians + Tuningwares, along with light synchros) I've thought about that before, decided against it when I found it was a dead-draw most of the time, or wasn't as good as other plays I could make by the time I got it in hand...

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

NemesisOmega wrote:
A couple questions on your choices for changes:
1. Why would I take out the Spore for another Bulb if I can only use Bulb's effect once no matter how many of them I have?
2. Why would I replace my De-Synchros with LANCE of all things? (Over-rated card IMO)
3. Why would I require more monsters to put in BLS? I already have 5 Light monsters (Cyber Magicians + Tuningwares, along with light synchros) I've thought about that before, decided against it when I found it was a dead-draw most of the time, or wasn't as good as other plays I could make by the time I got it in hand...

i said for another bulb OR gorz, another bulb is just so you have a better chance of getting one in teh grave .___. but i would go with gorz myslef.

well you already have most of the staple spells in that i see and i dont think de synchro is that good of a card while lance can be a very good lifer saver card O____O

forgot the magicians and tuningwares where light monster but i think veiler and ryko have bette rchance of getting in grave so BLS-EOTB wont be a dead draw

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

mim you have valid points... but they are all useless really. There is no purpose of two bulbs unless:
1. you never mill them/get them in hand/grave
2. you think 1 is inconsistent (I think it is imo, but that''s only in my junk doppel deck)

In any case, Naturia beast and Naturia Landoise + Naturia Barkion lock on your deck, how do you get out of it.

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

i said for another bulb OR gorz, another bulb is just so you have a better chance of getting one in teh grave .___. but i would go with gorz myslef.

well you already have most of the staple spells in that i see and i dont think de synchro is that good of a card while lance can be a very good lifer saver card O____O

forgot the magicians and tuningwares where light monster but i think veiler and ryko have bette rchance of getting in grave so BLS-EOTB wont be a dead draw

De-Synchro is a very good card in the deck simply because it opens up a lot of draw power with formula synchron, especially since my level 1 non-tuner is tuningware...

As for the BLS, I'd still rather run Cyber + tuningware over Ryko + Veiler, as I never did like Ryko, always was my least favorite lightsworn... There are a couple of things I would say about BLS, but I don't want to get the mods down on me...

Harbinger wrote:
mim you have valid points... but they are all useless really. There is no purpose of two bulbs unless:
1. you never mill them/get them in hand/grave
2. you think 1 is inconsistent (I think it is imo, but that''s only in my junk doppel deck)

In any case, Naturia beast and Naturia Landoise + Naturia Barkion lock on your deck, how do you get out of it.

Yes, well, how does ANY deck get out of that?

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro


Harbinger wrote:
mim you have valid points... but they are all useless really. There is no purpose of two bulbs unless:
1. you never mill them/get them in hand/grave
2. you think 1 is inconsistent (I think it is imo, but that''s only in my junk doppel deck)

In any case, Naturia beast and Naturia Landoise + Naturia Barkion lock on your deck, how do you get out of it.

Yes, well, how does ANY deck get out of that?[/quote]

Well ofc. silly Razz

Naturia (;

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

Somethings you really need to consider, Debris, Maxx "C", BoM, and replace the bottomless with Dimensional Prison (so much better imo).

@Har-> Agents rape that lock imo

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

Train, think of me negating everything they do.
Spell card? Mill 2.
Trap card? Remove those 2.
Effect monsters effect? Discard a spell


descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

exodia, i win :I

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

train wrote:
exodia, i win :I

No Spaming D:, give fixes or leave D:.

@har-> I drop Hyperion and Kristya, both of them have more attack points then all of your monsters= dead.

As for the deck also consider chains.

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

All i can say is listen to train (took the words out of my mouth).

And i would suggest running xyz monsters as well.

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

listen to train. he also took the words right out of my mouth, but supremeking i dont think he should run xyz monsters on a deck that totally focus on synchro summoning. another thing what harbinger said about that lock, dont let it bother you cuz i rarely seen that happening. :D and i really hope not seeing it either cuz i know it will blow my mind. oh yeah i got a way to win against it. super poly which solved most of my dueling problems :D

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

i would suggest getting read of both t.g mag
for either 2 doppel or tragoedia since cant do alot of ***** with all the synching going on.

-1 de-synch
+1 either rota or tuning

idont see room for veilers

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

Everyone hatin' on the De-Synchro... I can't even understand why...
A) It sets up for reverse synchro plays in which I go into a different
synchro monster for a more needed effect (Example: Wonder Magician to
eliminate back-row, then Catastor to kill a monster.)
B) It sets up for massive draw potential with formula synchron via Tuningware.
C) If nothing else, you essentially bounce an opponent's synchro monster...

Train Hardnett wrote:
Somethings you really need to consider, Debris, Maxx "C", BoM, and replace the bottomless with Dimensional Prison (so much better imo).

@Har-> Agents rape that lock imo

Debris is pointless at 1, especially since I don't have any monsters besides Dandy that would give it's effect any power. Maxx "C"s, I don't have the 45-50 per to spring on them. BoM, can't find room for... D-Prison... I only have 1 copy, and I don't like adding in pricey cards if I don't have them (About 10 per)

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

Seems solid the only this I would drop is the 2 cyber magician's for doppelwarrior's but that is just my opinion, good deck.

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

so what happens if you get all your plant cards in your hand?

descriptionTech Genus Rapid-Synchro EmptyRe: Tech Genus Rapid-Synchro

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