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descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

Thank you for taking the time to post responses to my interactive article! I will first go over all the side decks that responded to my article before getting into my side deck.

Darkness Evil:
2 Snowman eaters
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Bottemless trap hole
2 Mind Crush
2 Banisher of the radiance
2 Debunk
2 Maxx "C"
1 Vanity's Feind

Snowman Eater: An interesting card, but in my opinion it's just not good enough to be sided in this deck with the poor matchups I have.
2 MST: Staple in Side with only 1 in main.
2 Bottomless: Staple in Side with 0 mained.
2 Mind Crush: Right idea, perhaps, but I've actually found something better for TG Stun. Wink
2 Banisher: An interesting choice. I may try them sided.
2 Debunk: Great card, not found in our area though.
2 Maxx "C": Staple.
1 Vanity's Fiend: This hurts me a lot. I would have rather seen a Pot of Duality for consistency.

2x Cyber Dragon - Good vs T.G, Karakuri, Hero Beat, Machina Gadgets..
1x Leeching the light - Agents, Lightsworns
1x D.D. Crow - Plants, Agents, Darkworlds..
1x Spirit Reaper - Rabbit, Plants, Darkworld too..
2x Bottomless trap hole - Rabbit, T.G. and other random decks
2x Mystical Space Typhoon - Rabbit, T.G., Machina ...
1x Debunk - Darkworlds, Plants...
1x Kycoo the ghost destroyer - Plants, Darkworlds, Agents...
1x Doomcaliber knight - Darkworlds, Plants..
2x Fiendish Chain - Rabbit, Plants..
1x Royal Decree - Rabbit, T.G ..

Trying to cover too much at once, I think. DoomCal in a deck full of effect monsters is a bad idea. Kycoo's not very good since Rai-Oh will no doubt be sided against this deck. Fiendish Chain is meh. I don't know if I want to run that much trap hate against that deck or focus on messing up their plans. Also... 1 Reaper is a no. I'm already running 1, if I wanted to run 2 I would main deck 2.

Train Hardnett
Maxx "C" x2
Effect Veiler
Doomcaliber Knight x2 - wins games nuff said
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
D.D. Crow
Cyber Dragon x2
Mind Crush
Bottomless Trap Hole/Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Trap Stun/Royal Decree
Spirit Reaper

No qualms with this, except as stated above.

2x CyDra - vs machine typos and ur Extra deck Chimeratech would be total waste ;D
2x Maxx "C" - Suprisingly stops SS 8D
2x Doomcaliber - Just pro
2x Gemini Imps - vs DWs
1x Kycoo - vs dw's plantyo's 'n' shizz
2x MST - S/T hate
2x BTH - vs Rabbit
2x Debunk - vs DW's plantyos

Gemini Imps are a decent card to try. I don't like DoomCals for the reason listed above: They make me wait on a card. Kycoo I already explained, everything else looks solid.

3x Maxx "C" --> You're suppossed to main these.
2x Cydra
2x Debunk
2x Gemini Imps
1x Veiler
2x Imperial Iron Wall
1x Leeching the light
1x Closed Forest
1x Smashing Ground

Imperial Iron Wall takes away from the deck I'm using, though it's an interesting concept I don't think it's the best card to use in the situation. Closed Forest is -beautiful-.

2x Maxx "C"
1x Effect Veiler
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Leeching The Light
2x Bottomless Trap hole
2x Fossil Dyna
2x Debunk
2x Gemini Imps
1x Mind Crush

Fossil Dyna is okay. I think he takes away from the explosiveness of my deck though. On the other hand, he's a really good topdeck for my poor matchups.

Kyosuke Kiryu
1 Soul Release - Personal tech. I love it, and has done me wonders.
1 Starlight Road - LS, TT, Mirror Force, Black Rose rct.
2 Chaos Hunter - Best side versus Rabbit besides Maxx_C. It can discard your darks, and your mali/plagues
2 Cyber Dragons -
2 Maxx C
1 Dust Tornado - Why not?
2 Ally Of justice Qurantine - Imo better than leaching ;D
2 Gemini Imps
1 Effect Veiler
1 Dyna

Soul Release is a decent card, but I don't think too many people in our area own one. SLR isn't a good side for the simple fact that it should either be mained or not at all. Quarantine is interesting, but Rai-Oh gets over it.

Okay, now to reveal what my side deck is:

2 Effect Veiler (No Maxx "C"s. They're currently a $20 card, no one in my area has them, and this is the next best card I can use against Plants.)
2 D.D. Crow (Same reason as above, with the added advantage of being able to Crow Grapha. Given DW is my worst matchup, this does make sense.)
2 Bottomless Trap Hole (Card's good, works wonders against Dark Worlds, slowly provides an out against Rabbit.)
2 MST (Spell/Trap hate. Nuff said.)
2 Royal Decree (Wrecks TG Stun, and surprisingly DW players here play a lot of traps, so it's a good call.)
2 Cyber Dragon (So I don't leave my sided Chimeratech Fortress Dragon useless, not to mention Machines are making a comeback and CyDra gets rid of Rai-Oh)
1 Smashing Ground (Great tech card for Rabbit.)
2 Leeching the Light (Too many people are running BLS variants, this card stops them. Also helps with Rai-Ohs, which everyone appears to be maining.)

Maxx "C": None in this area.
Debunk: None in this area.
Gemini Imps: None in this area.

Unfortunately, online play and real life play differ in that you can't always have the cards you want in real life.

My name is Jin Kazama, this has been part two of two of an interactive article. I welcome comments, questions or concerns. Keep in mind the meta here is different than the meta in YCS-level play.

descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyRe: Appropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

If Maxx Cs are around 20 CAD where you live, i will gladly buy them all if anuone happens to get them. But i told you before I had maxx cs and Imps for trade a while ago, but you didnt want them lol

Anyways a few of the choices listed I want to go over. First off Banisher and Veiler they dont do much against plants anymore. For banisher, Tengu and Thunder King exist. It will get run over easy. Tour guide being a 1 card xyz, you can also just summon tour guide, search sangan, make leviathan or leviair. Plants have too many outs to this card, it wont last on the field unless you dedicate your backrow to protecting it. Veilers reasoning is a bit similar, most games plants win, its due to grinding on Raiou, Tengu, or even reaper. Veiler doesnt do anything to these. of course it stops that caius, although most people side it out when going second. And then theres the synchro plays but regardless it doesnt like stop them long term. Its a reason why its a considerable side out in the plant mirror, including one for one and debris. I see Veiler doing more to Agents and Karkuris than too plants. Basically maxx c exists, and does the job much than veiler. Fossil Dyna also has the same problems as banisher. Although its good against rabbit, especially when its game 2 and they dont have a clear idea on to bring out.

Debunk isnt very good either outside the draw. Does nothing to the summoning of grapha, and isnt very good when you go second. Imps and crow do the job much better against Dark World. Id rather use multiple debunk agsinst decks where they have various hand traps. i cant really see myself siding more than 1 atm.

In addition to the reason you listed on why you dont like Kycoo, its not that good anymore overall, due to the meta being more defined. In the beginning it was a decent side choice because no one knew what to run, it was good against Agents which were the most played deck at the time. but now there are so many better things to run

Leeching is still the better card over Quarantine. Quarantine uses up your summon, loses Thunder King. And against agent variants that run tour guide. it was so much better when the format started compared to now. And there are too many outs to it in general. While leeching as very few outs, which forces Agents to play more conservative games 2 and 3 so they dont lose to leeching

When it comes to bottomless vs rabbit, it isnt very good outside of going 1st, and d prison is vastly superior in comparison. Chain, Prison and smashing do a much better job in this matchup. Like you said bottomless slowly provides an out for you, the cards mentioned above do it right away. I really dont want to give rabbit those extra turns, (unless i have reaper on the board)

I think you should give the 2nd reaper and fiendish a second look, especially reaper. A lot of decks this format dont have effective outs to reaper esepcially rabbit where you force them to use up their lances and smashings. Its also good against plants, Agents when they have kristya out, and even darkworlds, due to grapha being their only real out, but they dont have a consistant way to dump things. There will be many times where reaper will stall out games. And fiendish hits a lot of stuff too, again best against Rabbit, and also karakuri. The problem being if you use it on something like a Raiou, it forces you to waste more outs to get rid of it, while as something like d prison gets rid of it right away.

So id make getting Maxx cs a priority. If i get anymore for trade ill let you know, in addition to any other small things just let me know. And idk how your meta is so i cant effectively provide my opinion , this is just my opinion on the meta right now, since NY and the rest of the East Coast is very competitive

descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyRe: Appropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

If you can't find cards at your area then why don't you buy/trade them online ?

Anyway, most of your side deck is staple means it's sorta predictable. Dark World users, Agents users, Plants users, Gadgets variants users might have a clew about what you might side in and what might take out so they might side to kill your sided cards, Everything else was said by RS.

For me as plants user, it won't be hard to get over your side deck. However i see the point of your side deck .. decent build however try SLR and get ur self Maxx "C" $_$

descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyRe: Appropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

We do, but we can't find anyone with Maxx "C"s. Having said that, I'll probably be taking up the online trading (I'll have the Trade binders) and as a result I'll be looking for them. If you have any to spare... I'll take 'em all.

As I said. Veiler isn't as good as Maxx "C" and if I had them I'd be using them.

My problem with SLR is that I can stay with Plants, but it's a horrid topdeck and if I'm able to stay on par with them, SLR is not as useful. I can try it though.

descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyRe: Appropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

A couupplleee of things we need to remind ourselves on here...
If you ever go to a locals... don't worry about high-value decks
(tour guide/rabbit)
Relevantly, there will only be 1-2 of them.
Tour guide is easy to get over.
Solemn, Black Horn, Bottomless Trap Hole (The XYZ), Trap Hole (<3)
Don't get overwhelmed by these types of deck.
Btw, why would you side veiler? No need to side it.
Another Thing:
Snowman Eater's Purpose: Rabbits
Laggia attack snowman. Snowman destroy Laggia (EpicWinFace)
Snowman also = kill Bls/Chaos sorc/Anything pretty much.
(Given they haven't already removed it with BLS)
^Black Horn of Heaven that **** 8D
In most of my decks (That run one archetype) I'll try to run 2-3 of each type of "mirror"
*Shadow Imprisoning Mirror (Murders Tour Guide + Dark World)
*Light Imprisoning Mirror (Murders Agents, Lightsworn, you name it)
Both mirrors serve a purpose. To make your opponent cry while you bash their skull open with your monsters while their monsters have no effects.
One time at regionals:
"Flip Ryko, target your monster"
I flip Light Mirror
"Wow what a gay tech no one uses that card anymore"
Friend right next to me activates his too.
Shadow imprisoning Mirror is sexy too <3
Murders dem Dark Worldz
(They can still special Grapha which is annoying -w-')
^But that's why you side BTH! :D
Bottomless Trap Hole:
Amazing, side it main it doesn't matter.
Gemini Imps: Do I need to explain them?
Maxx C: Side-decked? No.
Main Decked, always.
Idc what you have to do... Main it.
Yu-Gi-Oh all depends on who goes first the FIRST game of the MATCH.
Going first is usually a Win-Condition.
Past weekend at regionals I lost once to Dark Worlds because they got to go first and set up.
Needless to say their backrow was 5 cards + a card in hand (trag)
I gave him a trag (bad move on my part) and continued to get my cards destroyed, over and over and over again.
No... Just...
I don't think I even side this anymore.
I would reccomend you maybe take these out when you aren't using a light/dark deck and instead put in 2 of each shadow and light impris.
The occasional Veiler is fine... the occasional Maxx C is fine.
Honest is a ... ************ but it's also fine.
CyDra: Hell Yes.
You need this thing now.
KaraKU are getting annoying again. I was almost OTK'd 3 times at my last regionals
It was BAD too.
"Herp derp special all of these."
Mirror Force

I seriously thought he was going to trap stun or something LoL
Nuff Said.
D.D. Crow: No.
1. You can't chain it to BLS/Chaos Sorcerer (Which makes it... ehh)
2. Can't chain it to Glow-Up Bulb
3. CAN chain it to Debris (Which is ehh)
4. CAN chain it to Dandy (Which is mehh)
5. Can't chain it to JD (Which makes it ehhhhmehhhh)
Fiendish chain:
Nuff Said, jussayin'
This card is ... amazing.
Stops the following decks:
Dark Worlds
^The Meta, Just so you know.
Royal Decree:
I see this card in my side deck.
I could really care less about the first game.
If they run heavy backrow? Yeah get screwed over buddy. I HAZ ROYAL DECREEZ
Yes, I can see this happening. Would I use it? No.
Kycoo is a great card and all of that, but he isn't very good when it comes to not wanting to waste cards.
If you have a good play, you want to set up, right?
1 Kycoo isn't enough.
1 Kycoo gives you the following Plusses:

2 Kycoo gives you the following Plusses:
Consistency +9001 (Which is a big deal)
Playability +9001 (Which is a big deal)
Leeching the Light:
2-3 is preferred in any deck, BUT the light-imprisoning mirror is much more preferred on my part.
The reason this is so is because of the fact that Leeching is on their light monsters, yes? For ONE turn.
Light-Impris mirror is for the REST of the DUEL. (Pretty big deal)
*Note: It is only for the rest of the duel if you are smart with them and you actually get one on your first turn. If you don't? That sucks. It is for at least 4+ turns if your opponent doesn't decide to destroy your back-row)
Doomcalibur Knight: Go nuts.
I main them Lol
(I main 1, side 2. I think they're just hilarious when my opponent decides to do things)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo: Side Decked: YES
Main Decked? Depends on if you have Anti-Meta worthy deck (Certain builds of Dark World, actual anti-meta, Grave Keepers ect. ect.)
Fossil Dyna stops EVERY special summon:
Gorz, Trag, Grapha, DW specials, EVERYTHING!!!!
Aside from being a 1200/1300 ATK/DEF monster, he's amazing Razz
For the love of GOD don't just normal summon him on your first turn unless you have backrow support.
(At least you'll be able to slow down your opponent for one turn, right?)
Chain Dissapearance:
A NEEDED Card in every side deck (2-3)
Destroys the following:
Agents (Shine balls, gachi, earth)
XX-Saber Darksoul (No searching, ggs sabers)
The list goes on and on (especially for KaraKU LOL!)
SIDE THIS if you run a deck with all the same attribute!
(Exceptions of Veiler/Maxx C since they stay in your hand)
This card messes up Plants, RABBITS! All different kinds of decks!!! (Remember that next time)
Black Horn of Heaven: Do I need to explain this? Stops the following Decks:
Rabbits (the XYZ)
(The list continues on...)
My decently Built side-deck:
2 CyDra
2 Gemini Imp
2 Light-Impris Mirror
1 Fiendish Chain
2 Shadow-Impris Mirror
2 Gozen Match
2 Black Horn of Heaven
2 Chain Dissapearance

descriptionAppropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article) EmptyRe: Appropriate Side Decking, Part II (Non-Interactive Article)

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